#title Birchers Active in Detroit #subtitle Attack LSD ‘Conspiracy’ #author Tao Chu Kwang #SORTauthors Tao Chu Kwang; #date 1967 #source [[https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/22-january-15-30-1967/birchers-active-in-detroit]] #lang en #pubdate 2024-11-27 #notes Fifth Estate #22, January 15–30, 1967 When most Detroiters think of the organized right-wing in this city they immediately conjure up images of Don Lobsinger and his lunatic organization, Breakthrough, throwing Soviet flags at speakers, disrupting concerts because groups from the Soviet Union are playing there, or trying to break up (or through) peace demonstrations. Certainly, the Breakthroughers are spectacular and through their bizarre actions guarantee headlines. However, less spectacular, but perhaps -much more effective are the activities of the John Birch Society. Although there is an overlap in membership, Breakthrough and the Birch Society express ‘scorn for each other; the former saying the latter is not militant enough in dealing with the ‘communists’ in Detroit. The JBS, as its members refer to it, is active throughout white Detroit. It has headquarters/ bookstores at 10141 W. McNichols, Detroit; 6725 Allen Rd., Allen Park; and 201 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor. These storefronts are lushly furnished in a red, white and blue decor and carry what is described as “authentic John Birch Society literature.” Drop by and see what they have to offer. If they don’t discover that you are a “red rat” they are very cordial and have some fantastic stories to tell about the extremes to which the “communist conspiracy” goes in Detroit. The JBS has regular meetings in the Detroit area at which films are shown with such titles as “Civil Riots, USA,” “The Berkley [sic] Revolution,” and “The United Nations, Peace Dove Unmasked.” They state that their meetings are “open to all intellectually objective people” and that “honest questions (will be) fully answered by an official of the Society.” The meetings coming up in the near future are to be held on the West Side at the Thomas Edison School, 1045 Grand River near Southfield, on Jan. 19th and March 16th at 8:00 p.m. On the East Side Birchers will assemble at the Pulaski School at 19725 Strasbroug, at 8:00 p.m. They advertise the meetings as having “no charge” and invite you to “bring a friend.” So why not take them up on their offer? Go see the right-wing underground in action. Again be discreet and be prepared to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag (the U. S. one) and sing the Star Spangled Banner. You DO know the words to both of these, don’t you. The JBS also sponsors a radio program on CJSP Radio, 710 kc AM. It’s called the John Birch Society Report and it’s heard every Sunday at 8:00 p.m. It’s fairly interesting and some laughs. Another thing the JBS pushes hard is the local version of the nationwide network of “LET FREEDOM RING” recorded phone messages. By simply lifting your telephone and dialing 386–7550 you can receive a bitter diatribe inveighing against anything from fluoridation of the water to folk music (both well known commie plots). The messages change each week. Some of the most recent messages have been about the attempt to flood the country with “slave labor goods” i.e. goods produced in socialist countries and an alleged attempt by UNICEF to replace Jesus with Santa Claus as the “saint” of Christmas: However, the strangest recording and perhaps the one most telling as to where these people are really at, was on the week of Jan. 1st. This was concerned with what the recorded voice called “The LSD Conspiracy.” The caller is told, receiver gripped suspensfully in hand, that “the communists recognize LSD as a weapon of conquest more devastating than the atomic bomb.” After describing the usually known ill effects of the “drug,” such as “permanent brain damage,” the recording gets into the use the commies plan to make of this “diabolical drug.” Upon taking the “drug,” the message continues, “persons would become so bemused with the odd things happening to them they would not be able to resist aggressors.” This is a quote attributed to Dr. Sidney Cohen of the University of California who is a respected researcher in the Field of LSD and whose quote is surely out of context. Having read some of Dr. Cohen’s works, I am ‘sure he would give no credence to an “LSD Conspiracy” theory. However, with authority behind it (from Berkley, no less) the mechanical voice further informs us that “the victims (of LSD) would become so consumed with love of their fellow man they may even welcome the invaders.” Now is this bad? Maybe we could give the invaders a dose and we could all love one another. But the real kicker comes at the end of the message. Where are the commies getting this “diabolical drug” to ply upon unsuspecting American Youth? Where else? ISRAEL!! Yes, children, once again the International Zionist Marijuana Conspiracy raises its ugly head threatening our fair land. This is for real, though. What the final message and recording leaves you with is that, “Although produced in the United States (ED. NOTE: There are no legal manufacturers of LSD in the U.S.), great quantities of this diabolical drug are smuggled in from the Weitzman Institute in Israel. For documented proof, send 35 cents to the LSD Conspiracy, P.O. Box 23, Lincoln Park, Mich. So kiddies, as the sun sets on paranoialand we hear the mechanical voice of the message suddenly take on an identity. (There used to be none until the threat of a Congressional investigation into anonymous right-wing hate messages). The voice says as sweetly as possible, This message was brought to you by the Let Freedom Ring Committee, 6725 Allen Rd. Park (one of the headquarters of the Birchers), Dave Franz speaking.”