Sean Alan Cleary
Sean Alan Cleary
Cruel memories of displacement
A tale of squatting told in a graphic novel
a review of
Welcome Home by Clarrie and Blanche Pope. Minor Compositions 2022
When I picked up Clarrie and Blanch Pope’s Welcome Home and saw the tower block on its cover, it shook out of me a memory of watching the BBC documentary series The Tower: A Tale of Two Cities about the privatization of the Aragon Tower at the Pepys Estate (housing estate is the British euphemism for public housing, or projects for Americans unfamiliar).
May 13, 2023 Read the whole text...
Sean Alan Cleary
1984 Still Knocking at Our Door
George Orwell’s haunting tale takes on new power in this graphic novel
a review of
1984: The Graphic Novel: George Orwell, Adapted & illustrated by Fido Nesti. HMH 2021

It might be that everyone has something to say about George Orwell’s 1984. It’s not only a perennial favorite among curriculum builders in American high schools, but also a ubiquitous shortcut for political meaning.
Jul 18, 2021 Read the whole text...
Sean Alan Cleary
No Justice, No Peace
Against Slavery Then; Against Racism Today
a review of
Prophet Against Slavery: Benjamin Lay, A Graphic Novel by David Lester, author and artist, with editors, Paul Buhle and Marcus Rediker. Beacon Press 2021
Sean-Michel Basquiat’s 1984 painting Created Equal might be the first time the phrase “NO JUSTICE NO PEACE” was documented in that exact language, though its sentiment was a familiar one. A decade before, Pope Paul VI declared at a World Peace Day in 1972 that for a world dealing with colonial exploitation, “If you want peace, work for justice.”
Dec 21, 2021 Read the whole text...
Sean Alan Cleary
White racist violence and Black responses
Detroit, June 1943
a review of
Run Home if You Don’t Want to be Killed: The Detroit Uprising of 1943 by Rachel Marie-Crane Williams. UNC Press 2021
Rachel Marie-Crane Williams’s new graphic history examines the violence that erupted in Detroit during the summer of 1943 in 230 evocative and beautifully rendered black and white images and text. But erupted might be the wrong word to describe what has been called variously a race riot, a pogrom, or, as Williams says in her title, an uprising.
Jun 17, 2022 Read the whole text...