E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
300,000 at Pro-choice Demo—Plus Us
On Sunday, November 12, approximately 300,000 pro-choice demonstrators, participating in a “Mobilization for Women’s Lives,” filled the lawn beside the reflecting pool facing the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.
At one point during the four hour rally, the folk group, Peter, Paul and Mary sweetly sang choruses from Holly Near’s, “We Are A Gentle, Angry People,” but it was clear that the main sponsor of the event, the National Organization for Women (NOW), wanted the emphasis on “gentle” and not “angry.”
Jan 23, 2018 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Anarchy and the Left
In recent months, we have been critical of a number of anarchists, through correspondence and in person, on the question of working politically with marxist-leninists on specific projects of joint interest. Those we have been in contact with on these matters include an anarchist draft resister in California and several young people in Detroit working with the anti-war front group of an authoritarian communist party, an anarchist newspaper which supports Leftist political prisoners, and an anarchist activist joining with a small socialist group to co-sponsor meetings and demonstrations.
Dec 17, 2017 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
A Reply on Poland
In response to “The Collapse in Poland” by Rudy Perkins in this issue (FE #309, June 19, 1982).
A Movement Which is “Represented” is Unfree.
When I hear the term “seizure of power,” my flesh crawls. It is a hideous term originating in the Marxist-Leninist movement and produces images of police round-ups and the gulag; it is the code word for counterrevolution. It is a thoroughly inappropriate concept for those who believe in human freedom and one best left to those whose only program is the elevation of the police to complete political power, i.e., socialists and communists.
Mar 17, 2019 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
George Bradford (David Watson)
Blood and Soil Ideologies
The following is an excerpt from an article commenting on the 1993 Palestine Liberation Organization/Israel peace agreement, “The PLO/Israeli Treaty: Another Defeat for the Palestinians,” from Fifth Estate #343, Fall/Winter 1993.
Eew realize that in the 45 years of Israeli existence, fewer than 700 Israeli civilians have been killed by Palestinian guerrillas. In the same period, Israel has slaughtered tens of thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians (including scores of children whose “crime” was throwing stones), wiped out 400 villages, imprisoned thousands without trial, dynamited houses, cut down thousands of trees in orchards, and engaged in collective punishment in an attempt to terrorize the “natives” into submission.
Sep 28, 2018 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
George Bradford (David Watson)
Blood and Soil Ideologies
In our effort to bring readers important reprints from the FE archive, we offer the following excerpt from an article by George Bradford and E.B. Maple regarding the 1993 Palestine Liberation Organization/Israel peace agreement, “The PLO/Israeli Treaty: Another Defeat for the Palestinians.” This is the last section of the article.
Aug 19, 2017 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Book Review
A review of
Powerline: The First Battle of America’s Energy War, Barry M. Casper and Paul David Wellstone, The University of Massachusetts Press, 1981, 314 pp.
In many ways this is a hard book to get a handle on. It would be easy to dismiss the protagonists as middle-income, conservative, small-landholding farmers pitted against a giant power company and only squawking when their ox is suddenly gored. But it’s more than that. The farmers who tried to stop a 430 mile long direct powerline from trespassing across their property in the middle ‘70s were propelled along by the deceit of politicians and corporations until most of them had experienced a profound transformation in how they viewed their isolated rural world of western Minnesota.
Mar 19, 2019 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Book Reviews
B. Traven, The White Rose, Lawrence Hill & Co., Westport, CT, 1979, 209 pages, ($5.95, available from Fifth Estate Bookstore)
reviewed by L.S.D.
The White Rose by B. Traven is the story of the destruction of the pearl that was the most beautiful of all, the Rosa-Blanca, The White Rose, and its transformation into an industrial wasteland. This Mexican hacienda was almost entirely surrounded by land rich in oil owned by the Condor Oil Co., where rich wells poured forth thick streams of black gold. The richest of these wells bordered Rosa Blanca where Jacinto Yanez, owner of the hacienda, and sixty Totonac Indian families lived and had lived in almost the same manner for generations past, for Rosa Blanca was their ancestral home.
Oct 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Both Sides Now
an exchange
FE Note: A spin-off from our letters section, “Both Sides Now” presents two distinct views on a controversial topic, side by side. On the left [in print edition], FE reader Seaweed elaborates points first raised in his “Land And Liberty” (FE #367, p. 22–23). His views might be shared by many Fifth Estate readers and writers, but by no means all, as clearly evidenced by EB Maple’s response (see “Guns again?” in Letters, FE #370, p. 52). Hence, on the right [in print edition], we present Maples’s elaboration of an “opposing” view.
