Fifth Estate Collective
Animal License
(back cover graphic)

The Bearer of this document is hereby recognized as a member in good standing of the Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Community. As such, this creature is entitled to the following rights as established by the unwritten Constitution of the Universe:
Right to Purity of Soil, Air and Waters
Right to Immunity from Artificial Concepts of Time, Space and Location
Right to All Territory of the Universe
Right to Self-Defined Identity Regardless of Race, Nationality, Species or Genus
Right to Unlimited Ecstasy and Its Means of Acquisition
Right of Unlimited Choice of Behavior
Right to Independence from All Gods, Laws and Religions
Right to be Useless and Unproductive
Right to Disregard Prevailing Concepts of Science, Logic, Politics, History and Mathematics
Right to Death and Choice of Means
Right to Unlimited Shape or Personality
The preceding, self-evident rights and entitlements are undeniable and have been established through millions of years of practice in this and other solar systems, as recognized by the Intergalactic Association of Entities, Forms and Shapes. The same benefits apply to all Mineral, Animal and Vegetable forms regardless of location or source of generation.
Paw print or
(Space Below)
Signed: No Name
Ambassador to the Animal Kingdom