#title Poetry #subtitle Centerfold, outer side #author Guerrilla #SORTauthors Guerrilla; #date 1968 #source [[https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/69-december-26-1968-january-8-1969/poetry]] #lang en #pubdate 2021-04-07 #notes Fifth Estate #69, December 26, 1968-January 8, 1969 [Web Archive note: This centerfold insert is a two-sided 15 x 22 inch poster, of which this page can be considered the back side. The other side of the poster is rendered at [[https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/69-december-26-1968-january-8-1969/poetry-2/][https://www.fifthestate.org/archive/69-december-26-1968-january-8-1969/poetry-2/]] .] * The Consumer Society Must Die a Violent Death [[6-d-fe-69-12-poetry.png]] SPEECH & INVOICE Victor Coleman from: ‘James Crawford’ for the Six Nations to: Sir Frederick Haldimand, January 3, 1782 Father, we send you herewith many scalps that you may see that we are not idle friends. . Father, we wish you to send these scalps over the water to the Great King that he may regard them & be refreshed; that he may see our faithfulness in destroying his enemies & be convinced that his presents have not been made to an ungrateful people. . Father, attend to this for it is a matter of much weight The Great King’s enemies are many & grow fast in number. They were formerly like young panthers who could neither scratch nor bite we could safely play with them & feared nothing they could do to us; but now their bodies are becoming big as elk & strong as buffalo. They have great & sharp claws now & have driven us out of our country for taking part in your quarrel. . We expect the Great King will give us another country that our children may live after us & be his friends. . Say this for me to the Great King. . Father, we have only to say further that your traders exact more for their goods— our hunting is lessened by the war so that we have fewer skins to offer them which ruins us. Think of some remedy. . We are poor & you have plenty of everything. We know you will send us powder & guns & knives & hatchets but we also want shirts & blankets. I do not doubt that your Excellency will think it proper to give some further encouragement to those honest people. The high prices they complain of are a necessary effect of the war. Whatever presents may be sent for them will be distributed through my hands with prudence & fidelity. . I send herewith to your Excellency under the care of James Boyd eight pecks of scalps, cured, dried, hooped & painted with all the Indian triumphal marking of which the following is invoice & explanation: 1. 43 scalps of Congress soldiers killed in different skirmishes stretched on black hoops of 4 inch diameter the inside of the skin is painted red with a small black dot to note these men were killed with bullets Also 62 of farmers killed in their homes with red hoops the skin painted brown and marked with a hoe a black circle all around their being surprised in the night & in the center a black hatchet significant of the weapon with which they were slain . 2. 98 of farmers killed in their homes hoops red figure of a hoe to mark their profession great white circle & sun for they were surprised in daylight— a small red foot shows they stood on their defense died fighting for their families. . 3. 97 of farmers killed in their fields hoops green a large white circle with a little round mark for the sun for daylight black bullet marks on some hatchets on others. . 4. 102 of farmers mixed of the several marks above only 18 with a little yellow flame to mark their being prisoners who were burned alive after scalping— their nails had been pulled out at the roots & other torments—one of these we supposed to be a rebel clergyman his hand being fixed to the hoop of his scalp. . 5. 88 of women hair long & braided in the Indian fashion to show they were mothers hoops blue skin yellow ground with little tadpoles to represent the tears of grief a black scalping knife or hatchet at the bottom 17 others hair very grey black hoops plain brown colour no mark but the short club or cassetate to show they were knocked down dead or had their brains beat out. . 6. 103 of boys of various ages small green hoops whitish ground on the skin red tears in the middle a black bullet mark knife, hatchet or club. . 7. 211 of girls big & little small yellow hoops white ground tears hatchet club. scalping knife, etc. . 