May 13, 2015 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Confronting Poverty and the Poor
a review of five books
a review of
Food Not Bombs: How to Feed the Hungry and Build Community, C.T. Lawrence Butler and Keith McHenry, New Society Publishers, Philadelphia, 1992, 120 pp., $8.95.
Street Lives: An Oral History of Homeless Americans, Steven Vanderstaay, New Society Publishers, Philadelphia, 1992, 244 pp., $14.95.
Mar 4, 2020 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Detroit Paper Strike Continues
Despite Big Labor March & Court Ruling
I’m writing this on Labor Day 1997, the third such holiday since five newspaper unions began their strike against the Detroit News and Free Press in July 1995. The spirits of many of the strikers remain high, their weekly paper continues to publish, and a national AFL-CIO-sponsored march brought out tens of thousands of supporters, yet victory or even a return to work appears more and more distant.
Feb 14, 2016 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Detroit Summer
A new city or paint-up, fix-up?
At their National Gathering last August, the U.S. Greens decided to embark upon a project they called “Detroit Summer” as one of their three major campaigns for 1992.
The idea was to express an urban consciousness for ecological issues through the establishment of a “Green alternative” for an economically and socially disintegrating urban environment. Part of this ambitious project involved the recruitment of Youth Greens, many of whom constitute the most radical and even anarchist wing of the Greens, to come to this city for the summer.
Jan 18, 2016 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Edward Abbey: We Rest Our Case
Edward Abbey, author of the fictional eco-sabotage novel, The Monkeywrench Gang, and numerous other volumes on the Southwestern deserts and wilderness is both the eminence grise and bête noire of Earth First! Abbey is highly revered by the EF! leadership and many of its supporters for his eloquence in expressing a sense of things wild, but also for his misanthropic irreverence towards “humanistic” values.
Nov 20, 2020 Read the whole text...
Various Authors
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Even More Minneapolis Anarchy
In response to “More Minneapolis Anarchy”
FE Note: This is a response to “More Minneapolis Anarchy,” the letters beginning on page 15 of this issue.
Well, even more Minneapolis Anarchy has come our way since our introduction and page layout was begun.
First, a letter from “Some Chicago Anarchists,” the conveners of the 1986 Haymarket Centennial, who question the necessity of multiple national meetings for the anarchist movement and in particular the January 16 planning meeting in Atlanta for the July Toronto Gathering. This is an abridged version of a much longer letter; the complete text is available from the above folks at: Box 163, 1340 W. Irving Pk. Rd., Chicago IL 60613.
Aug 7, 2017 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
John Zerzan
Paula Zerzan
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Bob Brubaker
Examining Zerzan
Excerpts from Fifth Estate history
Much of primitivist theorist John Zerzan’s early work appeared in the Fifth Estate. His Cassandra-like predictions of imminent collapse of modern society began in 1976 with his FE article, “The Decline and Fall of Everything” [FE # 268, January, 1976]—a compendium of statistics of social dislocation.
Mar 7, 2014 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
George Bradford (David Watson)
FE & the Anti-nuke War Movement
Where we’ve been
Contrary to the impression the accompanying photo may give, we have not been lying down on the job. Rather, since our last issue we have been quite heavily involved in holding several anti-nuclear war conferences (including the one announced in our January 19 issue), as well as various anti-war, anti-draft activities, and on-going discussions concerning our activities and our relationship to the momentum against nuclear war now taking shape throughout the country.
Feb 25, 2019 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
George Bradford (David Watson)
Lynne Clive (Marilynn Rashid)
Fifth Estate/Earth First!
The Twain Meet in New Mexico
It already seems like a long time ago, but this past June three of us from the Fifth Estate staff headed out by train to New Mexico for our first Earth First! (EF!) Round River Rendezvous (RRR). This was the tenth annual RRR, which EF! describes as its yearly “tribal celebration.”
Needless to say, after the past couple of years of argument, discussion and heated exchange between Fifth Estate writers and people in EF! (see FE’s Fall 1987 through Spring 1989), we undertook the journey with excitement and a bit of trepidation. We were anxious to meet more of the faces behind the words, and though we had received warm invitations from several EF! individuals, we also received a few not so warm challenges to attend, and we weren’t sure we’d be welcomed by all.
