Most Recent Additions
Fifth Estate Collective
CONCERT. Spikedrivers, Upper DeRoy Aud., Wayne Campus, 8:00, adm. benefit for 5th Estate, 1/20
CONCERT. Scandinavian Symphony, Scottish Rite Cathedral, Masonic Temple, 8:20 adm. 1/21
JAZZ CONCERT: THE ANDREW HILL QUARTET, Saturday, January 21, 8:00 p.m., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
DANCE/CONCERT to benefit GUERILLA, presented by the 1967 Steering Committee. Sunday, January 29, 4–12 p.m. Grande Ballroom. Music by the MC-5, SpikeDrivers, Detroit Edison (formerly the Down-Home Tyrannosauraus of Despair), Livonia Tool & Die, the Lyman Woodard Ensemble, Joseph Jarman, the Ron English — Bud Spangler Unit, and others. Lights by the High Society and the Bulging Eyevalls of Gautama. Poetry readings by Bill Hutton, Allen Van Newkirk, John Sinclair, Jim Semark, Bradley Jones, Art Rosch, Don Moye, Jerry Younkins, Gary Grimshaw, and others. For a new civilization. Donation $2.50.
Nov 28, 2024 Read the whole text...
Henry Waldorf, MD.
Detroit Doctor Reports on Safer Use of LSD, Part I
Editor’s note: Henry Waldorf is the pseudonym of a physician practicing in the eastern United States. Dr. “Waldorf” agreed to write the following article out of a sincere belief in his work and asked only that his real name be kept from appearing in print.
As the circle of people who have had psychedelic experiences continues to expand at an ever increasing rate it becomes more and more common to encounter young people with many questions about the drugs. These are the people who are vaguely aware of the message behind the allusional terminology of expanded consciousness. They are so curious about themselves and the world around them that their gravitation toward psychedelic chemicals is inevitable.
Nov 28, 2024 Read the whole text...
Joe Mulkey
LEMAR Meeting Sparks Marijuana Campaign
LEMAR’s second meeting happened Jan. 4th at the Artist’s Workshop and I mean IT REALLY HAPPENED, over fifty people showed up. The place was full of happy, alive, enthusiastic human beings. It was just downright out-of-sight. We’re getting together—here’s what came out of the last meeting:
A committee was formed to produce a one page flyer/bibliography. This will be a handout to make the people aware of us, what we are trying to do, and where they can get more information.
A research group was formed to compile material for a lengthy ten-to-twelve page booklet which will deal more extensively with some of the studies done on marijuana.
There will be a fundraising concert at the Workshop coming soon—watch for notices in this paper.
Plans for a Midwest Conference on Consciousness Expansion in the spring, and a symbolic puffin on May 1st are still going ahead. Plus lots more.
Nov 28, 2024 Read the whole text...
Various Authors
Letters to the Editor
Leaving aside his descent into scatology and personal abuse, Shelley Manne’s letter [FE #21, January 1–15, 1967] claims that I am in error regarding the degree of integration in 1) his group; 2) his club; 3) the movie-TV-recording studios.
As evidence for 1), he informs us that he offered Teddy Edwards, a black tenor player, a job in his group. So? If true, and if Edwards had accepted, that would have raised the number of Negro musicians in Manne’s group for the last dozen years to 4 instead of 3 (assuming Down Beat is correct in reporting that pianist Hamp Hawes has joined Manne). That hardly makes Manne a flaming integrationist: Dave Brubeck has had a greater percentage of black musicians in his quartet during the same period.
Nov 28, 2024 Read the whole text...
Sol Plafkin
Off Center
A “dark-horse,” William Cahalan, has been named new Wayne County Prosecutor to replace the evasive Sam Olsen, who captured a Recorder’s Court post last fall, and hopes are up that there will be a more liberal spirit in law enforcement.
Cahalan, another alumnus of the University of Detroit, appears to be another crony of Mayor Cavanagh—and that’s neither good nor bad in itself, except that it adds a little more fuel to the potent “Irish Mafia” political machine in Wayne County.
Nov 28, 2024 Read the whole text...