8 This package is a mixture of all the varieties mentioned above to the number of 122 with a box of birchbark containing 29 little infants’ scalps various sizes small white hoops *** RES-ARE/S Tam-UZ Fiofori. WE ARE ERASERS NOT U.S. RUBBER AND AS US DURABLE SECOND RUBBER-MEN WITH FIXED-SAP WE COME-IN TO ERASE INK-BLOT/S SMEARED WITH/IN HISTORY AS SEAL/S TO RAISE RE-RAISE ERASE RE-RAISE RE-ERASE AS WE ARE RAISE/D BOUNCING OFF SPONGE-BATS FLICK/ING AND FLIP/PING OUR BACK-HAND/ SHOTS TRAVELLING THE SPACE WAYS FROM PLANET TO PLANET TRACING NEW HISTORIES TO ERASE WE COME-IN-MOVE-IN/TO MEET AND FORCE YOU/R NEXT PLAY BOUNCE/IN WITH SAP/PING-PONG ENERGY BACK TO YOU. *** [untitled] “CHE” THIS APPARATUS WILL FIRE THE BURNING BOTTLES A HUNDRED METERS OR MORE WITH A FAIRLY HIGH DEGREE OF ACCURACY. THIS IS AN IDEAL WEAPON FOR ENCIRCLEMENTS WHEN THE ENEMY HAS MANY WOODEN OR INFLAMMABLE MATERIAL CONSTRUCTIONS; ALSO FOR FIRING AGAINST TANKS IN HILLY COUNTRY. *** NEW MEXICO POEM Diane di Prima NEW MEXICO-I Even the sunsets here havent won me over Havent convinced me Simply, this isnt to me familiar land Pink ears of jackrabbits high among the sagebrush Dont tell me any different . I suppose we all learn; there is in Herodotus the tale of Greek soldiers settling near Thebes each given a woman, and land, one woman so like another, one field... But they at least moved from glitter into gold: As we step backwards even the clay becomes coarser my thoughts echo big against the high, flat valley they roll back, bigger than life, to devour my dreams II—CORN DANCE, TAOS PUEBLO Red people in blankets wait for returning woodchucks. (I know it, though they dont say it) and beavers and chipmunks, and possums, and otters, gophers, white people poison the prairie dogs, if a dog find a dead one & eat it he dies—what kind of game is that? . Red people in blankets stand on their high flat roofs outlined against the sky they chant—they sing and pray and it could be Morocco except the houses arent white the women sell jewelry, giggling, the little boys catch fish with their bare hands, in the sacred river III—THE JOURNEY The city I want to visit is made of porcelain The dead are gathered there, they are at their best: Bob Thompson in his checked jacket & little hat, his grin full of cocaine, spinning down the street; Frank drunk spitting out tales of Roussel, of Mayakovsky brief anecdotes over bacon and eggs on a roll, his keenness against the wind; Fred in pointed shoes drinking an egg cream, his leotard over his shoulder in a little bag, waving amphetamine hands at the sky . The porcelain city glitters, I feel my friends hastening to join it & to join me there: Bob Creeley tearing through Buffalo streets seeking entry John Wieners holding still, mumbling and waiting tears under his eyelids; I walk in that brittle city still sleepy and arrogant and desperatly in love... IV—EVENING, TAOS VALLEY How did we come here? my bones keep asking me. They see themselves lying bleached on the sand floor of the valley they dont like it dont like it at all . the moon like a bleached skull sits behind an abandoned house the house is melting, it is becoming part of the field . Which ones are weeds? the garden teeters on the edge of success We live in a mud cave, with a stone floor a rather luxurious cave, with running water. V—FAREWELL, NEW MEXICO One thing they never mention in Western movies or those ballads they’re always writing about wide open spaces: Sagebrush has a smell And there are hills, distinctly flesh-colored, lying down in front of the purple ones. O wondrous wide open spaces! O dust on the roads! O Rio Grande Gorge! Green Taos valley full of thunderstorms and mosquitoes Mountain with two peaks, sacred to Taos indians Great ceremonial lake, fought over in congress O Taos Indians, with your braids wrapped in leather may you keep your sacred lake and whatever else you would like to keep may you drink with brother buffalo on its edge when no one at all remembers the US congress . As for me I have just changed from the D to the A train in a dark tunnel you Indians wouldn’t believe a metal tube is shrieking as it carries me to an island with four million people on it, eating supper. The newspaper tells me that there is a war in Newark. My hope is small but constant: black men shall tear down the thing they cannot name. They will make room again for the great sea birds the woods will spring up thicker than even you remember . Where you are, it is two hours earlier the breeze is cold, the sun is very hot the horses are standing around, wishing for trees It is possible I shall see you dance again on your hills, in your beads, if the gods are very kind. *** ALARIC Caryl P. Haskins, Of Men and Societies, ch. 3 Alaric (c. 370–410), chief of the Visigoths from 395 to his death, conqueror of Rome, (E.A.Thompson in Encyclopedia Britannica) Alaric al a rik, Gothic king and conqueror: (unsigned article in Encyclopedia Americana) He is not mentioned at all in Heichelman & Yeo’s HISTORY OF THE ROMAN PEOPLE (intended & heavily promoted as a college text, Prentice Hall 1962) nor in the very good OXFORD COMPANION TO CLASSICAL LITERATURE. Starr, A HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT WORLD has (Thank God! I know the man.) the sense to mention the sack though all he says about it is that “the event shocked the empire.” Scramuzza and MacKendrick, THE ANCIENT WORLD (my favorite text, Holt 1958) give