Fifth Estate Collective
Marie Mason Update
Denied a vegan diet; Appeals Continue

As BP continues to devastate the Gulf of Mexico for generations to come, militant eco-radicals like Marie Mason, who have dedicated their lives to halting exactly this kind of environmental destruction, helplessly watch from inside the dungeons of the State.
Mason is serving almost 22 years for two acts of environmentally-motivated property destruction, the longest sentence of any Green Scare prisoner. The Green Scare is the name given to the recent slate of prosecutions of radical environmental and animal liberation activists. Her sentence is under appeal.
Mason is adjusting to life in the Waseca federal correctional institution, a minimum-security women’s prison in Minnesota, and is currently fighting to receive vegan meals. She is vegan for a combination of ethical, religious (Tibetan Buddhist), and medical reasons.
The Waseca warden, Nicole English, a recent transfer from the Marion, Illinois Super-Max prison, has refused to provide vegan options. As a result of trying to make do with available non-animal products in prison, Mason has been suffering ill-health, including dizziness and extreme pain in her hands. She is currently appealing the denial, but an error in the process has set her back several steps.
Mason loves to get letters, but can only write to a pre-approved list of 100 people. However, she can receive letters from anyone, and her supporters are encouraged to hold letter-writing nights and benefit performances for her. There have been recent benefits for her in Nashville, Minneapolis, and Eugene, Oregon.
Donations are urgently needed to provide Mason with vegan meals in prison; to buy phone time so that she can speak with her children; and to pay for the appeal process. They can be sent directly to her mother, Karin Mason, at PO Box 352, Stanwood, MI 49346.
For more information on how to support Marie see, or back FE issues at our web site.
Write to her at:
Marie Mason #04672–061
FCI Waseca
P.O. Box 1731
Waseca, MN 56093
Free Marie Merch
More info on CDs at
Web Archive update 2-11-2019: for the above, see
$12 postpaid from Got Your Back Collective. For downloadable zine, go to
“Not for Profit”
Songs to defend the Earth
Send remittance to Little Black Cart, PO Box 3920, Berkeley CA 94703).
All proceeds go to Marie Mason Defense Fund.
“Free Marie” T-shirts
Colors: Grey, Baby Blue, Pink with black graphic and lettering. Sizes Available--S, L, and XL $15 and $2 for shipping. Send check or money order (made out to Books for Prisoners), or well concealed cash to:
Got Your Back Collective P.O.B. 10371, Columbus, OH 43201
Vegan Edge Hip Hop Vol. 2: World-wide vegan hip hop artists.
Peregrine/Auryn: Green Scare Benefit Split
Two Pittsburgh anarchist bands with a purpose.
CD sales to benefit Marie