Richard Cruse
Spike-Drivers Do Benefit For 5th Estate
Detroit’s own SPIKE-DRIVERS, having just finished a mind-blowing engagement at the Living End Lounge, are now preparing for their first concert appearance in a benefit for the FIFTH ESTATE.
Besides doing their unusual brand of folk-rock (including their new Reprise release, “Baby Let Me Tell You”), they will add two amplified violins and a flute on several tunes to produce strange and mysterious sounds.
Nov 28, 2024 Read the whole text...
Tao Chu Kwang
Birchers Active in Detroit
Attack LSD ‘Conspiracy’
When most Detroiters think of the organized right-wing in this city they immediately conjure up images of Don Lobsinger and his lunatic organization, Breakthrough, throwing Soviet flags at speakers, disrupting concerts because groups from the Soviet Union are playing there, or trying to break up (or through) peace demonstrations. Certainly, the Breakthroughers are spectacular and through their bizarre actions guarantee headlines. However, less spectacular, but perhaps -much more effective are the activities of the John Birch Society. Although there is an overlap in membership, Breakthrough and the Birch Society express ‘scorn for each other; the former saying the latter is not militant enough in dealing with the ‘communists’ in Detroit.
Nov 27, 2024 Read the whole text...
Shirley Hamburg
On opening night of the Fourth Annual New York Film Festival, back in September, there appeared a ‘band of outsiders’ picketing the fountain on the plaza of Lincoln Center. There were maybe four or five men, dressed in black, wearing gas masks, carrying coffins on their shoulders.
A few days later, people attending the Special Events program on the Independent Cinema at the fest were handed flyers printed on pop-art orange paper entitled Engaged Cinema in the United States. When I read this statement of purpose, I found it to be one of the most compelling and sobering calls to arms to emerge in this country in the area of film. I later discovered that the opening night pickets were affiliated with Cinema Engagé, as they are called.
Nov 27, 2024 Read the whole text...
‘Oh! What A Lovely War’
At Court Theatre
Detroit is going through a lot of changes. Plum Street has made the inner city a nice place to visit and the Grande Ballroom has made tripping out a routine. But the most important change is at 2555 Burns Avenue, home of the Court Players.
The Court Theatre is headed by Clyde Vinson, speech instructor at Wayne. His resident acting company consists of thirteen University students, most of whom are Detroiters. Their current production is Joan Littlewood’s OH WHAT A LOVELY WAR.
Nov 27, 2024 Read the whole text...
Dr. Robert M. Patton
Puberty Ripes Among Natives
[Web archive note: “Ripes” as it appears in the original print edition]
She stands five feet seven inches in her Courreges boots. Her face is as smooth and unreacting as a billiard ball. She wears miniskirts four inches above her knobby knees, and hip-huggers which hug skinny, unrelenting hips. Her favorite people in the whole wide world are Bobby Dylan, the Beatles, and Mick Jagger. She gets high on anything that’s handy—bennies, methadrine, grass, acid. She is known as a Groupie. Want to ball her?
Nov 27, 2024 Read the whole text...
John Sinclair
The Coatpuller
Yes it IS a New year. This year Detroit will be born into flesh and spirit and we will have what we want finally. It’s been a long time acomin’, but it IS here. Yes. Last Friday night I was able to go out to a place of business (the Wisdom Tooth on Plum Street) and hear the Lyman Woodard Trio, playing its own music, and a joyful occasion THAT was. I mean it’s the first time anyone has HIRED a forward jazz unit for the public to hear, in Detroit, and that’s just ONE sign of what will come. Woodard’s trio includes the master himself on organ, alto saxophonist Charles Miles, and drummer Norman Roberts, who is really amazing. Norman plays regularly with the Temptations, and can handle ANY kind of music like he was born to it. He was. The Trio will be at the Wisdom Tooth every Friday and Saturday night after hours, that is from 2:30 to 6:00 a.m. The cover charge is $2.00, which is fine, as the money goes to the musicians. And they need it, just as you need them.
Nov 27, 2024 Read the whole text...
