Fifth Estate Collective
This is not the Fifth Estate...
...that is the new movie drama about Wikileaks and Julian Assange.

Nor, is it the CBC-TV news program.
Nor, the band which produced the 1960s hit, “Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead.”
And, it isn’t the recently constituted leftist web site of the same name which continues to use the title even after we requested that they find another.
You are reading the Fifth Estate magazine which published its first edition as a tabloid, a so-called underground newspaper, in 1965.
This is our 390th issue. Its theme is “Mad” in all of its manifestations. Please enjoy the content and let us know if you have a comment.
As usual, we want to thank our writers, editors, photographers, artists, proofreaders, and the other several dozen people who assure that we will make our 50th anniversary in two years.
Also, a thank you to all of those who make our existence possible by financially supporting the Fifth Estate through subscriptions, donations, and Sustainer pledges.
If you received this issue as free distro, please know that we are only able to continue publishing because of the mutual aid mentioned above. Subscribers and Sustainers are our backbone.
Please consider becoming one. Information is at our web site
Speaking of free distro, we continue to offer readers bundles of 50 (or less) to pass out at events or locations, a process that has greatly increased our subscriptions. Postage (about $7 for 50) is helpful, but not necessary.
Our worst nightmare is undistributed issues being shredded at the recycle center, so help get the message of revolutionary anarchism out to a world that desperately needs an alternative to the present state of affairs that seems to worsen with each passing day. Single back issues of the Fifth Estate are available from Little Black Cart along with a large stock of other anarchist publications. See their web page for the FE at
Subscribers often include an extra few dollars with their subscriptions so we can continue the long standing anarchist tradition of sending free issues to prisoners.
Censorship inside the U.S. gulag is random and arbitrary, so more prison mail rooms refused our issue on Education than the last one with the theme of Sex and Anarchy.
However, a few were returned, usually stating, “Publication contains sexually explicit images.”
The Fifth Estate has a number of Twitter followers, but we have suspended use of it for the time being since we lack a Twitterer!
The best way to keep in touch is through being on our email list (send requests to fe -AT- or our web page (, through which you can link to our Facebook page.
Please enjoy this issue. We welcome comments on our Letters page.
Radical Publishing since 1965
Vol. 48 No. 2 #390 Fall 2013
The Fifth Estate is an anti-profit, anarchist project published by a volunteer collective of friends and comrades.
No ads. No copyright. Kopimi--reprint freely