Joe Mulkey

LEMAR Meeting Sparks Marijuana Campaign



LEMAR’s second meeting happened Jan. 4th at the Artist’s Workshop and I mean IT REALLY HAPPENED, over fifty people showed up. The place was full of happy, alive, enthusiastic human beings. It was just downright out-of-sight. We’re getting together—here’s what came out of the last meeting:

  1. A committee was formed to produce a one page flyer/bibliography. This will be a handout to make the people aware of us, what we are trying to do, and where they can get more information.

  2. A research group was formed to compile material for a lengthy ten-to-twelve page booklet which will deal more extensively with some of the studies done on marijuana.

  3. There will be a fundraising concert at the Workshop coming soon—watch for notices in this paper.

  4. Plans for a Midwest Conference on Consciousness Expansion in the spring, and a symbolic puffin on May 1st are still going ahead. Plus lots more.

Membership in the Detroit Chapter of LEMAR are available for $1.00 a month. We hope to have a speaker at all future meetings which alone should be worth the membership fee.

If you want to help on any of the above projects stop at 4857 John C. Lodge and somebody will tell you what’s happening. If you believe in what we are doing but feel you can’t get involved at this time—your contributions will really help. Send them to:

LEMAR, 4857 John C. Lodge, Detroit, Michigan 48201

Next meeting Jan. 19, 8:30 p.m., 4857 John C. Lodge. Bring your friends and your parents. Save your seeds—Spring is coming.


See more on this subject in the Fifth Estate’s Archive.

Fifth Estate #22, January 15–30, 1967