Frank Kofsky
The Jazz Scene
In my last column [FE #21, January 1–15, 1967] I enumerated some of the more outstanding malfeasances on the part of the leading representatives of the jazz critics’ Establishment. In what follows I intend to go beyond mere individuals, to make clear the pivotal institutional role played by DOWN BEAT magazine in helping to perpetuate the reign of white supremacy in jazz.
Nov 27, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Anti-War Groups Meet
A Conference in Chicago of Dec. 26–29, student and anti-war activists has called for National Student Actions April 8–15 against the war in Vietnam. This will culminate in the transportation of as many students as possible to New York and San Francisco as part of the general Spring Mobilization of the anti-war movement on April 15.
Nov 26, 2024 Read the whole text...
Dena Clamage
Clergy Plan Draft Action
as Detroit Papers Distort Conference
During the past few months, the peace movement has become aware of the fact that it must pass into a new phase of protest, a phase closer to resistance than symbolic demonstrations.

Especially within the context of the draft, the most oppressive mechanism of the military apparatus, it has become clear that real support and aid should be given to those young men who, realizing that they cannot participate in the immoral Vietnam war, must search for alternatives to the draft.
Nov 26, 2024 Read the whole text...
Hank Malone
Provo! Provo! Provo! Provo! Provo! Provo! They used to be called “Nosems,” the Dutch beatnik. The new word rides out of France. The Provo is the new young style in Holland—the Provocateur—the Hipster. They stopped being Nosems when the big changeover came about a year ago; when the kids started paying more attention to style than to content.
Nov 26, 2024 Read the whole text...
Resa Jannett
Events Calendar
in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure
JOHN SINCLAIR, White Panther Party Chairman, appears in Recorders Court at 9:30 am to seek an appeal bond on his marijuana case. Come and show your support! at Frank Murphy Hall of Just-us, Gratiot and St. Antoine.
They’re making REMARKS ON THE PERSONALITY OF MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI in the Det. Inst. of Arts Lecture Hall (for $2.50 no less). “They” are psychoanalysts Richard& Editha Sterba. 2:00 p.m.
Nov 24, 2024 Read the whole text...
Various Authors
Dear Friends:
The murders of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in Chicago have awakened many Americans to the campaign being carried out against the Black Panther Party throughout the country. Since April 1968, 28 Panthers have died and countless others have been imprisoned. But the “search and destroy” operations against the Black Panther Party do not always take such dramatic forms.
Nov 24, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Behind the surface appearance of every beauty contest, from Home Coming Queen to “Miss World,” exists an entire framework that represses and objectifies women. That framework had produced the idea that exposing one’s flesh, with proper techniques of body exhibition, is a desirable skill, to be rewarded with prizes and tribute.
Nov 23, 2024 Read the whole text...
Eugene Schoenfeld M.D.

Dear Dr. Schoenfeld:
About restaurants that prohibit nude feet. Am assuming hygienic rationale: Are shoes more hygienic per foot?”
ANSWER: Shoes are more likely to track in disease from the street than bare feet. Some restaurant owners cite health codes but the truth is they just don’t like barefooted customers.
Nov 23, 2024 Read the whole text...
Labor Unrest Spreads
America moves closer to a labor crisis as other unions enter or poise for strikes throughout the country. Air travel has been seriously crippled by the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) walk-out in many major U.S. cities, and they have affected air travel throughout the world.
Nov 23, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
News Continued
The government of the Bahamas has recently instituted a so-called courtesy campaign aimed at making the natives more respectful to the American and European tourists who frequent the islands. The program is, in effect, one of the most fascist official proposals from a government since apartheid became a way of life in South Africa.
Nov 23, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
GIs Riot in Germany
MANNHEIM, West Germany—In a violent clash with military police, imprisoned G.I.s staged a massive riot at the Army stockade in Mannheim, West Germany. On March 19th, the U.S. Command there fought with imprisoned soldiers for 5 hours and the reported damages inflicted on government property amounted to $10,000.
Nov 14, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Just Motor City News
Charles Costa, an Inner City slumlord that lives in Southfield, has a habit of always trying to grab the media limelight. Through his hustling, Costa has gained a favorable reputation with Detroit’s straight papers.
