J.R. Kennedy
J.R. Kennedy
Black Schools Erupt
High school students throughout the country have been historically forced to assume second and third class status in Amerikan citizenship. Special kinds of oppression are reserved for them because the state views them as being at the crucial brainwashing stage.
But, like all other institutions in our society, high schools are breaking out of the narrow constricted limitations that are provided for them. To be black in Amerika is bad enough, but to be black and a student is totally intolerable. Throughout Detroit white, and especially black, high schools have been rebelling and scoring important victories.
Dec 2, 2023 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
Blacks Confront UAW
The League of Revolutionary Black Workers, founded in Detroit, is a militant union movement. It is fighting against the giant automotive corporations and against the United Auto Workers. It is fighting for black liberation and self-determination. The League of Revolutionary Black Workers is an historic phenomenon that is not only a response to the failures of capitalist-worker relationships, but more importantly it is a response to the failures of American unionism.
Dec 2, 2023 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
Bombs Away!
“The pump won’t work ‘cause the vandals took the handles.”
—Bob Dylan
When three bombs, planted by revolutionaries, exploded at dawn Thursday, March 12, inside the New York offices of three major U.S. industrial corporations, they were not acts of mindless destruction.
The explosions at IBM, Socony Mobil, and Sylvania Electric were attacks by serious [word missing in original] who understand that it is these corporations that are marketing death, destruction, and social perversion in mass quantities.
Jan 17, 2024 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
Christmas at Northland

“We are all outlaws in the eyes of America.”
—Jefferson Airplane
“The chickens are going to come home to roost.”
—Malcolm X
Years of police harassment of young people at Northland Shopping Center finally came home on Saturday, December 20, as hundreds of Detroit and suburban youths clashed with police for several hours in the center.
Sep 17, 2019 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
Community-PCAUR Fight WSU Toy Police
People Concerned About Urban Renewal, representing the community that Wayne State has exploited for over ten years, once again marched against the University Feb. 28, demanding free community access to the Matthaei Physical Education Complex.
The Wayne State Department of Public Safety once and for all shed their liberal front and turned on the community people in a fashion that would make the DPOA proud. At no time during the entire demonstration did these Wayne Toy Police wear or display their I.D. badges.
Dec 2, 2023 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
Crash the Gate!
When the Rolling Stones came to Detroit, 14,000 kids gave Mike Quatro over $100,000. The Stones were great and the whole crowd was really into it.
Around 100 SDS Weathermen were digging the Stones too. Only they didn’t pay anything; neither did about 200 other kids.
They didn’t pay because they were fed up with the entire bullshit line about paying money to establishment pigs just so you can dig your own culture. So all the Weathermen got together and crashed the gates at Olympia.
Sep 11, 2019 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
“Crude, Obscene and Illiterate”
The Fifth Estate at Southfield-Lathrup High School
“If your children ever find out how lame you really are, they’ll murder you in your sleep.”
—Frank Zappa, December 1965
Some very strange action has been coming down at Southfield-Lathrup High School. Rick Cricow, a student there, has been selling Fifth Estates in the area and distributing them at his school. Last month the Assistant Principal of the school, Richard Leland, confiscated the papers and instructed Cricow to discontinue selling them on school property.
Nov 26, 2023 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
Decentralization Bill a Sham
Decentralization of the Detroit Public School System has emerged as a major issue confronting this city. Within this conflict there exists a strong potential for radical change. Recognizing this, many activist groups have joined in the struggle for effective decentralization.
This becomes a radical issue when the part that is played by education in the Amerikan system is considered.
Sep 19, 2019 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
PCAUR Drives it Home
The cement never sets on the WSU empire.
A sign is attached to the cement wall of the new Foreign Language Building at Wayne State University. It faces the John C. Lodge Freeway and the Matthaei Physical Education Complex beyond it. The sign, without reservation announces that Wayne is “Building For Our Second Century.”
Oct 1, 2023 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
PCAUR Puts Heat on Landlord
In a near spontaneous action, People Concerned About Urban Renewal (PCAUR) led a demonstration against a local slumlord last Thursday.
The group, composed of more than twenty local residents, street kids and students converged on an apartment building complex on the near west side to confront the caretaker of the building concerning the heat and water conditions there which had become intolerable. The buildings are located on Hancock near Avery.
Jul 10, 2023 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
Robert Williams
I will never return
The Detroit black community is moving again. They are mobilizing in support of Robert F. Williams and against the racist judicial machinery that is attempting to extradite him to North Carolina.
Williams, the revolutionary spokesman and former president of the Republic of New Africa (RNA), is accused by the State of North Carolina of kidnapping a “white couple” back in 1961. He returned to Detroit recently to denounce these charges and to renew his political and legal struggles.
Sep 13, 2019 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
Strike Back
Last week we went out on strike. We shut down universities and colleges across the country. Over 400 schools learned the power of the political strike. Hundreds of thousands of students moved militantly in rage over the Cambodia invasion and the Kent State murders. We trashed ROTC buildings, occupied administration centers, fought police, and made demands that put our schools against the wall.
Jul 13, 2022 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
This One’s Ours
After only three hours of deliberation on December 22 a half black half white Detroit Recorder’s Court jury found Alfred Hibbitt, member of the Black Legion, the paramilitary arm of the Republic of New Africa (RNA), innocent of assault with intent to kill. This was the first of three trials that are the result of charges stemming from a shooting at the New Bethel Church last March.
Jul 6, 2023 Read the whole text...