#title Select Radical Pedagogy Bibliography #author Fifth Estate Collective #SORTauthors Fifth Estate Collective; #date 2004 #source [[https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/366-fall-2004/select-radical-pedagogy-bibliography]] #lang en #pubdate 2016-06-13 #notes Fifth Estate #366, Fall, 2004 Apple, Michael. 1993. Official Knowledge. Apple, Michael. 1995. Education and Power. Apple, Michael. 2001. Educating the “Right” Way. Freire, Paulo. 1970. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Gatto, John Taylor. 1992. Dumbing Us Down. Goodman, Paul. 1956. Growing Up Absurd. Goodman, Paul. 1962. Compulsory Mis-education and the Community of Scholars. Holt, John. 1964. How Children Fail. Holt, John. 1965. How Children Learn. Holt, John. 1969. The Underachieving School. Holt, John. 1970. What Do I Do Monday? hooks, bell. 1994. Teaching to Transgress. Education as the Practice of Freedom. Illich, Ivan. 1970. Deschooling Society. Kohn, Alfie. 1992. No Contest. Kohn, Alfie. 1999. The Schools Our Children Deserve. Kozol, Jonathan. 1980. The Night is Dark and I Am Far from Home. Kozol, Jonathan. 1991. Savage Inequalities. Leonard, George B. 1968. Education and Ecstasy. Loen, James W. 1995. Lies My Teacher Told Me. Postman, Neil and Weingartner, Charles. 1970. Teaching As A Subversive Activity. Reimer, Everett. 1971. School is Dead. Shor, Ira. 1992. Empowering Education: Critical Teaching for Social Change.