Among the people that he exploits in this community, however, he is branded for the pig that he is. His latest publicity ruse is to offer a 20 cent bounty on dead rats to all local residents.
Nov 14, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Save The Priest
Washington, D.C.—After nine months of pre-trial hearings, a date was set today for the trial of anti-war sailor Roger Priest. Priest, the first serviceman to face court-martial for statements made in an anti-war newsletter, will stand trial in Washington on April 14th, the day before the nation-wide demonstrations against the war.
Nov 14, 2024 Read the whole text...
AF Doctor Says No
LOS ANGELES, Calif.—An Air Force Academy graduate, Richard T. Hubbard, under orders to go to Vietnam on March 30, says he will risk courtmartial and endanger his professional career as a physician rather than obey those orders.
Hubbard is a practicing Methodist whose home town is in Mt. Gilead, Ohio. As a result of his religious background, he is morally against the war. Hubbard stated, “I am opposed to the War on an emotional basis...I am opposed to military life on a religious basis...I accept nonviolent resistance as a form of Christian Witness.”
Nov 9, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Other Scenes
WABX DJs Larry Miller and Dave Dixon both emphatically deny the report of last issue that they came to blows over station policy. “The real miracle of the station is how well we work together,” Miller said. Sorry fellas, we had thought that the info came from a “reliable source...
The ad for the Chicago Conspiracy trial that appeared on the back page of our last issue was refused by the Chicago Tribune, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times. Several other major dailies did accept the ad...
Nov 9, 2024 Read the whole text...
Murray Bookchin
Ecology and Revolutionary Thought
Broadly conceived, ecology deals with a balance in nature. Inasmuch as nature includes man, the science basically deals with the harmonization of man and nature. Ecology is an integrative and reconstructed science in that it deals with the most radical systems of political economy.
This intrinsic characteristic of ecology, carried through to all its implications, leads directly into anarchic areas of political and economic thought.
Nov 9, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
GI Press Service
GIs Petition to End the War
On November 9, 1969, the GI Press Service placed in the New York Times an advertisement signed by 1,365 active duty servicemen. The ad announced the GIs’ support for the November 15 demonstrations in Washington and San Francisco, and called for the immediate withdrawal of all American troops from Vietnam.
Nov 9, 2024 Read the whole text...
Marius Mason
Support Those Who Rattle Cages
a review of
Rattling the Cages: Oral Histories of North American Political Prisoners, Editors: Eric King and Josh Davidson; forward by Angela Davis. AK Press, 2023
“I was told that I would be dead by the time I finished my sentence.”
—Oscar Lopez Rivera, sentenced to 55 years for 130 FALN bomb attacks in 1974–1983
Nov 5, 2024 Read the whole text...
Eric Laursen
The Future Is...Written?
Predicting societies sliding into chaos
a review of
End Times: Elites, Counter-Elites, and the Path of Political Disintegration by Peter Turchin. Penguin Press, 2023
Historian Arnold J. Toynbee once insisted that history is not “just one damn thing after another.”
Joe Strummer, lead singer of The Clash, once insisted that, “The future is unwritten.”
Nov 5, 2024 Read the whole text...
Liam Kliment
Smash the Fascists From Below!
Peoples’ Histories of Anti-Racism
a review of
It Did Happen Here: An Antifascist People’s History, Editors: Moe Bowstern, Mic Crenshaw, Alec Dunn, Celina Flores, Julie Perini, and Erin Yanke. PM Press, 2023
We Go Where They Go: The Story of Anti-Racist Action by Shannon Clay, Kristin Schwartz and Michael Staudenmaier. PM Press, 2023
Nov 1, 2024 Read the whole text...
Pam Gwim
Buy, Sell; Don’t Smell!
from The Great Speckled Bird
Radical women across the country are demanding an end to the male supremacist attitudes and policies of the underground press. It is essential that these demands be recognized and met as a political priority; not only for the women who are struggling against male supremacy in this country but for the Movement as a whole.
