Fifth Estate 90, October 16-29, 1969 Add to the Bookbuilder

Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate
“To Serve the People”
Alan Gotkin
Peter Werbe
Cathy West
Bill Rowe
Keep On Truckin’ Co-op
Jane Capellaro
Dena Clamage
Bob Fleck
David Gaynes
Joel Landy
Bruce Montrose
Claudia Montrose
Marilyn Werbe
Tommye Wiese
Jul 25, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Better Living Through Lying
“President” Dave Valler is talking.
As a result of Valler’s eagerness to switch rather than fight, John Sinclair, Pun Plamondon and Jack Forrest have been indicted on Federal bombing conspiracy charges.
In addition, Pun has been charged with the physical act of dynamiting government property, or, as the pigs so revealingly put it, “...injure property of the United States....”
Jul 25, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Liberation News Service
Heavy Time in Pig City
Report from Chicago
CHICAGO—Hundreds of SDS members, responding to two separate calls, moved in the streets of Chicago and braved police gunfire on several occasions in the opening days of the Oct. 8–11 action against U. S. imperialism.

On the first night four hundred young people, mostly members of SDS’s prominent Weatherman faction—wearing helmets and carrying sticks—charged through Chicago’s fashionable Gold Coast district, smashing left and right the windows of stores, banks, cars, apartments and hotels.
Jul 25, 2019 Read the whole text...
Dave Wheeler
Circus in Town
The Ringling Bros., Barnum and Bailey Circus is coming to Detroit. Running a poor second in entertainment value is the election campaign for the mayor of Detroit.
Traditionally, the people of Amerika have come to expect great election extravaganzas each year. One of our great spectator sports—like a Lions’ game.
Jul 25, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
The Free U.
The Free University at Wayne State is beginning its second term and is looking for students and professors.
Anyone can attend and the only qualifications necessary for teaching-age that you have something to profess and can get people to sit through your class.
The Free University is a community project begun by Open City and has a catalog of classes available from the Open City Office, call 831–2770 for more information.
Jul 26, 2019 Read the whole text...
Nick Medvecky
The Israel Al Fatah is Fighting
JERUSALEM—The greatest thing that strikes you when you leave the Arab countries and enter Israel are the differences in the culture and the level of material wealth.
A Westerner feels completely at home in Israel. Miniskirted girls, wide avenues, traffic signs and lights, supermarkets and the complete freedom of the English language allow one to freely mix and mingle here. The abundance of discotheques, theatres, transportation facilities and lush parks provide good and easy-to-get recreation.
Jul 28, 2019 Read the whole text...
Detroit Newsreel Collective
Newsreel’s Here to Stay!
Up Against the Wall, Pig Media Mind-Fuckers
Newsreel is a national organization of revolutionary filmmakers with bases in 10 cities and Puerto Rico. We came to Detroit at the beginning of the summer to make a film on auto workers and set up regional distribution of our films. All summer we’ve shown our films in parks and projects, at the Grande Ballroom and in our own backyard.
Jul 25, 2019 Read the whole text...
Mike Kaufman
Ft. Dix Erupts
FORT DIX, N.J. Oct 12—Thousands of demonstrators, marching under the banners of many anti-war and militant groups, were turned back by tear gas as they marched onto the mammoth military reservation.
More than 1,000 military policemen, most of them with bayonets fixed on their rifles, were called on to repel the 4,000 demonstrators, but no injuries or arrests were reported.
Jul 25, 2019 Read the whole text...
Liberation News Service
Paint Guerrilla Strike
ITHACA, NY, Sept. 25, (LNS)—Four women toting gallon cans of paint ran up to the Marine officers recruiting at Cornell University’s Barton Hall and doused them with paint.
One recruiter, Captain Donald Frank, was covered from head to foot, front and back, with purple, white and yellow paint. Two other officers, a blanket, and a projector were splattered with paint. Damage was estimated to be over $250.
Jul 26, 2019 Read the whole text...
Liberation News Service
Stone Pig Offed in Chicago
CHICAGO, Oct. 7 (LNS)—A day before the SDS national action was scheduled to begin here, headlines all over the city announced that the “historic” Haymarket Square Police Monument had been blown sky high.
The eight foot high bronze statue of a policeman was built to commemorate seven policemen who died in the famous Haymarket Square riot in 1886.
Jul 26, 2019 Read the whole text...
Victor Mansfield
Plymouth Legal Circus
On Oct. 2, Judge Dunbar Davis of the 35th District Court in Plymouth once again reaffirmed his judicial agility by bailing out the primordial Judge Richard Hammer of the 21st district court in Garden City and the ephemeral Charles Lowe, City Attorney for the City of Plymouth, when he granted Brother Rolf Dietrich’s motion for a new hearing on the suit for $2,999.99 Dietrich is pressing against 11 Plymouth officials for confiscating 15 copies of the Fifth Estate last February.
Jul 26, 2019 Read the whole text...
F.T. Andrews
Selfridge: No more shit
Racism has been heavy at Selfridge Air Force Base, twenty miles north of Detroit, for quite a while. Especially in the last year, there have been numerous incidents, and a great deal of harassment and intimidation of black airmen and air women (WAFs).
Colonel Harold Lund, the commander at Selfridge, is completely ineffectual in dealing with the problem, although one is not sure whether it is through incompetence or design.
Jul 26, 2019 Read the whole text...
Jerry Rubin
Justice: A can of worms
CHICAGO, Oct. 1 (Liberation News Service) — I am at this writing locked in a tiny cell in the Cook County Jail, a cell which I share with too many friendly cockroaches. I can’t get out except to go to court. I can’t see any other people, but I hear their screams. The hysterical cries of people going mad because they’re treated like caged animals.