Jan 24, 2018 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
France ’68: A Society Explodes
a review of
Worker-Student Action Committees: France ’68, R. Gregoire & F. Perlman, Black & Red, PO Box 02374, Detroit MI 48202, 1969 (reprinted 1991). Available from B & R or FE Books, $3 plus postage.
This is a pamphlet written almost a generation ago when revolution not only seemed possible, but imminent. The enthusiasm generated from the authors’ direct participation in the 1968 events almost leaps from the pages as they pen lively critiques of the successes and failures of the movement which almost toppled French society.
Sep 10, 2018 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Goodbye, Cleveland
When I was a kid, the guys in my crowd used to view changing the oil in our cars as sort of a manly rite of passage on the way to adulthood. We’d dump the used oil down the nearest sewer laughingly, saying, “Hello Cleveland,” knowing that it would travel through the Great Lakes waterways to the cities downstream. That was before the age of ecological awareness, but we still had the realization the oil was going somewhere.
Feb 27, 2016 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
How Do You Spell Relief?
Mass murder, random killings and the like are nothing new in this country; Bruce Springsteen, in his ballad about a killing spree in the late 1950s by Charlie Starkweather, sings, “It’s just a meanness in this land, sir.”
It seems someone blows their top, flips their lid almost daily. So, reports of a homophobic minister’s son in New York City shooting into a crowd of gays, or a driver ramming her car into pedestrians packed onto a Las Vegas sidewalk, or a disgruntled client tossing gasoline bombs before him as he shoots his way through a crowded Detroit law office, or a bored Southern California school girl who calmly fires round after round into her school yard, become almost mundane, ordinary, such is their frequency. They are the small percentage of flip-outs, those whose rage has gotten out of control.
Sep 25, 2019 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Ideology as Material Force
Earth First! and the Problem of Language
“When you’re taking on a bulldozer, you don’t worry about the flies buzzing around your head.”
—Dave Foreman, editor, Earth First!, Yule 1987 edition
Words have consequences and, knowing their power, Dave Foreman uses them skillfully and manipulatively.
The Fifth Estate is one of the flies, along with Murray Bookchin and the social ecologists, Ynestra King and the eco-feminists, Alien-Nation—anyone who has criticized the deep ecology philosophy and its most militant exponent, the Earth First! (EF!) group. They’re “warriors” on a sacred mission to defend the Wilderness, with barely time to “squabble” with “anarchists-leftists-marxists,” who are “academics,” “anthropocentric” and “wimps” given to “whining.”
Jul 31, 2017 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
I’m Sticking with the Union?
The battle of Detroit
“Hey! What are you guys doing here? You hate unions!”
—A strike supporter
The labor militant who aimed this question at us was surprised, almost shocked, to see a group whom she considers anarchists critical of unions, shoulder-to-shoulder with striking Teamsters and newspaper reporters, squaring off against the cops at a suburban Detroit printing plant late one night last summer.
Jan 15, 2018 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
I’m Sticking With The Union?
reprint from FE #347, Spring, 1996
“Hey! What are you guys doing here? You hate unions!”
--A strike supporter
The labor militant who aimed this question at us was surprised, almost shocked, to see a group whom she considers anarchists critical of unions, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with striking Teamsters and newspaper reporters, squaring off against the cops at a suburban Detroit printing plant late one night last summer.
Feb 22, 2014 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Isn’t All Money Fake?
a review of
Counterfeit Currency: How To Really Make Money, M. Thomas Collins, Loompanics Unlimited, P.O. Box 1197, Port Townsend WA 98368, $15; $3 shipping.
Money is a fairly curious substance. Its official function is to represent value, but once said, you can immediately challenge all the assumptions inherent in such a formulation: Value?; its representation? Since value itself is a representation of abstract worth, money operates within economies as a representation of a representation! No wonder its properties seem so inscrutable.
Sep 11, 2018 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Isn’t All Money Fake?
a review of
Counterfeit Currency: How To Really Make Money, M. Thomas Collins. Loompanics Unlimited, 1990 (out-of-print). Reprint from Fifth Estate, Fall, 1991.
Money is a fairly curious substance. Its official function is to represent value, but once said, you can immediately challenge all the assumptions inherent in such a formulation: Value; its representation? Since value itself is a representation of abstract worth, money operates within economies as a representation of a representation. No wonder its properties seem so inscrutable.
Aug 13, 2014 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Looking at Animals
Is There a Third Choice?
