Fifth Estate 58, July 18-31, 1968 Add to the Bookbuilder

Fifth Estate Collective
As the Fifth Estate goes to press we received word that the Michigan Secretary of State has certified the Michigan New Politics Party to appear on the November Ballot.
In a telephone interview with state party chairman, Bert Garskoff, he stated that the party will quickly hold a state convention where many feel Black Panther leader, Eldridge Cleaver’s name will be put in nomination as the party’s presidential nominee.
May 30, 2018 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Marshall Rubinoff (7-5-44 — 7-7-68)
In memoriam
Marshall Rubinoff, former Fifth Estate rock and roll columnist, died of injuries sustained in an accident while he was riding his motorcycle in San Francisco July 7.
Marshall was known in this area for his work as lead singer and rhythm guitarist for the second edition of the Spikedrivers. While he was with the band he wrote much of their material. He left Detroit for San Francisco shortly after the Spikedrivers broke up and after trying unsuccessfully to form a new band here.
May 30, 2018 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
FIFTH ESTATE #58, July 18-31l, 1968, Vol. 3 No. 6
Harvey Ovshinsky
Peter Werbe
Cathy West
Tommye Wiese
Alan Gotkin
John Sinclair
Eric Watkins
Gunnar Lewis
Resa Jannett
Bill Allen
May 31, 2018 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Tom and Kate

To the sounds of Dylan’s “Love Means Zero—No Limit”, Tom and Kate were married Sunday, July 7. Tom Nixon, ex-chairman of the Draft Resistance Committee, and Kate Tomaino, of the Cambridge Book Stall on the Wayne Campus, chose St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church as the scene for their Episcopalian-Hindu rites wedding.
May 31, 2018 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Crash in, tune in, take over
NEW YORK, N.Y. June 25 (NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)—A group of about 40 hippie types, bearded, beaded and foul-mouthed, invaded the studio of WNDT-TV, Channel 13, last night and, within sight and sound of thousands of viewers, tried to take over the station.
Reality was performed on Channel 13, WNDT-TV, Tuesday night, June 25th, at 10:30 p.m. A live reenactment of chaos sent shock waves through the New York metropolitan area as thousands of viewers witnessed the first physical confrontation between the underground and the establishment media. What was happening in Paris, in Vietnam, in Berlin, in Tokyo, in practically every major city in the world was happening at that exact moment on the third eye of living room consciousness: REBELLION.
May 31, 2018 Read the whole text...
Hank Malone
Notes on a Greek festival
...or how freedom was celebrated in Detroit
It is ironic that the recent “Freedom Festival” in Detroit was celebrated primarily in Detroit’s Grecian community.
It is actually tragic, when you consider that modern Greece lies dying at the feet of fascist armies, and that many, perhaps most, of the inhabitants of Detroit’s so-called “Greektown” are monarchists at heart, actually supporting the current Greek dictatorship. “Greektown, in short, is one Helluva place to celebrate a “Freedom Festival.”
May 31, 2018 Read the whole text...
John H. Fenton
Spock gets jail term
BOSTON, July 10—Dr. Benjamin Spock and three other defendants were sentenced today to two years in Federal’ prison for conspiring to counsel evasion of the draft.
The four stood quietly in Federal District Court as the clerk read the sentences imposed by Judge Francis J.W. Ford, who presided over the case. Execution of the sentences was waived pending legal steps for appeal.
May 31, 2018 Read the whole text...
John Wilcock
Other Scenes
Other Scenesman, John Wilcock, has begun one of his frequent around the world trips. This report is filed from Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. We will publish his impressions of his visits to other European and Asian cities as they are received.
Beethoven concert in the Rector’s Palace, a centuries-old stone castle with inner patio open to the sky. Cheapest ticket 10 dinar (80 cents) with which I race up two impressive stone staircases to recline comfortably on a stone ledge overlooking the middle-aged German tourists sat stolidly in stiff-backed chairs 20 feet below.
May 31, 2018 Read the whole text...
Lenny the Red-and-Black
Berkeley Revolt
War zone report
Editors’ Note: The following events, now described as the Berkeley Rebellion, occurred between June 28 and July 2. Subsequently, the citizens of Berkeley won a complete victory when the city council lifted the curfew and allowed Telegraph Avenue to be closed off and a rally held. This article originally appeared in a slightly longer form in the San Francisco Express Times.
Jun 2, 2018 Read the whole text...
Oscar Garcia
Soul On Ice
Book review
a review of
Soul On Ice by Eldridge Cleaver. 210 pages. Ramparts (McGraw-Hill).
The Texas Outlaw’s Kerner Commission told the nation that the black and white races are moving rapidly in different directions. Eldridge Cleaver tells it better in his new book.
When one sits down to think about it, he realizes that real communication and understanding between black and white Americans is virtually nil. As Herb Boyd, of the Wayne State Association of Black Students put it, “White students really assimilate what they learn here, but after we dig Freud, we go home and read Le Roi Jones.”
Jun 1, 2018 Read the whole text...
Sol Plafkin
Off Center
An interesting entry to the TV “talk show” circuit locally is “Haney’s People,” at 11:15 p.m., on Channel 7 (WXYZ-TV).
Host for the new show is Don Haney who is dark black in color, but not very black in philosophy. For instance, in discussion July 7 on bias in the mass media, Haney kept on insisting that TV had played an important role in magnifying the image (with a clear implication that this was detrimental to “good race relations”) of Stokely Carmichael and Rap Brown.
Jun 1, 2018 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Trans-Love Offers Services
The Trans-Love Energies commune is now offering three new services in which you may be interested:
Dave Sinclair, manager of the UP and now resident at 1520 Hill Street in Ann Arbor, next door to the MC5-Trans-Love house, is now taking orders for custom-built speaker cabinets for guitar and p.a. amplifiers and for hi-fi and stereo sets. He will build what you need at a wholly reasonable rate. For example, a new SUNN speaker cabinet for a 200S bass amp would cost you $330 list (without speakers); Dave can do it for under $100. His cabinets are endorsed by the MC5 and the UP—these bands play and praise them.
Jun 2, 2018 Read the whole text...
Thomas Haroldson
Elvira Madigan
Film review
“Elvira Madigan,” as advertised, may well be the most beautiful movie ever made. In any event, it is one of the most popular foreign films to come to Detroit in quite a while. However, I have a feeling that the capacity crowds that fill the Studio-North each night are not completely satisfied with what they see.
Jun 1, 2018 Read the whole text...
Mixed Mead-Ear
New Music: Donavan, The Cream
a review of
The Cream, “Wheels of Fire” (ATCO)
Donovan, “In Concert” (Epic)
I can remember when I was young, thinking how nothing in the music world ever stayed constant. Later in my life I was to be proven wrong. Cream had nothing to do with it, unfortunately, as nothing in the world would give me greater pleasure than to admit that they were the group!
Jun 2, 2018 Read the whole text...
John Sinclair
Rock and Roll Dope
In the past two weeks since the last issue of this paper a bunch of new developments have taken place: Almost every job for the MC5 brings a new and different creep scene into being.
At a Wednesday night job in Tecumseh, Michigan, at the local teen center, guitarist Wayne Kramer ripped a pair of pants early in the second set and went off to change them. Later in the same set he ripped the second pair of pants, this time accidentally exposing his genitals to the tender crowd.
Jun 2, 2018 Read the whole text...
Eugene Schoenfeld M.D.

