Fifth Estate Collective
The Xerox 6500
A revolutionary copier for a revolutionary world

“Making money” has never been so easy.
Thanks to the Xerox 6500, anything from stock-swindling to bank-liberating is now just a button-touch away! It’s fun, it’s quick, it’s easy, and chances are better than ever there’s a 6500 in the office where you work.
With the 6500, our new, high-quality color copier, anyone can now duplicate all the important-looking documents which were formerly off-limits to the average citizen.
Today, average citizens all across America are discovering the joys of the 6500.
A Detroit pharmacist ran off nearly $1 million in counterfeit money, bogus stock certificates, and phony postage stamps.
A man in Washington used the 6500 to produce a $10,000 cashier’s check, drawn on a nonexistent North Carolina bank, and drove off in a new Cadillac.
A Los Angeles woman, told by her boss she was no longer needed, simply used the 6500 to make a dozen copies of her final paycheck and cashed them all.
A hungry student found he could manufacture passable McDonalds’ certificates, and before long, he and all his friends were having Big Mac attacks—free of charge.
The 6500 has all our standard features: A computerized programmer that can automatically feed, cycle, reduce and sort limitless numbers of documents, as well as copy both sides of anything on any kind of paper in any type of color.
The reproduction quality is so high the FBI is actually trying to talk us out of making them.
Check out the 6500 today. You’ll see why we say it’s a revolutionary copier for a revolutionary world.