
Fifth Estate Collective
Marat/Sade Out

The Court Theatre has announced the cancellation of its scheduled production of Marat / Sade due to its revival in New York.

As an alternate the Court will present the Detroit premiere of Joan Little-wood’s London hit, “Oh, What A Lovely War.” Subtitled “A Musical Entertainment” the play is often referred to as a music-hall show. Songs and dances of the World War I era are interwoven with actual stories and news events of the War.


Fifth Estate Collective
Anti-War Groups Plan Action

Anti-war forces in Detroit are preparing to respond to a call for a national mobilization called at a meeting last month of anti-war groups.

The meeting, held in Cleveland Nov. 26 to evaluate the recent Nov. 5–8 Mobilization for Peace in Vietnam, for Economic Justice and for Human Rights, mapped plans for continuing and enlarging anti-war activities and established a Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam.


Peter Werbe
Ben Habeebe

Spare the Rod...?

“It is a general policy to expect that teachers will maintain discipline by means other than the use of corporal punishment.”

—Detroit Public Schools TEACHERS’ BULLETIN

“The Detroit Board of Education policy limited the use of corporal punishment is in reality one big fiction.”

This is what one irate Detroit substitute teacher said after witnessing two instances of excessive brutality against elementary school students during one afternoon.


Andrei Codrescu
The Ecstatic Culture Europe ’66

Translated by Bernardo Bova and Peggy Edmonds

“God sent to earth an animal to tell men that they are immortal, and the animal, either through stupidity or forgetfulness, told them that they must die.”

—St. Augustine

We need a third sex to touch the ecstatic culture. The Europe of 1966 is still sterilized by war, its seminal reservoirs dried up by fascism and the search for an ecstatic culture is its first possibility of refinding its fertility.


Fifth Estate Collective
Lowndes County Election Aftermath

As a follow-up to the Nov. 8 elections in Alabama, and as a result of black people voting in those elections for the first time in their lives, the white landowners are retaliating by evicting large numbers of black farm workers from their land.

In Greene County, the Greene County Freedom Organization reports that there have been a series of evictions, resulting in 70 families being evicted from the land which has been their home for years.


John Sinclair
The Coatpuller

A new year coming up, the end of one era and the move into a new one. 1967. The year that will make history begin again, with some relevance to our lives. What we are. I mean I can feel it in the air, the vibrations are so strong now and when they are united it will be truly beautiful. Believe me. Believe yourselves. Believe in what you feel.


Shirley Hamburg
A Note on Current Film Criticism

The chief spokesman for the “independent or underground film-makers” in this country is Jonas Mekas.

He resides in New York where he edits an anti-intellectual (anti-art?) rather ethereal, often pretentious magazine, FILM CULTURE.

“As long as the ‘lucidly minded’ critics will stay out with their ‘form,’ ‘content,’ ‘art,’ ‘structure, ‘ ‘clarity,’ ‘importance,’—everything will be all right, just keep them out.
