Please...Do Not Kidnap These Men
back cover

Since General Motors reported a net profit of $300 million for the first quarter of 1976, our executives have been probable targets for kidnapping by members of the criminal element and left crazies.
The Central Executive Office of GM is composed of fourteen men, most of whom live in the Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham area. Each is a valuable and integral part of the executive team and would command a high ransom if abducted.
Therefore, the Corporation is taking this opportunity to appeal to the sense of decency of any would-be kidnappers—for the nation, for the sake of our Company—do not kidnap these men!!!!
Thomas A. Murphy, 1853 Wingate Drive, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Elliott M. Estes, 391 Cranbrook Court, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Richard L. Terrell, 1380 Dorstone Place, Birmingham, Michigan
Joseph E. Godfrey, 1586 Apple Lane, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Reuben R. Jensen, 18500 Sheldon Road, Northville, Michigan
Howard H. Kehrl, 1683 Lochridge, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Charles J. Scanlon, 4 Orchard Drive, Chappaqua, New York
Roger B. Smith, 3770 Brookside Drive, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
William L. Mitchell, 760 Kennebec Court, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Ernest S. Starkman, 4794 Tully Road, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
F. James McDonald, 1100 Orchard Ridge Road, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Harold L. Smith, 1350 Lakeside, Birmingham, Michigan
George R. Elges, 2945 N. Woodward, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Martin J. Caserio, 246 Barden Road, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Robert W. Decker, 130 Marblehead, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Photo caption: Thomas A. Murphy (left), Chairman of the Board, and Elliot (“Pete”) Estes (right), President, congratulate each other in 1974, when Murphy took the helm of the Corporation.
Murphy’s home, shown below [in print edition], is located at 1853 Wingate, Bloomfield Hills, in a cluster of plush condominiums facing a private golf course in the Wabeek South developement just off Long Lake Road. (Note map. Also note easy entry into windows and porch.)