Writings of Diane DiPrima
Fifth Estate #373, Fall 2006
Part of:
Fifth Estate 373, Fall 2006
Diane DiPrima
Writings of Diane DiPrima

Diane Di Prima, 1960s
archangel of fire
enwraps now melts glaciers
turf unexposed
angelic aeons trembles
under a vengeful sun
--Diane DiPrima
August 3, 2002
green shack in Richmond
tag on the door sez “Merlin’s”
just that
--Diane DiPrima
March 23, 2003
Train to Sacramento
true poppies:
red & white
black opium hearts
not the state
sanctioned orange
only if there is no history at all
can this shame prevail
every shard of cunieform pressed into clay tablet
every shred of ancient weaving
every fragment of myth or whispered family tale
gives the lie
to what we are now living
--Diane DiPrima
June 2006
See also: Diane Di Prima’s “Revolutionary Letters” (review), FE #376, Halloween, 2007