Fifth Estate Collective
Call for Submissions
Fifth Estate Fall 2015 (Issue 395)
Our 50th Anniversary Edition!
Deadline: September 15
Publication date: October 15

* FE — Celebrating fifty years of promoting revolution everywhere
* Resistance to the U.S. Vietnam War
Before contacting us, please read our Writers’ Guidelines.
<strong>Submit manuscripts for short pieces and proposals for longer essays, along with graphics and photographs, to:
fe ( a t ) fifthestate ( dot ) org</strong>
Fifth Estate, PO Box 201016, Ferndale, MI 48220, USA.
Please put “Submission 395” on the subject line of e-mail.
The war in Vietnam, the first great defeat of American imperialism, came to an ignominious conclusion 40 years ago, at the end of April 1975.
The United States Congress has authorized the Secretary of Defense “to conduct a program to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War.” This obscene commemoration of a shameful war should not go unanswered. We need to remind the world of its true heroes and victims--the Vietnamese people, the anti-war movement, and the draft resisters--and say No! to the celebration of the imperial war machine.