#title Dick Tracy’s Crimestoppers Textbook #author anon. #SORTauthors anon.; #date 1976 #source [[https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/273-june-1976/dick-tracys-crimestoppers-textbook]] #lang en #pubdate 2015-08-11 #notes Fifth Estate #273, June 1976 [[2-j-fe-273-10-crimestop.png]] This is for all you young Crimestoppers who might be interested in reproducing one of Chester Gould’s best. Tracy can always be relied upon to get to the root of the matter without any minced words, and his is a lesson we could all learn a lot from: The desire for easy money, tax-free, with a disdain for work and the law, marks a potential criminal. FE note: This graphic appeared as a large centerfold poster in the print edition.