Fifth Estate Collective
‘Unthinkable’ exhibit

Pictured at right are Federico Arcos, Fifth Estate comrade, and veteran of the Spanish anarchist militias of the 1930s, with Julie Herrada, April 7, at Hamtramck, Michigan’s 2739 Gallery, during the opening of the exhibit, ‘Unthinkable,’ a display of artifacts from the collection of Fredy and Lorraine Perlman. Featured were posters and publications from Paris 1968, and from ones produced at Detroit’s Print Co-op, as well as a first French edition of Debord’s Society of the Spectacle, and a floor-to-ceiling display of huge timeline sheets for Perlman’s, The Strait.
Herrada, Curator of the Labadie Collection at the University of Michigan, is holding a color copy of a letter typed by Emma Goldman that Arcos is contributing to the archive. Items from the “Unthinkable” will also be donated to the Labadie.