Fifth Estate Collective
Judi Bari bombing case to go to trial
Three hundred and fifty supporters of two Earth First! forest defense activists rallied outside the San Francisco FBI field office May 24 on the tenth anniversary of the day when a shrapnel-stuffed pipe bomb exploded in a car driven by Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney, crippling her.

The rally also celebrated the setting of an October 2001 trial date for the case of Bari v. USA which will bring the FBI and Oakland police to trial for conspiring to frame Cherney and the late Bari for the bombing that was meant to kill them.
The protest included sixty fiddlers (Judi’s instrument) and other musicians, Art and Revolution’s 30-foot Judi puppet, and cardboard fiddles that spelled out, “Who Killed Judi Bari?”
In the course of the law suit, attorneys for the two uncovered 7,000 pages of FBI and police files, and took 6,000 pages of testimony from agents and cops that confirmed the two agencies cooperated to illegally disrupt and destroy Earth First!‘s 1990 Redwood Summer campaign of mass organizing to save Northern California’s old-growth forests.
A spokesperson for the support group said, “We can’t wait to present this evidence to a jury and bring these agents of repression to justice.”
More information or to donate funds Redwood Summer, PO Box 14720, Santa Rosa CA 95402; or on the Web at Also, please read Judi Bari’s Timber Wars (the text of which was subpoenaed by the FBI in this case), published at $15, available through our book service, now $10 (or pay full price and we’ll donate the $5 to the defense fund). Read the Summer 1990 FE which is available free for postage ($1.13).