it a pretty good paragraph, indicating something of the importance of the event, both as event and as symptom, but they should have referred the student to Gibbon’s great setpiece on the sack (DECLINE & FALL’ ch. XXXI), the ultimate source of their paragraph. Rostovtzeff, ROME (reprint of vol 2 of his SOCIAL & ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT WORLD’ Oxford 1930) doesn’t mention the sack at all. Rostovtzeff’s is the most widely used, at least at the better colleges, and influential textbook of Roman history. Two reasons for the cover up: fear that it’s gonna happen “here” as it must and ‘cause, since we won over the indians, it’s important to believe that winners are the good guys, so: However rugged or self reliant the individual Iroquois or Algonquin, Australian Bushman or Zulu—however superior in many features his sensory and mental organization—his loosely knit society has been destroyed or absorbed by the closely knit units of some dominant people wherever there has been serious competition. *** SIRVENTES Sam Abrams the accident of the gun of arrival at the tip of africa 50 yrs too soon cause some hittite someone in hittite territory learned how to make iron swords to use the horse in such a way single inventions made as it happens here or there or rather one invention on the coast of asia minor by semite or greek accident of geography epistimology & dont let em tell you science does work is even beautiful that mess of colonial fucking administrators drunk failed-at-home deserter shipwreck a parliment also not in the library cetshwayo’s beautiful people dancing in long lines free feet beat on earth a few more guns already the principles of fire control a few more guns would have done the job The king of the Goths who no longer dissembled his appetite for plunder & revenge, appeared in arms under the walls of the capital; and the trembling senate, without any hopes of relief, prepared by a desperate resistance to delay the ruin of the country. But they were unable to guard against the secret conspiracy of their slaves and domestics, who either from birth or interest were attached to the cause of the enemy. At the hour of midnight the Salarian gate was silently opened, and the inhabitants were awakened by the tremendous sound of the Gothic trumpet. Eleven hundred and sixty-three years after the foundation of Rome, the Imperial City, which had subdued and civilised so considerable a part of mankind, was delivered to the licentious fury of the tribes of Germany and Scythia. August 24, 410 A.D. *** [untitled] Marcelle Schwab This is the teaching: Destroy, destroy, destroy. Destroy within yourself, destroy all around you. Make room for your soul and for other souls. Destroy, because all creation proceeds from destruction....For all building up is done with debris, and nothing in the world is new but shapes. But the shapes must be perpetually destroyed...Break every cup from which you drink. *** for east harlem summer ’67 Victor Hernandez Cruz August 5, 1967 to wreck the store you buy your wears in to feel & see the glass bouncing off the ground to see & feel those things later defining points bad & points good this shit & that idea the idea of familiar streets friends of yours ripped someone out his cage someone some punks the papers said some punks some friends of mine with scars from 1959 with holes in the veins from 1963 with sons & daughters with mothers save in the projects some old men lifting their arms for the first time in years grand pops i say i saw grand pops you punks trying to burn down gas stations why you should be shame of yourself trying to overturn innocent parked cars why you should hide your face smashing bottles against the precinct walls why you would jail yourself throwing gasoline bombs why you should pray for now on knocking the ground off its legs like that breaking the A&P & taking milk & oven golden sliced bread Hunts Tomato Sauce Coca Cola bottles you later threw at your friendly police you were drunk the papers said drunk teen-agers who had no jobs winos who ran up a block one punk had a bow&arrow two punks with rifles sitting by garbage cans ready to be aimed & fired at the friendly police a girl punk going in front of the cops & yelling telling them to kiss her ass you dumb you racist gringo you worst then devils you think you bad with those big guns the girl punk with a sore throat was carried away by friends the night exploding. the papers said you were drunk BUT WE KNOW WE WERE HIGH. *** YOU TURN A CORNER AND for roberto and adalaida fernandez retamar Margaret Randall (from The Vessels) i too remember the place when the place was not a corner, not easily angles or something more abstract that making it knowable, come follow me you have seen it the eye going out along the top of a wall a garden you know on the other side perfectly combed or not, a place to sit down in. . that is how you count