Eldridge Cleaver
Eldridge Cleaver
Cleaver On Seale
The following appeared in the March 15 issue of the Black Panther, official organ of the Black Panther Party.
CONCERNING: The pre-planned political murder of Bobby Seale, Chairman of the Black Panther Party, in the electric chair in the state of Connecticut.
The Primary Task of the American Revolution, at this point in our history, is to defeat the Number One maneuver of the fascist power structure, which is to make an example of Bobby Seale by putting him to death in the Electric Chair in the state of Connecticut.
Jan 23, 2024 Read the whole text...
Eldridge Cleaver
Cops of America: Attention
Would Richard Nixon Die for You?

“Both police and armed forces follow orders. Orders. Orders flow from the top down. Up there, behind closed doors, in antechambers, in conference rooms, gavels bang on tables, the tinkling of silver decanters can be heard as ice water is poured by well-fed, conservatively dressed men in horn-rimmed glasses, fashionably dressed American widows with rejuvenated faces and tinted hair, the air permeated with the square humor of Bob Hope jokes. Here all the talking is done, all the thinking, all the deciding.”
Jan 17, 2024 Read the whole text...
Eldridge Cleaver
Soul on Ice excerpts
Eldridge Cleaver is Minister of Information for the Black Panthers.
“... the pressing social problems which are feeding the conflagration raging in America’s soul... can no longer be compromised or swept cleverly under the national rug of self-delusion. The possibility of concealment no longer exists, and the only ones deceived are the deceivers themselves. Those who are victimized by these “social problems”—the Negroes, the aged, unemployed and unemployable, the poor, the miseducated and dissatisfied students, the haters of war and lovers of men—have flung back the rug in outraged rebellion, refusing to be silenced until their grievances are uncompromisingly redressed. America has come alive deep down in its raw guts, and vast contending forces of revolutionary momentum are squaring off in this land for decisive showdowns from which no one can purchase sanctuary.
Nov 30, 2017 Read the whole text...
Eldridge Cleaver
Jerry Rubin
Stewart E. Albert
Abbie Hoffman
Yipanther Pact
1968—the year of the pig
Reprinted from The Berkeley Barb
The death of the ballot, the birth of the bullet—here is the choice—contemptuously thrust in our face by this decadent racist power structure: racist pig Humphrey, racist pig Nixon, racist pig Wallace for President! So where do we go from here?
Into the streets! Into the alleys! Back of town! Onto the rooftops! Behind whatever shelter remains for a black person here in Babylon!
Aug 8, 2019 Read the whole text...