No! G8 Japan
Call for anti-G8 Action

In July, 2008 heads of the states that monopolize two-thirds of Earth’s wealth will gather at Toya Lake in Hokaido, Japan. Although the so-called “Group of Eight” (G8) does not have any legitimate right for deciding planetary affairs, they have self-appointed themselves world ruler. Thus the G8 has driven neo-liberal globalization at the same time as spreading poverty, violence, hatred, segregation, and environmental destruction.
At a very critical moment of world capitalism during the 1970s, the G8 was established to form a consensus among the imperialist nation-states. Ever since, it has become the cornerstone of the neo-liberal globalization that we are confronting. The “consensus” signifies nothing short of finding out the most convenient means of global financialization, privatization, commercialization and militarization, and camouflaging these processes as if they were for the public well-being.
In the past the G8 has expressed concerns about human rights and poverty. German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed the need for a human-faced globalization. But then, who is it that violates human rights on the pretext of the “fight against terrorism”? Who is it that is eliminating public education the world over? Who is it that privatizes almost all the resources left for humanity--land, water, and food--and preys on the increasing global poverty? Who is it that produces and exports more than 90% of the world’s weaponry? At the 2007 summit in Heiligendamm, one of the main themes was the poverty in Africa, but what they proposed as a measure to combat it was, shockingly the deregulation of investment in Africa. From its behavior we have learned that for the G8, even human rights and poverty are just another opportunity for capitalists’ expropriation.
At the Toya Lake summit in 2008, the main theme will be environmental problems. What a deceit! It is the G8 that ravages the natural resources of the world--even resorting to arms--and discharges more than 40% of the planetary carbon dioxide, hence instigating climate changes. Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister of Japan who had planned on hosting the 2008 summit, invented a vain slogan--“Invitation to the Beautiful Stars”--which proposes the exportation of nuclear power plants to developing countries and nothing that counters capitalist interests or works for true, enduring development.
We are no longer silent. Neither do we intend to make a petition for a better G8 through conversation. By way of direct action, we will demand the termination of 2008 Toya Lake Summit and the decomposition of G8. Also we will demand the immediate liquidation of Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda’s Liberal Democratic administration of Japan, the sole participant in the G8 from Asia.
The Fukuda administration is in the midst of pushing for neo-liberalist reforms and the fortification of the security-state in Japan, while persisting in sending troops to Iraq as a simple-minded follower of the US strategy for its global military rule. At the same time, its main objective is to amend Japan’s constitution in order to complete the long-lasting ambitions of imperialist Japan. Thus, to thwart the ambitions of Fukuda’s Liberal Democratic administration is no longer a concern of Japan alone, but a must for the struggle against the neo-liberalist expansion and militarization in the entire Asian region. Our objective to terminate G8 is inseparable from these regional tasks.
We appeal to you, all the people struggling in different regions of the world, to join No! G8 Japan in July 2008 in Toya Lake, Hokkaido Japan. We consider our project as a continuation of the planetary anti-G8 struggles. We seek to add a new phase of it in the Far East. Let us organize together the widest possible global network and create an unimaginably varied, rich, and powerful spectacle of struggle. By so doing, let G8 know that a world that is totally different from the one driven by the capitalist principles--a world that is based upon the principles of autonomy, mutual aid, and bottom-up decision-making--is possible. to learn more about the “No G8” infotour of Europe and North America in the coming months, please visit