QUESTION: In a recent column you referred to a medical underground weekly called the A.M.A. News. I would like to place a subscription for my doctor to this paper. He is a real good doc and all but seems to have blinders on. Could you give me the address?
Jun 2, 2018 Read the whole text...
Harvey Wasserman
1968: Year of the heroic guerrilla media
Liberation News Service — You don’t have to be (or even read Marshall McLuhan to realize that without an iron grip on the media—and most importantly on television—the rulers of this country could hold power approximately one month. The average person here is not so happy that given an easy and acceptable access to honest explanations of what goes on here he would not take action as we have.
Jun 2, 2018 Read the whole text...
Liberation News Service
Underground Incorporated
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 20) LNS — Possession charges against LNS editor Ray Mungo and WIN [magazine] editor Marty Jezer were dropped June 20 in Washington. The defendants suspect the police smoked the evidence,
After the case was placed on the court calendar, the arresting Narc approached Mungo’s and Jezer’s lawyer, John Karr, and asked if he was going to contest: the evidence. Karr advised the Narc to have the evidence as well as a lab technician in court to give testimony. The Narc disappeared and when the case was called for trial, charges were dismissed, Mungo and Jezer were not surprised at the outcome. “After. all,” they chorused, “it was good shit.”
Jun 5, 2018 Read the whole text...
John Sinclair
Pun Plamondon is still in jail in Traverse City in lieu of $20,000 bond. We haven’t been able to get an attorney to work for him for free, and we can’t possibly get the bond up. If there are any attorneys out there who are interested in working on this or similar cases out of the goodness of their stoned little hearts, please contact us at Trans-Love, 769–2017 in Ann Arbor or through the Fifth Estate office in Detroit. Also, any donations to the Trans-Love Defense Fund can be sent to 1510 Hill Street, Ann Arbor 48104.
Jun 5, 2018 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Events Calendar
A CONTEST! Did you think gas stations were the only ones who held contests? The FIFTH ESTATE is having the Calendar Name Game. Try and create a new and exciting name for the calendar. Then send it along, with your name and address to the FIFTH ESTATE. A free one-year subscription will be given for the winning name. So, what have ya got to lose? Give it a try.
Jun 5, 2018 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. A word is a word, including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.
Wanted: Singer for Experienced Radical-Rock-Jazz Ensemble. Must be good, versatile, and over 18. Contact Wilson, 14 W. Elmhurst, Highland Park, Michigan.
Jun 5, 2018 Read the whole text...