Oct 31, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Gay Meeting Causes Church Dispute
In a virtually unprecedented move, Reverend Robert Morrison, rector of St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church, has called for the resignation of Richard Emrich as diocesan Bishop of Michigan, calling him “unchristian, inhuman and irresponsible.”
This call comes in the wake of the decision of the Episcopal diocese of Detroit to cut off funds for Reverend Morrison’s church because he allows the Gay Liberation Front, a homosexual group, to meet at the Church.
Oct 31, 2024 Read the whole text...
Liberation News Service
Give us an inch...
NEW YORK (LNS)—Those castrating bitches are at it again. Give ‘em an inch...and satisfied...just gave ‘em a cover story...back for more....
Newsweek’s cover story on women’s liberation had just hit the stands when 46 women on the staff filed a complaint Monday, March 16 with the Federal Government charging that Newsweek had violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964—which prohibits “segregation, classification, and/or limitation of an employee” on the grounds of race, color, religion, or sex.
Oct 31, 2024 Read the whole text...
Liberation News Service
Ladies Want Journal
NEW YORK ( LNS) “Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman” runs the slogan of Ladies Home Journal, a monthly women’s magazine with a circulation of seven million.
Over a hundred radical women barged into the magazine’s editorial offices March 18 to bring substance to that slogan, demanding a liberated issue of the magazine.
Oct 31, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
News Shorts
Buenos Aires, Argentina—Members of the Argentine National Liberation Front (ALF) bargained on March 25 over the exchange of two government-held political prisoners for their own political hostage, the Paraguayan Consul to Argentina.
If the release was not made, the ALF pledged to assemble a firing squad and off the diplomat.
Oct 31, 2024 Read the whole text...
Liberation News Service
New York Liberated
ALBANY, N.Y. (LNS)—New York has joined the trend set recently by Hawaii in changing antiquated abortion laws.
The State Senate voted here March 18, 31–26 in favor of a sweeping abortion reform bill, which if passed in its present form by the State Assembly, will remove virtually all restrictions on obtaining an abortion in New York, including residency requirements.
Oct 31, 2024 Read the whole text...
Lawton Browning
A Russian village where the Revolution went to die
a review of
Chevengur by Andrei Platonov. NYRB 2023 (Originally published 1929)
In his 1920 essay, “Anarchists and Communists,” journalist, engineer and author Andrei Platonov wrote “True Anarchy is the understanding that all power and authority on Earth is unnecessary and harmful, that people do not need to be led.”
Oct 28, 2024 Read the whole text...
Norman Nawrocki
Change the World
Have Fun, be Creative
Imagine if more people believed in the power and the magic of collective creativity, what a crazy wonderful new anarchist world we could build. Under capitalism, any form of creativity is usually seen as an individual pursuit, the domain of the rich, the elite and artistes. It’s something to be commodified, re-packaged, and sold back to others as pop culture to be consumed. People accept that they must subscribe to watch movies or hear music to get their cultural fix. For the average person, the high costs of attending live theatre or dance performances are usually prohibitive.
Oct 28, 2024 Read the whole text...
Jess Flarity
Out of View of the Panopticon
Escaping Systems of Control
a review of
Anti-Oculus: A Philosophy of Escape by Acid Horizon. Repeater
The New York City-based podcasting collective Acid Horizon’s book features anarchist-leaning text ranging from informative musings on our present cyberpunk era to densely twisted lexical corridors lined with the thoughts of those like Jung, Deleuze, and Agamben.
Oct 24, 2024 Read the whole text...
Olchar E. Lindsann
In the Digital Age
Poetic Reason as an Alternative
a review of
Poetic Reason in the Age of Digital Control by Jesús Sepúlveda. Bad Idea Publishing, 2023
Jesús Sepúlveda’s Poetic Reason in the Age of Digital Control addresses some of today’s most pressing threats and sketches out some promising ideas of a strategy in response, which will hopefully be elaborated in future works.
Oct 21, 2024 Read the whole text...
