#title Anarchy in Books #subtitle A sampling of the fine books we receive #author Fifth Estate Collective #SORTauthors Fifth Estate Collective; #date 2015 #source [[https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/393-spring-2015/anarchy-in-books]] #lang en #pubdate 2015-04-10 #notes Fifth Estate #393, Spring 2015 Who’s Afraid of The Black Blocs?: Anarchy in Action Around the World, Francis Dupuis-Deri, 2013, PM Press pmpress.org The Watcher, Nicholas P. Oakley, 2014, See Sharp Press, SeeSharpPress.com (Sci-fi) The End of the World As We Know it?: Crisis, Resistance, & the Age of Austerity, edited by Deric Shannon, 2014, AK press, akpress.org Order Without Power: An Introduction to Anarchism, 2013, Seven Stories Press, SevenStories.com The Wild & The Free: Shane, Rousseau, Hippies, Donal McGraith, 2013, Charivari Press, CharivariPress.com The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance & The Origins of the United States of America, Gerald Horne, NYU Press, nyupress.org. Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed, James C. Scott, 2009, Yale University Press, yalepress.yale.edu *** PUBLICATIONS Modern Slavery, #3, modernslavery.calpress.org Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; anarchymag.org