Fifth Estate Collective
FE Staff Member to Speak
to East Coast Greens at July ’94 Conference
The New Jersey Green Journal, published by the Raritan-Brunswick Greens, is a green publication we have particularly enjoyed since they take a strong interest in many of the questions that animate us—technology as a system of domination, the question of civilization and empire, and neo-primitivism.
Recently, they invited FE staff members to a seminar and workshops on Saturday, July 9, at the Rutgers Labor Education Center in New Brunswick, New Jersey, “intended to be a participatory forum for intensive discussion among activists from the green, anarchist, socialist, and feminist movements.” They will send reprints of Fifth Estate articles to people interested in participating who are unfamiliar with many of the FE themes to be discussed.
Topics will include the technology question, limits and prospects of left and environmental movements, problems of social ecology, and the organization question. George Bradford, the only FE staffer so far committed to go, will speak at the morning plenary on “Megamachine, Empire and Nature.”
The conference will take place from 9 am to 4:30 pm, and will include full-group and small-group discussions, and a vegetarian luncheon. There is a $5 donation to cover costs. For more information, write the Raritan-Brunswick Greens, PO BX 2029, Princeton NJ 08543, or call (609) 443–6782.