Dave Marsh
Dave Marsh
Ann Arbor
The Struggle Continues

Summer came to Ann Arbor last week and brought with it teargas, a tank, about 400 cops and four nights of street confrontation.
Monday night the people gathered in the streets to drink and dance. People fucked in the streets. No cops showed up. Tuesday, the shit came down hard. The people barricaded off South University between E. Forest and E. University. Cops from Washtenaw, Monroe and Oakland Counties showed up along with State Police from the Ypsilanti post. The people were gassed and beaten and finally driven off the streets in the small hours of the morning.
Apr 8, 2019 Read the whole text...
Dave Marsh
Mistrial Called in Sinclair Pot Trial
Weirdness continued as the State of Michigan suffered another set-back in its attempt to put John Sinclair behind bars.
The White Pahther Minister of Information, accused of possession of marijuana, was granted a mistrial by Recorder’s Court Judge Robert Colombo June 25 after he decided that the testimony of an undercover narc was prejudicial.
Apr 21, 2019 Read the whole text...