Peter Werbe
John Sinclair, poet, author, activist
Fifth Estate writer dies at 82

John Sinclair, poet, author of Guitar Army, manager of the MC5 rock band, anti-racist White Panther Party co-founder, and early Fifth Estate writer, died of heart failure at 82 in Detroit on April 9. Sinclair was remembered in publications across the U.S. and the world far from his Motor City base as a counterculture icon, a marijuana legalization campaigner, and a rock and roll enthusiast who was immortalized in a John Lennon song.
Oct 21, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
April 15 March
On April 15, millions of people across the world will take to the streets to demand that the United States end its aggression against Vietnam and immediately withdraw all of its troops. In Detroit, the Coalition to End the War has called for a mass march, rally and local school strikes. The Fifth Estate endorses this call and asks all of our readers to join with the staff in participating to the fullest extent possible.
Oct 18, 2024 Read the whole text...
David Herreshoff
Eulogy to Diana
Her pallor of skin and her gauntness (both doubtless accentuated by the austerities of the Weatherman life-style) and her cool light blue eyes behind gold frames put me in mind of the woman in Grant Wood’s “American Gothic.” Her vibrant contralto voice and sensuous mouth suggested a tremendous courage for struggle and love.
Oct 18, 2024 Read the whole text...
Pam Shriman
Free Lessons
Sabotage & Revolution
“To the accusation that Cuba wants to export its revolution, we reply: revolutions are not exported—they are made by the people.”
—Fidel Castro, Second Declaration of Havana, 1962
Another witch-hunt is underfoot. The late ‘60s and moreover the ‘70s are beginning to reek of McCarthyism. The latest example of repression and red-baiting is exemplified by Sen. James Eastland’s charges that Venceremos Brigade Volunteers acquired guerrilla training in Cuba.
Oct 18, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
In Case Of...
American Civil Liberties Union, 961–4662
Ad Hoc Citizens Committee (Police Brutality Complaints), 872–2828
Creem Magazine, 831–0816
Detroit Anti-war Coalition, 873–4322
Fifth Estate Office, 831–6800
Fire Department, 962–0400
Grape Boycott Office, 825–4811
Metro, 832–5126
National Lawyers Guild, 871–1251
Oct 18, 2024 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Debbie Brentz
Steve Dunn
David Gaynes
Alan Gotkin
Mike John
Keep on Truckin’ Co-op
Jim Kennedy
Lee Ann Kennedy
David Levison
Rick London
Nick Medvecky
Bruce Montrose
Claudia Montrose
Harvey Ovshinsky (dig this!)
Dave Riddle
Bill Rowe
Eddie Silver
Marilyn Werbe
Peter Werbe
Cathy West
Oct 18, 2024 Read the whole text...
Sam Stark
Recorders Court Jury Fraud Exposed
Accused persons in Detroit Recorder’s Court have been tried and, in many cases, found guilty by juries of which Blacks, other minority group members, Southern-born, foreign-born, working-class people, ADC mothers, students, bearded males, and persons convicted of moving traffic violations have been systematically and discriminatorily excluded from serving on.
Oct 18, 2024 Read the whole text...
Dave Riddle
Why March?
They’re throwing a peace march April 15. Why come to another demonstration? Because it helps pressure Nixon to bring the troops home. Bringing the troops home will do two things: it will save a lot of American and Vietnamese lives and it will mean the success of the Vietnamese struggle for national self-determination.
Oct 18, 2024 Read the whole text...
Ben Beck
Anarchism & Science Fiction
Some Suggested Best Reads
Most anarchists are familiar with Ursula K. Le Guin’s utopian science fiction novel, The Dispossessed. But its fame has somewhat served to overshadow other works of science fiction that are also of great interest. Here are a few of those.
* Eric Frank Russell’s 1948 story, “And Then There Were None,” was the nearest sci fi work to an anarchist utopia prior to Le Guin’s 1974 novel, and was praised as such in the pages of Freedom and Anarchy at the time, starting with a full-length review in 1954, under the headline “An Anarchist Utopia,” saying it “makes an anarchist society not only attractive, but also eminently practical.” John Pilgrim, writing in 1963, speculated on “just how much influence this much anthologised tale has had in forming the political opinions of the fallout generation.”
Oct 17, 2024 Read the whole text...