Marlene Tyre
Marlene Tyre
Divine Toad Sweat Reports on Neo-Am Church
The Fifth Estate recently received a copy of “Divine Toad Sweat,” Church bulletin of the NeoAmerican Church, headquartered in Mt. Eden, California.
The Neo-American Church, although it does not employ set rituals, subscribes to three basic Principles. As stated in “Divine Toad Sweat” they are
“1) Everyone has the right to expand his consciousness and stimulate visionary experience by whatever means he considers desirable and proper without interference from anyone;
May 18, 2017 Read the whole text...
Marlene Tyre
For Ft. Hood 3, Prison Conditions Improve

The shocking prison treatment of the Fort Hood Three, the three GIs who refused to go to Vietnam, has improved slightly as a result of the publicity of their situation and a flood of letters to government and Army authorities.
The restrictions against the three men speaking have been removed, and at present David Samas and James Johnson are celled with four other prisoners and are permitted to eat meals in the mess hall. Dennis Mora is with three others; however, he is still unable to leave his cell for meals. They still have no library privileges. They must still remain standing from 5 a.m. til 6 p.m. each day. The often promised, and supposedly “regular” exercise periods, are still unavailable.
May 16, 2024 Read the whole text...
Marlene Tyre
‘Inhuman Treament’ Charged by Families of Fort Hood Three
Last month the Fort Hood Three were convicted and sentenced to prison terms of three years for Mora; and five years for Samas and Johnson. The Fort Hood Three, to perhaps refresh a few memories, are Pvt. Dennis Mora, Pvt. David Samas and PFC James Johnson—the three U. S. soldiers who refused to serve in Viet4 nam believing that the war is “immoral, unjust and illegal.”
Feb 29, 2024 Read the whole text...
Marlene Tyre
No War Toys
Bloodlust in Toyland
GI Joe is on the move... rat-a-tat-tat-tat. Ka-BOOM. Blam. Ka-POW. Gasp...arugghhh! Christmas Day or Doomsday, you say? ‘Tis the season, and the next several weeks will abound with GI Joes, uniforms, helmets, missiles, grenades, and bombs, carrying on the fine American tradition of Christmas peace and profiteering.
Aug 30, 2024 Read the whole text...
Marlene Tyre
Review Denied for Fort Hood Three
The Fort Hood Three Defense Committee announced September 30 that the U.S. Court of Military Appeals turned down the request for a review of convictions of the Fort Hood Three.
PFC James Johnson, Private Dennis Mora and Private David Samas, the three who refused orders to ship to Vietnam, were court-martialed in September, 1966. All are now in the Federal Military Prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, serving three years at hard labor.
Dec 1, 2022 Read the whole text...
Marlene Tyre
The Fort Hood Three: An American Tragedy
“Conscience is a costly thing, and I am paying dearly for the rights to my mind. Five years a cement wall and cold iron bars... is the price I am paying for real freedom. If it must be this way, I accept it gladly, knowing that the satisfaction, the pride and the honor I am feeling because of my actions will bring me through, whatever punishment my master’s hand down on me.”
Mar 24, 2024 Read the whole text...