Barry Base
Barry Base
Five-panel graphic

ted from the Toronto Star) The Cartoon panels show a middle aged chubby woman gesturing with her hands and body as she speaks, clasping hands, putting them in front of her, away from her body, close to her body. She says:
“His father talked to him. He said ‘Let the GOVERNMENT worry about RESPONSIBILITY! All YOU have to do is drop the bombs!’ But it was no use. He’d just start yelling about WARSAW.
“I talked to him. I said ‘Let the GOVERNMENT worry about MORALITY! All YOU have to do is burn the villages!’ But he wouldn’t listen. He’d just start yelling about HITLER.
“His teacher talked to him. He said ‘Let the GOVERNMENT worry about NATIONAL GUILT! All YOU have to do is gun down the silly peasants!’ But he paid no attention. He’d just start yelling about BELSEN.
“Our minister talked to him. He said ‘Let the GOVERNMENT worry about HUMAN DIGNITY! All YOU have to do is NAPALM the women and children!’ But it had no effect. He’d just start yelling about NUREMBERG.
“So the day his draft card arrived he left for CANADA! He’s living there now in some place called YORTVILLE or something! I didn’t raise my boy to be a Canadian!”
Mar 14, 2024 Read the whole text...