The calendar is prepared by Fifth Estate calendar girls Karen Kovac and Naomi Epel with cooperation from Detroit Adventure. Copy deadline is the 6th and 22nd of each month and should be sent to the Fifth Estate Calendar, 1107 W. Warren, Detroit, Michigan 48201.
wed. the 2nd
DEMONSTRATION: LBJ in Detroit August 2nd. All opposed to the war, demonstrate on August 2nd at Cobo Hall, 7:30 p.m. For information call 832–5700 or 963–7711. 8/2.
fri. the 4th
FILM: “Nothing but the Best,” with Alan Bates. Directed by Clive Donner. Cynical British comedy. Rackham Educational Bldg., 100 Farnsworth. Adm. $1.00, students 75 cents. 8/4.
SHOW: Trini Lopez Show at Cobo Hall. 8:30, Adm. much. 8/4.
sat. the 5th
SPORTS: All Star Wrestling at Cobo Hall. 8:30. Adm. 8/5.
sun. the 6th
GALLERY TALK: “Pulp and Paper—Canada’s Frontier Industry,” at Detroit Historical Museum. 3:00. 8/10.
fri. the 11th
FILM: “The Railroader” with Buster Keaton will be shown first, followed by “Buster Keaton Rides Again,” a Canadian documentary on the filming of “The Railroader.” Rack-ham Educational Bldg. 8:30. Adm. $1.00, students 75 cents. 8/11.
sat. the 12th
SHOW: Country Music Spectacular at Cobo Hall, 8:30. Adm. Call 964–0442. 8/12.
sun. the 13th
LECTURE: Raya Dunayevskaya, author of “Marxism and Freedom,” will speak on “The Arab Israeli Conflict” at Central Methodist Church House, 23 E. Adams. Free. Sponsored by News and Letters. 8:00. 8/13.
JAZZ FESTIVAL: Nina Simone, Miles Davis, Cannonball Adderley, Herbie Mann, Dizzy Gillespie, Woody Herman. At Cobo Hall, Adm. $3.00 up. 8:30. 8/13.
thurs. the 17th
GALLERY TALK: “Don’t Go Near the Water!” at Detroit Historical Museum, 3:00. Free. 8/17.
PLAY: “Love Song for Blue Monday,” presented by the Inner City Theatre, 8647 Woodward. Fri. and Sat. 8:30. Adm. Student rates. 8/4-9/3.
PLAY: Detroit Adventure event of the Month. Howard’ s “The Henrietta,” Greenfield Village Players, Henry Ford Museum Theater. 8:30. Adm. 8/1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 19, 22, 26, 31.
PLAY: Detroit Summer Theater. “Sweet Charity,” Detroit Institute of Arts Aud. Tues.-Sat. 8:30, Sun. 7:30. Fri. and Sat. matinees. Adm. Call 832–2730. 8/16.
PLAY: Detroit Summer Theater. Laurel Hurley of the New York Met starring in “Kiss Me Kate,” Detroit Institute of Arts Aud. Tues. — Sat. 8:30, Sun 7:30, Fri. and Sat. matinees. Adm. Call 832–2730. 8/8-13.
PLAY: Detroit Adventure Event of the Month. Taylor’s “Our American Cousin,” Greenfield Village Players, Henry Ford Museum Theater, 8:30. Adm. 8/2,7,10,17,24,29.
“The Unpainted Pictures of Emil Nolde,” a pictorial diary by the German Expressionist during the height of the Nazi persecution when he was condemned for producing “degenerate art.” Detroit Institute of Arts. 8/1 — 8/27.
“The Arts of India and Nepal,” 4000 years of Indian art. Detroit Institute of Arts. Admission 50 cents, students 25 cents. No extra charge for tours Tues.-Fri. 11 and 2:00, Sun. -2:00. 8/1-8/16.
“Cezanne and his contemporaries, small collection at Detroit Institute of Arts. Free tours Tues.-Fri. at 1:00. 8/1-10/1.
“Paintings, Sculpture, and Graphic Arts, at the Little Gallery, 915 E. Maple, Birmingham. Tues. — Sat. 9:00 to 6:00. Call 644–5566. 8/1-8/31.
“Gallery Selections,” Galerie de Boicourt, 725 S. Adams, Birmingham. Tues.-Sat. 10:00 to 6:00. Call 642–6510. 8/1- 8/31.
Library Resources on the American Indian,” 3rd floor, Detroit Main Library. Mon.-Thurs. 9:00 to 9:00, Fri.-Sat. 9:00–5:30. 8/11-9/25.
GALLERY TOUR: General tour at Detroit Historical Museum every Tues. at 2:00. Free. 8/1
CONCERT: Detroit Concert Band, Music Shell at Mich. State Fair Grounds. Free. 8/4-6, 11–12.
CONCERT: Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Memorial Shell, Belle Isle, 8:30. Free. 8/22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30.
TOUR: Make your own window-shopping tour of Detroit, see if your neighborhood grocery is still there. Anytime. Everyplace.
CONCERT: Meadow Brook Music Festival. Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Baldwin Pavilion, Oakland University. Thurs.-Sat. 8:30, Sun. 6:30. Adm. Call 338–7211, ext. 2301. 8/3-20.
REVUE: “An Evening with Robert Goulet,” at Fisher Theater. Mon.-Fri. 8:30, Sat. 8:00 and 10:30 p.m. Wed. matinee at 2:00. Adm. Call 873–4400. 8/7-12.
CHILDREN’S PROGRAM: “Start a Hobby,” a different hobby each week. Children’s Museum, 2:30. Call 873–2670 for reservations. 8/1,8,15.
Because of the emergency situation existing at press time, it was impossible for us to receive scheduling information from the following places. We suggest you call the numbers below for specific information:
THE LIVING END, 8225 John Lodge. 872–4990.
CHESSMATE, 17126 Livernois. 862–1554.
GRANDE BALLROOM, Grand River at Beverly, 834–4904.
WISDOM TOOTH, Plum at Fifth. 962–5004.
POISON APPLE, 13109 E. Jefferson. 821–9499.
RAVEN GALLERY, 29101 Greenfield. 353–1778.
The Detroit institute of Arts announces that the 20th Exhibition for Michigan Artist-Craftsmen will be held from November 15 through December 31, 1967.
Deadline for submitting entries will be Saturday, October 14. These must be accompanied by the official entry forms. The exhibition prospectus with forms will be available approximately a month before deadline date.
“We want to announce the show well in advance so artists and craftsmen will have adequate time to prepare their entries,” said curator William Peck. “At this point, awards and purchase prizes total more than $2,000.”
Michigan artist-craftsmen may submit up to four entries in the decorative arts: ceramics, jewelry, weaving, silver, cabinet making, furniture and other crafts.