Everyone knows the origin of meat, but few want to face the facts. Sue Coe’s art and Alon Raab’s review [this issue, FE #349, Summer 1997] invite the reader to a “naked lunch,” Burrough’s pungent phrase for that moment when everyone sees what’s on the end of everyone else’s fork. But at this meal, it’s a bloody carcass of a being that lived a miserable life and suffered a horrendous death before ending up as a burger on your plate.
Oct 29, 2021 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Mad Bombers & Anarchy?
Oklahoma City and the Unabomber

We live in a world where television announces what is important and solemnly pronounces how loyal citizens are to respond—patriotism: the Gulf War; mourning: the death of the war criminal Nixon; joy: the Olympics; or indignation: the Oklahoma City bombing. The public is inundated with carefully selected images, which are dropped as soon as they fulfill their function of affirming the ruling scheme of things.
Mar 14, 2016 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
May Protests in Detroit
Stopping the Incinerator, Starting the Movement
After months of intense organizing, Detroit’s Evergreen Alliance carried off a four-day “Mobilization to Save the Great Lakes,” May 13–16, centered around opposition to the world’s largest trash incinerator scheduled to open in May 1989.
Activities included 19 arrests for civil disobedience, a mass march and two educational forums, all of which brought public and participant attention to the ecological crisis facing the Great Lakes region as the quality of air, water and land continues to be in severe jeopardy.
Nov 14, 2020 Read the whole text...
John Zerzan
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Objections to Councilism
In response to “More Minneapolis Anarchy”
FE Note: This is a response to “More Minneapolis Anarchy,” the letters beginning on page 15 of this issue.
The desire to maintain the technology developed under Capital’s reign after a libertarian revolution demands that it continue to be administered. The very scope of the productive process means that a similarly large deliberative and decision-making apparatus would exist to coordinate its functions. Those within the anti-authoritarian milieu, usually anarcho-syndicalists or councilists, advocate worker self-management through a system of councils as the best way to democratically and non-bureaucratically administer the capitalist means of production in a manner consistent with a revolutionary vision.
Aug 5, 2017 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Ed Clark
On Organization
Two Reviews of The Camatte/Collu Pamphlet
Within the small circles that constitute the libertarian movement in the United States, the question of whether to combine in organizations, associations, federations, etc., has become a subject of some debate and much interest Many feel that the only obstacle to organization is the relative weakness of the small numbers of persons who identify with a libertarian perspective, while still others (probably a smaller number) feel organizations in and of themselves are bureaucratic and are incapable of producing the desired goal.
Sep 21, 2016 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Rudy Perkins
On Poland and Power
Coordination & Electricity
Thanks again for running my article on Poland, and for E.B. Maple’s reply. (See FE #309, June 19, 1982, “The Collapse in Poland”) Maple seems a little over-anxious for a dispute on the questions raised, in some cases going out of his way to misinterpret what I say, and to ignore parts of the article in which I clearly distinguish the revolutionary movement from the organizations which speak for it, and from the capitalist state which cannot be reformed or seized. Still, there are several points on which we genuinely disagree.
Jun 1, 2019 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Revenge of the Nerds
The Republican Victory
“Consider the intelligence of the average man, then realize 50% are even stupider.”
—Mark Twain
“I am nothing, a cloak of skin with a mouth saying, Don’t kill everything so soon.”
—Mick Vranich and Wordban’d
Wouldn’t the headline, “61% of Electorate Avoid Polls; Conservative White Men Elect Right-Wing of Political Racket to Power,” after the Nov. 8 Republican sweep of Congressional seats have been more accurate than those in the media which trumpeted, “Americans Vote for Change?” Admittedly, mine is not exactly snappy, nor would it fit well as a banner headline, but it’s closer to the truth.
Jun 7, 2020 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
The Berkman Conference
A few days before the commencement in Pittsburgh of the July 23rd conference, “A Remembrance of Alexander Berkman, The Man Who Shot Frick,” Sunfrog and I headed for a little town on the Pennsylvania/West Virginia border called Confluence where several rivers come together. We figured if rafting was good enough for Earth First! founder, Dave Foreman, maybe we should give it a try as well.
Jan 29, 2020 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
The Free
Book review
a review of
The Free by M. Gilliland. Hooligan Press, 142 pp., London, 1986, 1.80 pounds, $4.00 (U.S.)
The Free is a short, quick-paced novel about insurrection and revolution, its eventual defeat and the repression which follows. Although the quality of the prose is a bit ragged in parts, it is powerful and real enough that witnessing the dreams of the central characters first realized and then dashed creates a mood of utter despair by book’s end.
