Fifth Estate Collective
Hong Kong

Source: Hong Kong: Anarchists in the Resistance to the Extradition Bill (CrimethInc, June 22, 2019)
The Fifth Estate supports the struggle of the anarchists and anti-authoritarians of Hong Kong for a world in which social solidarity and individual freedom can create community. We join them in opposing the brutal dictatorship of the Chinese government and its supporters in Hong Kong as much as we ppose the tyranny of the U.S. and other governments.
From an anarchist in Hong Kong:
Lenny’s Prayer (to the world)
Living on earth without borders
Traveling the land without a visa
Breathing clean and fresh air
Drinking natural unpolluted water
Growing without barriers
Working without controllers
Speaking without fear and
Communicating without filter
Creating without interference
“Record di volo” (Broken Wing Music, 2019)
Lyrics sung in Chinese and English
Text: Lenny / Music: F. Sor
Guitar: Lenny / Voice: June