#title FE Bookstore #author Fifth Estate Collective #SORTauthors Fifth Estate Collective; #date 1985 #source [[https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/320-spring-1985/fe-bookstore]] #lang en #pubdate 2020-09-28 #notes Fifth Estate #320, Spring, 1985 The FE Bookservice may be reached at the same address as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202 USA; telephone (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in. HOW TO ORDER BY MAIL: 1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each; 2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $.63 U.S. or $.83 foreign (minimum charge for 4th class book rate postage); 3) total; 4) write check or money order to: The Fifth Estate. P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202. TELOS: A Quarterly Journal of Radical Thought, Fall 1984 Articles on “The Future of Democracy,” “Culture and Development,” “Religion in the USSR,” “Profane Mythology,” and other Telos fare. Always a mix of the interesting and the obscure. Telos Press 240 pp. $6.00 MINER CONFLICTS—MAJOR CONTRADICTIONS An account of the British miners strike. From the introduction: “...mining communities, and those who identify with the struggle, are actually beginning to discover real life- outside and against the commodity-spectacle.” B.M. Combustion 31 pp. $1.00 NO STATIST SOLUTIONS: Anarchism and “the troubles” in Ireland by Michael Ziesing Contains selections from the Dublin anarchist paper “Outta Control” and an interview with Hit Parade, an Irish Band. A first hand account of Ziesing’s travels in N. Ireland and his observations from a libertarian perspective. A review of this pamphlet in “Freedom” set off quite a debate between English and Irish anarchists. 46 pp. $2.50 THE CONTINUING APPEAL OF NATIONALISM by Fredy Perlman A reprint of the article which first appeared in [[https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/319-winter-1985/the-continuing-appeal-of-nationalism/][FE #319, Winter, 1985]]. Black and Red, 58 pp. $1.00 A PEOPLE’S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES by Howard Zinn “...engaging, informative, passionate and extremely well-written...the best critical survey of American history available.” — from the Fifth Estate review of the book. (See Fall 1982 FE) Harper/Collophon Books, 614 pp. $8.50 IDEAS FOR SETTING YOUR MIND IN A CONDITION OF DIS*EASE Articles on “The Perception of Militancy,” “Transition” by Gianni Collu, “Against the Language of Self-Defeat,” and more. Graphically attractive detournements. Black Thumb Press, 34 pp. $1.00 WARTIME STRIKES by Martin Glaberman A long-time Detroit resident chronicles the struggle against the no-strike pledge in the UAW during World War II. An exciting account of autonomous organizing which had to take on the union and the state. Bewick Editions 158 pp. $6.00 THE BOOK OF PLEASURES by Raoul Vaneigem “The long dark night of trade is all the illumination our human history has known. It will lift as life dawns...Survival, going cheap these days in what is left of the exchange market, is the everyday production of misery, a totalitarian industry. It too is in what you call crisis, in fact the death spasm of this whole civilization.” Pending Press 105 pp. $7.50 SELECTED FE BACK ISSUES ON TECHNOLOGY (50 cents each) Vol. 15, No. 3—“Readers Debate Technology,” “Saturn and Scientism,” “On the Future of the Earth,” “Against Civilization,” Poland on the Edge,” “Jerk the Dog.” Vol. 15, No. 5—Special Issue on Technology: “Against the Megamachine,” “Marxism, Anarchism and the New Totalitarianism,” “Indigenism and Its Enemies,” “Technological Invasion,” “Community, Primitive Society and the State.” Vol. 15, No. 6—“Uncovering a Corpse: A Reply to the Defenders of Technology,” “Aversion and the Dynamo,” “The Pull-Back from Armageddon,” “Poland at the Crossroad,” Vol. 17, No. 2—“The Nuclear Freeze: Why We Didn’t Sign Your Petition,” “More Debate On Technology,” “Dismantling the Nuclear Society,” “Anti-Work and the Struggle for Control.” Vol. 18, No. 1—“Fifth Estate Tool of the Year: The Sledgehammer,” “Pentagon War Plans On Automatic,” “Notes on ‘Soft Tech,’ “ “Primitive vs. Civilized War: Some Contrasts,”( “Year of the Bible or Year of the Computer: Choose Your Poison,” “A Family Quarrel.” Vol. 18, No. 4—“Shoot Down All Their Helicopters: U.S. Out of the Americas,” “Language: Origin and Meaning,” “Newspeak and the Impoverishment of Language,” “Primitive Society, Technology & the Crisis: An Exchange.” Vol. 19, No. 1—“Turn It Off!,” “1984: Worse Than Expected?” (articles on TV and computerization), “Rudolph Bahro on Industrial Civilization,” “Domestication