We Support Anarchist Prisoners
Supporting our imprisoned comrades should be a top priority for all anarchists. We need to raise funds for material aid. Prisoners need money for books, stamps, food, phone calls, Internet use, and legal fees. We need to establish steady relationships with our imprisoned comrades. There are too many to list here. For this go around, we focus on the five anarchist prisoners the Bloomington ABC war fund supports. To learn more, visit .
MICHAEL KIMBLE is a black, gay anarchist held captive since 1986 for the self defense killing of a homophobic, racist bigot. Michael is serving a life sentence and is currently in solitary confinement for defending another prisoner. Write Michael to get involved in his sentence reduction campaign. Michael Kimble 138017/M-11, 3700 Holman, Atmore AL 36503.
JENNIFER ROSE is an anarchist trans woman held in California State Prison since 1990 serving 25 to life for bank robbery. Her additional 25 to life sentence for assault on a state prosecutor has been reduced to eight years. Write her at: Jennifer Rose E23852, Salinas Valley State Prison, D4-217, PO Box 1050, Soledad, CA 93960.

SEAN SWAIN is an anarchist imprisoned since 1991 for the self defense killing of a court official’s relative who broke into his home and threatened his life. Write him at: Sean Swain #2015638, Buckingham Correctional Center, PO Box 430, Dillwyn, VA, 23936.
ERIC KING is an anarchist given a ten year sentence for the attempted firebombing of a government official’s office in Kansas City. The action was done in solidarity with the Ferguson uprising. Write Eric at: Eric King #27090045, FCI Englewood, 9595 W Quincy Ave, Littleton CO 80123.
MARIUS MASON is an anarchist, environmental and animal rights activist serving nearly 22 years in federal prison for acts of property damage carried out in defense of the planet. Marius came out as transgender in 2014. Address the envelope to Marie (Marius) Mason 04672–061, FCI Danbury, Rte 37, Danbury CT 06811. Address him in your letter as Marius.
Robcat co-publishes Fire Ant, an anarchist prison support zine seeking to provide material aid for imprisoned comrades. A PDF for printing is available at the Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross site. To contact or make donations: Fire Ant, PO Box 164, Harmony ME 04942.