Jul 28, 2019 Read the whole text...
John Sinclair
Prison Letter from John
Sept. 30, 1969
Dear People,
Sorry I haven’t written in so long but I wanted to get settled up here before writing you again. There seems to be a lot more going on out there in the streets than happens here in prison, but then that seems to be the idea of locking people up, so they won’t be able to participate in the activities they enjoy.
Jul 28, 2019 Read the whole text...
Paul Taylor
Easy Rider
Good flic?
If you read the South End, The Metro, The Detroit News or Free Press, you already know the story of “Easy Rider.” But that’s all you know.
Despite the number of reviews which claim to analyze or criticize “Easy Rider” as a movie, none have considered what its effect as a film is. It may be a good story, but from the reviews, it’s hard to tell whether “Easy Rider” is a good movie.
Jul 28, 2019 Read the whole text...
Joe Check
Black Workers Present Demands
The week of Oct. 5 through 12, the Ad Hoc Construction Coalition presented demands to 8 agencies that 50% of all workers in construction and construction-related projects in the Detroit area be black.
Spokesman Hank Rogers said that the Coalition represents an affiliation of approximately 50 community groups, including the West Central Organization, Urban League, Metropolitan Contractors Association, and black construction Local 124.
Jul 28, 2019 Read the whole text...
David Gaynes
President Dave Oinks
October 8th, Jack Forrest was awakened by the noisy spectacle of nine Federal agents bouncing off the vestibule wall of his mother’s apartment on Pingree.
Streaming through the kicked-in door in wild disarray, they gathered their forces around Jack’s bed and, guns drawn, proceeded to shout some dialogue that they had heard on television.
Jul 28, 2019 Read the whole text...
Dena Clamage
Fall Offensive: Detroit
The Fall Offensive has now been launched on a scale more massive than anyone anticipated with the strikes, rallies, marches, and other activities that swept Detroit and the entire country on Oct. 15. These are however, only a prelude to the November phase of the offensive.
Organization is now under way for the International Student Strike called for Nov. 14th, where the goal is the shutdown of every high school and college in the nation, with similar strikes throughout the world.
Jul 28, 2019 Read the whole text...
Bob Fleck
Mother’s Little Helper
It’s mother’s little helper that boosts the harried housewife over that mid afternoon hump; an added push to help the busy student deal with last minute cramming to ace that last exam; the wonder drug that makes dieting fast, easy, and effortless—and the liquid fire that eats away bodies and minds from the veins on out.
Jul 28, 2019 Read the whole text...
Hugo Hill
North for Freedom
SAIGON, Sept. 30 (LNS)—The Green Berets have gotten away with murder.
After announcing that it would press forward with a court martial, the Pentagon suddenly reversed field and dropped all charges against the six Special Forces officers accused of killing a Vietnamese interpreter.
The official reason for the switch, offered by Secretary of the Army, Stanley Resor, in a statement on September 29, is that the CIA “has determined that in the interest of national security it will not make available any of its personnel as witnesses” in the court martial. Without CIA testimony the prosecution, presumably, would have no case.
Jul 28, 2019 Read the whole text...
Thorstein Smith
View from the Top
Early this year, George Meany’s AFL—CIO pulled out of the International Confederation of “Free” Trade Unions because ICFTU, originally set up as an anti-Communist rival to a pro-Soviet World Federation of Trade Unions in 1949, is getting closer to dealing with WFTU bodies.
“In the future,” said the Wall Street Journal, “AFL-CIO will spend the money on its own international programs,” that is, the ICFTU will no longer be directly on the CIA payroll. Unfortunately, nationally-isolated trade unions run into other kinds of problems.
Jul 28, 2019 Read the whole text...
John Wilcock
Other Scenes
Tokyo, Sept. 18
There’s no Women’s Liberation Movement in Japan—which certainly needs one—and so the 1969 Miss International Beauty Pageant went off without a hitch in the Hall of Martial Arts here last week.
The only trouble, in fact, was that things went so smoothly that even the people normally awed by these things must have been affected by the all-pervasive boredom. The nitty gritty of the affair, after all, is to display 50 girls in “national costume”, in evening gowns and in swimsuits and then pare these down to a final quintet of winners.
Jul 28, 2019 Read the whole text...
Eugene Schoenfeld M.D.

QUESTION: Dear Dr. Schoenfeld: “I am replying to a recent column of yours and to the girl that complained about her boyfriend’s balls. It seemed that during intercourse, his balls banged against her body and she didn’t care for this. That girl is absolutely NUTS!
Jul 29, 2019 Read the whole text...
Various Authors
Hey John, I’ve been digging your doings way back since 1965. I have always respected and, I might add, shared, your point of view on this whole pig establishment.
I’ve been keeping in touch with the scene even though I’ve been in Vietnam more than a year, via the Fifth Estate and news-clippings and papers sent by friends back in Detroit.
Jul 29, 2019 Read the whole text...
Resa Jannett
Events Calendar
In cooperation with Detroit Adventure
NEWSREEL SHORTS and features in Lower DeRoy Aud. 8 pm. Adm. 75 cents. They will be presenting Newsreel flics every Thurs. nite. Be sure to attend.
OPEN CITY FREE MEDICAL CLINIC. They will gladly cure your ills only come about an hour early (5:30 pm) to sign your name so you don’t have to wait so long. 6:30–8:30 pm. 4726 Third.
Jul 29, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words.) Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.
Lead guitar player needs work; Lead guitar player needs music; Call JoJo 863–2290 soon.
Jul 29, 2019 Read the whole text...