Fifth Estate Collective
About this Issue

As opposed to the mechanistic, cold, pseudo-scientific dogma of Marxists and others, we know that the urge for revolution has to come from a deeper place in our lives. The Spanish anarchists said they had “a new world in their hearts,” which provided a vision for their struggles. The idea of re-enchantment of the world mirrors that longing as a prefiguring of what we want. We dedicate this issue to those in the past who have fought for a new world and to those today who continue in their footsteps.
Thanks To All Who Made This Issue Possible
The Fifth Estate continues expanding its circulation. None of it would be possible without the many hands which touch each issue—our writers, editors, designers, proofreaders, artists, and photographers. And, our effort would have little impact if not for our subscribers, Sustainers, readers, and distributors. The communal connection is what drives this publication forward.
About the Cover
James Koehnline, is a Seattle artist known for book and CD cover art (Autonomedia, Bill Laswell, and others). He is the editor of Gone to Croatan; and the creator of the Jubilee Saints Calendar which is in its 27th year. The Fifth Estate first published his work nearly 40 years ago and has continued through the decades with graphics and covers. Facebook or jkoehnline [at] isomedia [dot] com
Archive note: See also “Swamp Rats & Urban Rats Unite!,” FE #335, Winter, 1990–91, a review of Legend of the Great Dismal Maroons by James Koehnline.