backwards, put yourself again in that place able to take in your fingers, separate, your parents are going to cape town now they have no reason not to no reason to say on a matter of principle i will make sacrifice, when it isn’t, not even that. . if born in the clean of things it’s the scum that draws, attracts, always come to the tongue and so you go to bronx or the lower east side sit on the stoop stain the same hand and the hand remains the same a balance ice in your mouth, warm blood between your legs. . it’s a good place that does not charge too much, tells no tales behind you you are gone into godhead and powered grace what is not yours you’re sold under the counter or through the mail nothing is felt, the pain killed before it comes, every pore protected. . but sudden the place becomes the corner is joined of itself is met on a wild death, the terrible cries don’t stop in your ears in your mouth you taste the words alive in you wanting to change them make them more plain hide them from breath they blow on the water all the new nets that sing. . i am gone now but that place is cut in me crazy the words that loose their days and nights change before me along the same wall in the garden, yes, you remember she who taught me this when i knew i was going to die i said i will learn to die well and when i lived now i will know how to live, my hands that are . my brothers. *** [untitled] Robert Kelly A place to stand. No verb, no need for that. All these days (a season is a year) rejected any place to stand that wasnt flesh. My flesh. All days I have spent to keep doors open. Know less than all more than enough (Hamilton a spook down to his throw-back hair, ochre macaroon, Washington’s black son thin pale man eating our money West Indigo blue eye, glint blue of the gleet of silver, greasy as a quarter——young,chemcraft kits detect: bogus coin, of bog, the Irish got here in good time (where’s here?), issued in JFK & me who will both survive (long pause, all gold) as lyrists. Chrysea,phorminx gold ribs of a woman’s vault o get the sound, spray the sound on the merciless air. Low Mao has fallen, from old forms, marx the 60 cycle hum, in the helectric hitself, cant get it out without you turn (the whole set off) And turn again faithful Castro, langobard of libertad, be gentle to makers who would suck your sugarcane. No man in power hungers power. No god aspires to be god. Go to confession & confesh I worked for liberty, let them give it to me up the ass what church will take a girl like me, she said & from the gold vault of the western sky, did thunder down silver absolutions on the ground: o lick me up, I sing in your pregnancy, I see (it was the tape going round that spoke) the baby in your womb all red & wet (It was the Bank in the matrix of the Union, the inter est on the national debt it was that halfbreed villain Hamilton. every experiment turns fascist fast. Flash) Nothing degenerates like success Good scientists bad alchimists) it was a boy, I saw the cock nestled in phylogeny, drearing its way down the history books. It was Rhoda went to Israel, patriot of the rain, shot. arabs with her tits, hips over Jordan, wet out of Nazareth. No man in power. The girls. get down to it. Honey dont go in today. tell you boss go suck Castro’s sugarcane. no man in power. no man in power. you cant verb a thing without a place to stand. That’s what I gave, no liberty but to do the work you are. where you are. to verb & go on verbing. No man in power. the big black cock. gets it up for peace). fifty states on a dead man’s chest. Bay of Pigs between her legs. he could not conquer. any night. Invade. Invade. Better to be dead, unread, than not to say truth. Truth is what you make. The moral. imagination of a simplistic man. is even enough. Hamilton be damned. Money be damned. I saw the whole creation travailing for me, me & Kennedy (martyrs! I am with you in your tombs) a place to stand. Chrysea phorminx gold sinews of a woman’s strength I sing on. on. on. Bank or no bank, it would not have mattered, the people had no choice. no interest. what mattered to em nothing mattered. no ground, no place to stand. You cannot rent. an opinion you cannot repay A fact. Usura was part & parcel of money, still is & once you own (use) anything, the use is interest. Earth pays her price for our tillage. (pay as you go & git). Experiment becomes. fascism. There are enough interruptions for everyman. this is me, the American. The old square harp shaped like an open door. The old song shaped like a dollar bill & by jesus it does sing green in the evening. I have spent my day. opening the door. golden lyre. who can believe your honey tongue in my head. they shot him through the throat, did that matter, they pinned the crime on somebody standing by with no mouth. did that matter? we will stand on the corners of music . we will fight by the rivers of freedom we will hear the . song to the end.