of Language,” Daily Barbarian supplement. Vol. 19, No. 3—“Elections: Gov’t Rule Wins,” “Media: Capital’s Global Village,” “Emma Goldman in Spain,” “The Spectacle Explodes.” For a more complete selection of back issues on technology, science, civilization and primitive society ask for a listing. SOCIALISM AND SURVIVAL by Rudolf Bahro Contains a selection of the texts first collected in book form in Elemente einer neuen Politik, together with the previously unpublished “Conditions for a Socialist Perspective in the Late Twentieth Century,” “Reply to Three Questions from the West German Radio” and “Who Can Stop the Apocalypse?” Heretic Books 160 pp. $6.00 TELOS: A Quarterly Journal of Radical Thought, Winter 1984–85 Articles on “Modernism vs. Postmodernism,” “The Decline of the Modern Age,” “Soviet Society and the World System,” and more. Telos Press 240 pp. $6.00 THE TECHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY by Jacques Ellul “The Technological Society is one of the most important books of the second half of the twentieth century. In it, Ellul convincingly demonstrates that technology, which we continue to conceptualize as the servant of man, will overthrow everything that prevents the internal logic of its development, including humanity itself...” — Robert Theobald, The Nation. Vintage Books 449 pp. $4.95 THE SECRET OF THE SIERRA MADRE THE MAN WHO WAS B. TRAVEN by Will Wyatt A fascinating detective story which tries to track down the mysterious figure of B. Traven, author of anarchist classics The Death Ship, Government and The Bridge in the Jungle. “...If he had written nothing, his adventures, which took him from the stage to a revolution to a hut in the jungle, would happily bear the telling...”—from the opening chapter. Doubleday 369 pp. cloth $7.00 ADVENTURES IN SUBVERSION: ANTI-AUTHORITARIANS ANONYMOUS FLYERS, 1981–1985 by AAA Collection of the witty, acerbic, often blunt and vitriolic detournements and denunciations of some west coast bad elements, negationists and rebels. “What better way to begin creating a new world than by destroying time?” AAA 36 pp. $2 NO MIDDLE GROUND, Fall/Winter 1985 Special Double Issue, No. 3 & 4 A unique journal in English which views events in Latin America and the Caribbean from an anti-authoritarian perspective. This issue continues the debate over the nature of the Sandanista movement with a biting rebuttal to an article in the previous issue. Also, articles on Argentina, Grenada, Chile and Puerto Rico. Information Network On Latin America is the publisher: 116pp; $2.50 SIMULATIONS by Jean Baudrillard “The very definition of the real has become: that of which it is possible to give an equivalent reproduction.. The real is not only what can be reproduced, But that which is always already reproduced. The hyperreal...which is entirely in simulation.” Semiotext(e) 159 pp. $3.95 IN THE SHADOW OF THE SILENT MAJORITIES by Jean Baudrillard “The whole chaotic constellation of the social revolves around that spongy referent, that opaque but equally translucent reality, that nothingness: the masses: A statistical crystal ball, the masses are ‘swirling with currents and flows,’ in the image of matter and the natural elements. So at least they are represented to us.” Contains four essays: “In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities,” “...Or, The End of the Social,” “The Implosion of Meaning in the Media,” and “Our Theatre of Cruelty.” Semiotext(e) 123 pp. $3.95 THE WORKING CLASS UPRISING IN EAST GERMANY: JUNE 1953 Class struggle against Bolshevism is the subtitle of the account of this little recorded moment of worker opposition to the state. Written by Cajo Brendel, it records a movement as extensive and perhaps more combative than the Polish Solidarity movement and one that intended no compromise with the Eastern sector of capital. Published by Echanges et Mouvement-London, 8.5 x 14 26 pp. $1.50 SITUATIONIST INTERNATIONAL ANTHOLOGY Edited and translated by Ken Knabb Contains over eighty texts—leaflets, articles, internal documents, film scripts, etc. With notes, bibliography, and index. “The situationist destruction of present conditioning is already at the same time the construction of situations. It is the liberation of the inexhaustible energies trapped in a petrified daily life. With the advent of unitary urbanism, present city planning (that geology of lies) will be replaced by a technique for defending the permanently threatened conditions of freedom, and individuals—who do not yet exist as such—will begin freely constructing their own history.”—S.I., 1961 Bureau of Public Secrets 406 pp. $10.00