The dance/concert, which will be open only to those 17 or over due to local ordinances, will feature the music of the MC-5, the Rationals, the Thyme, the Apostles, Wilson Lindsey’s FDA, the Gang, Our Mother’s Children, and a number of other Detroit bands, with lights by the Pisces Eyes Light Company.
DEVA, edited by 15-year-old Dick Sloss of Birmingham and put out entirely by a teenage staff, first appeared at the beginning of summer. The benefit hopes to raise money for the second issue, which is ready to go to press.
All the performers involve will donate their work to DEVA. Use of the ballroom will also be donated freely by Uncle Russ. Admission is $2.00. For information call Trans-Love at 833–3166, or the Grande Ballroom at 8349348. Subscriptions to DEVA, at $2.00 per year, can be obtained from DEVA, 6935 N. Spring-ridge, Birmingham, Michigan 48010.