Gabriel Rosenstock
Gabriel Rosenstock

is áille ná bratacha an domhain é ...
an níochán
ar an líne
more beautiful
than the flags of all nations ...
washing on the line
A haiku in Irish and English by Gabriel Rosenstock (Ireland) with artwork by Masood Hussain (Kashmir) whose first book together, Walk with Gandhi, commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Mahatma’s birth. More bilingual haiku posters from them are available at
Oct 2, 2020 Read the whole text...
Gabriel Rosenstock
A haiku in Irish and English
comheiri lag
Sar gceannairi
police batons
collective semi-erection
of our rulers
Gabriel Rosenstock is an Irish writer who works chiefly in the Irish language. He is a poet, playwright, haikuist, tankaist, essayist, and author/translator of over 180 books, mostly in Irish. He lives in Dublin.
Sep 28, 2024 Read the whole text...