Daily Barbarian
Daily Barbarian
Daily Barbarian Number 1
Barbarian: 1. A fierce, brutal or cruel person. 2. A brute, uncivilized, rude, savage, cruel, barbarous.
Example: “he is merely a barbarian on the loose in a museum” (Yvor Winters).
Civilization: 1. The process of civilizing or becoming civilized. 2. To civilize; to bring out of a condition of savagery or barbarism; to better the habits or manners of; refine.
Sep 29, 2018 Read the whole text...
Daily Barbarian
Daily Barbarian Number 2

FE Home > Issue 316, Spring, 1984 >
This issue of the Daily Barbarian is not only being distributed throughout the Detroit area for free, but thanks to the members of the Fifth Estate collective, it is also appearing as the center four pages of their paper. This means that along with the 3,000 copies we’re printing, an additional 3,000 will be sent all over the U.S. and different parts of the world through the subscription and bookstore sales of the FE.
Apr 25, 2018 Read the whole text...
Daily Barbarian
Daily Barbarian Number 3
Fifth Estate Home > Issue 319, Winter, 1985 >
Back so soon?
Well, we didn’t make it as a monthly publication, but we did make it back. This issue—#3—marks a turning point for the Daily Barbarian...this broadsheet can no longer be considered a bi-decadal. In fact, we’re pushing for quarterly status, if we can get the next issue—#4—out by 1989?!
Sep 8, 2020 Read the whole text...
Daily Barbarian
Daily Barbarian Number 8
Daily Barbarian > Thoughts on the Disappearance of History
“so that when there is no more story that will be our story when there is no forest that will be our forest”
—W.S. Merwin, “One Story”
May 14, 2020 Read the whole text...