Judie Davis

Eat It


      Pork chops and Onions

Talking-pre-holiday-pre-final-two-papers-due-blues. No feel for cooking; no money for eating out and Peter says get your column in.

Pork chops and Onions

Heat oil, brown pork on both sides, salt and pepper. Peel 5–6 onions, cut in slices and smother the pork. Pour in a little water, reduce the heat and simmer 20 minutes.

A good way to cook butternut or acorn squash: Cut and clean the squash, leaving skin on. Cut into serving pieces and put into small roasting pan with cover. Put a little water in to cover the bottom of the pan.

Season the squash to your taste; butter and brown sugar; cranberry sauce & apple juice instead of water, cinnamon; nutmeg & butter.

Or stuff acorn squash with a pork sausage dressing. Brown the sausage, add cinnamon, nutmeg, fill in squash and bake.

Support your local Eat It girl, come to Alvin’s Finer Delicatessen, Sundays between 11 and 4 pm. Sandwiches served for the after the library crowd.

Come early and have as many Fifth Estate editors as you can eat.

Fifth Estate #67, November 28-December 11, 1968