Ed Rom
Ed Rom
LBJ, The Game Is Over
Thousands Will Demand End to Viet Slaughter
“Confront the Warmakers” is no idle phrase. Coming together from throughout the nation on October 21 and 22, war opponents will march, demonstrate, petition and culminate the activities by mass acts of civil disobedience inside the Pentagon.
The confrontation will be real and physical. Of the 200,000 plus participants, 10,000 are expected to sit-in to block the doorways of the Pentagon, says the National Mobilizing Committee, “preventing people from entering to work but permitting them to leave. If they are able to enter the building the direct actionists will also block the hallways and staircases.”
Nov 20, 2022 Read the whole text...
Ed Rom
Rightist Terror Grows

Detroit’s right wing launched a terrorist attack on the offices of the Detroit Committee to End the War in Vietnam early in the morning on October 29.
Jan 14, 2023 Read the whole text...
Ed Rom
Young Conservatives Vote Against Draft, for Pot
The sphere of politics has gone full-circle with the newly organized Oakland County Chapter of the Young Americans for Freedom.
In the past, YAF has been considered a right-wing, conservative organization. Recently, the Oakland County YAF under the chairmanship of Terry Epton passed resolutions against the draft and against “laws regulating the sale possession and use of marijuana.”
Mar 31, 2017 Read the whole text...