#title CB Surf Scoter #author Laura Corsiglia #SORTauthors Laura Corsiglia; #date 2008 #source [[https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/377-march-2008/cb-surf-scoter]] #lang en #pubdate 2014-10-14 #notes Fifth Estate #377, March 2008 the cosco busan a shipping ship hit the bridge in the san francisco bay some weeks ago and — perhaps you’ve heard hundreds of birds--were oiled poisoned corroded bunker fuel’d well Monte ran the wash room and i became a rinser (convergent volunteers: flock weep work keep awake) hot jet under into each feather of each bird dawn cuts grease later then earlier each day close up right here waking dream life remedies lack of sleep steam bites feather condition waterproofing feet eyes lines death leakage slip buffleheads surf scoters the rhinoceros auklet double crested cormorants western grebes clark grebes eared grebes horned grebes the pied billed grebe common loons Pacific loons ruddy ducks scaup goldeneyes common murres brown pelicans release step look fly home into the world go! you ask how can there be war business war when it takes all you have to dare hold one wild animal by the beak