Nov 3, 2020 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
The Radical Press Today
a review of
The World of Zines: A Guide to the Independent Magazine Revolution, Mike Gunderloy and Carl Goldberg Janice, Penguin Books, New York, 1992, $14.
I wish I liked this book better since its authors, particularly Mike Gunderloy, have worked tirelessly through their magazine, Fact Sheet Five, to promote ‘zines as the independent publications of this generation. One problem is its cost which seems fairly high for those of us used to seeing the same information in publications such as Fact Sheet Five or Anarchy for a quarter of the price.
Mar 4, 2020 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
The Real Welfare Cheats
a review of
Waste of the West: Public Lands Ranching, Lynn Jacobs, 1991, P.O. Box 5784, Tucson, AZ 85703, 8-1/2 x 11, 602 pp, $28.
It is a cross between mean-spiritedness and stupidity for people to blame those on welfare for the current economic recession (or depression, depending on where you are situated in the pyramid). The real drain on the economy comes from the big money boys looting ever larger sums from the national treasury, through scams like the S&L bailout and from the classes below them. There is a welfare system which should be despised; it is the one which aids the rich.
Sep 8, 2018 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
George Bradford (David Watson)
The War on the Poor
Plenitude and Penury in Detroit
Capitalism is never good to all of its subjects. Regardless of its carefully honed mythology of democratic access to success and class mobility, capitalist society is a system of looting whereby a few at the top and a small substratum below them hog the vast majority of wealth.
Looting, the forcible extraction of wealth by a powerful minority from a defenseless or passive majority, is the keystone of capitalism and has been since its inception. This hemisphere was looted from its original inhabitants, its minerals, forests soil and animals looted to finance the empires of Europe. Slaves were looted from Africa to create the original capital accumulation and industrialization through slave labor. And through looting and exploitation of the poor and working classes of this country and the world, a colossal empire of capital has been established.
Aug 31, 2018 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Three Books on Israel
a review of
Israel’s Global Role: Weapons for Repression. Israel Shakak. Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc., Belmont MA, 61 pp., 1982, $2.95.
Our Roots Are Still Alive: The Story of the Palestinian People. Peoples Press Palestine Book Project, Institute for Independent Social Journalism, New York, 1981, 190 pp., $5.45.
Dec 21, 2019 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Turn It Off!
The call to turn off television or even to lessen viewing hours certainly should not be interpreted as an inherently radical suggestion, since it emanates constantly from educators, parents, psychologists and others professing concern for the health and morals of the nation. Laying aside the fact that these well-meaning guardians undoubtedly are as hooked into extensive TV viewing as any other American, their pleas and advice should be seen as consistent with the continuing criticism television has experienced since its emergence as a mass medium 30 years ago.
Apr 15, 2018 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Was it Anarchy in Somalia?
“‘You just have to turn on a television to see that those people need help, and no one else is going to help them but us,’ said Todd Schuppert, a truck driver from Pekin, Ind.”
—New York Times, Dec. 1992
“Who tries to hold what flashes in the worldly storm will drown.”
—Taoist poem
“They want bases and the oil in Somalia,” I told Ed, looking into his intense, sad eyes. I was responding to the same question he posed to me during the Persian Gulf war. A former leftist, Ed wanted to know whether I believed “the U.S. could ever do anything good.”
Feb 24, 2020 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
We Get a Computer and Hate It!
The Fifth Estate Enters the 20th Century
“Things are in the saddle and ride Man.”
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
One blind man
leads many blind men
Into the fire hole
hand in hand.
—Zen saying
After several years of discussing and debating the implications of a newspaper which criticizes technology obtaining computer equipment, we were finally forced into making the big leap, and now possess one. It may seem hypocritical to denounce computers while typesetting on one, but no less so than if I had arrived at our office by car with money in my pocket and began writing about the harm the automobile does and the need to abolish capitalism.
Mar 17, 2020 Read the whole text...
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Will Marijuana Save World Capitalism?
Hemp to the rescue
a review of
The Emperor Wears No Clothes: The Authoritative Historical Record of the Cannabis Plant, Marijuana Prohibition, & How Hemp Can Still Save the World, Jack Herer, HEMP/Queen of Clubs Publishing, 200 pp., Van Nuys CA, 1992 edition, $14.95
Hemp: Lifeline to the Future, Chris Conrad, Creative Xpressions Publishing, 312 pp., 1993, price not listed
Mar 18, 2020 Read the whole text...