Fifth Estate Collective
Resistance Calendar

Glassner/Phantasm Photography
Sept. 6-Nov. 26
“Soapboxers and Saboteurs: 100 Years of Wobbly Solidarity.” An exhibit highlighting materials from the Labadie Collection, one of the world’s best collections of materials documenting early IWW history.. Special Collections Library, 711 Hatcher Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109–1205. Open to the public. See October 19 for accompanying reception.
100 Years: The IWW. Celebrating the centennial of the Industrial Workers of the World. Traveling exhibit presented by the Walter P. Reuther Library. Contact William., 313-577-2789 to reserve exhibit for your organization or event. IWW11.html
September 15–17
Conference on radical economics in the 20th Century: radical economics and the labor movement, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri, 2005
September 23–25
Renewing the Anarchist Tradition (RAT) conference Plainfield, VT. Annual conference addressing various intellectual issues of concern to anarchists today. Sponsored by the Institute for Anarchist Studies; please register in advance.
October 12–13
International Conference: Elisee Reclus, natura ed educazione, University di Milano-Bicocca, Facolta di Scienze della Formazione, Contact: Stefano Malatesta, cell. 340 9184 726; e-mail:
October 13
Opening: New zine collection at the Cockeysville Branch of Baltimore County Public Library, 6:30pm. Food, browsing, and readings from zines.
October 12–15
Madison Zine Fest 2005, Madison, Wisconsin. Second annual event is held in conjunction with the Wisconsin Book Festival and features films, exhibitions, workshops, readings, music, and more.
October 19
Reception for Labadie Collection’s IWW exhibit, Ann Arbor, Mich. (see “Ongoing” for location. Featuring labor singer Anne Feeney. Along with the concert, Joyce Kornbluh will talk about the history of her influential book, Rebel Voices: An IWW Anthology. A discussion of current and past IWW labor struggles will follow. or contact for more information.
October 22
London Anarchist Book Fair. Held at least once a year since 1983, and still the largest and regular gathering of anarchists in the world, with meetings, workshops, performances, food, and lots of anarchist books. The Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Rd., London N7,
October 20–22
“Labor, Solidarity and Organizations,” North American Labor History Conference. The IWW, the 1905 Russian Revolution, and the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II. Wayne State Univ., Detroit.
October 20–23
Virginia Anarchist Gathering, Harrisonburg’s Rising Up Collective will host the first Virginian Anarchist Gathering, a radical conference and networking opportunity for Virginia-area anarchists and anti-authoritarians. (WV, DC, NC? We don’t care about borders; come anyway!)
October 28–30
New Orleans, LA, “Humanity and the Earth/L’Homme et la Terre: The Legacy of Elisee Reclus (1830–1905)” at Loyola University.
October 29
New Orleans Bookfair, Barristers Gallery, 1724 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd., New Orleans.
November 18–20
Vigil and direct action to close the School of the Americas, Ft. Benning, Georgia. The SOAhas a different name, but it still churns out Latin American troops that go home and repress their own people. Christian pacificists mix with anarcho-punks and lots in between.
Send calendar items for Winter 2005–6 to