Title: Call for submissions for next issue
Subtitle: Summer 2012, Vol. 47, #2, #387
Date: 2012
Notes: Fifth Estate #386, Spring, 2012

Deadline: April 1,

Publication date: May 5

For the past several years, each edition of the Fifth Estate has had a specific theme. Maybe it’s the excitement of the era which has just opened up, but we have decided not to have a particular theme for our Summer edition, and simply let the imagination of writers get as wild as the times demand.

Everything seems open and possible; where it all will lead is still in formation. Your ideas for suggested news articles, essays, and art are welcome.

Please submit manuscripts for short pieces and proposals for longer essays, along with graphics and photographs to: fe — AT — fifthestate.org


Fifth Estate

POB 201016

Ferndale, MI 48220