Franklin Lopez
Franklin Lopez
A Brief History of subMedia
On the 15th anniversary of making anarchist films

A strange looking man walks out of a Sam’s Club superstore with a shopping cart filled with diapers, food, and chocolate, without paying. He fooled the cart checkers with a fake receipt. As his feet touch the parking lot pavement, a rent-a-cop yells, “Stop!!”
May 17, 2019 Read the whole text...
Franklin Lopez
Anarchist Filmmakers
...Video Tape Guerrillas & Digital Ninjas
a review of
Breaking the Spell: A History of Anarchist Filmmakers, Video Tape Guerrillas and Digital Ninjas by Chris Robé. PM Press, 2017, 468 pages.
Reviewer’s note: I agreed to write this review before being aware that almost an entire chapter is dedicated to an analysis of my video work and that of sub.Media. It also includes some writing about my work with the Vancouver Media Co-op. I know Chris personally, and we’ve eaten tacos and drunk beers together.
Dec 26, 2017 Read the whole text...
Franklin Lopez
Making Anarchist Films
Mutual Aid Helps the Process
In the aftermath of 9/11, I pretty much dropped everything to produce media about the protests against the war in Afghanistan. However, I was clueless about the alter-globalization movement and that mass mobilizations had been happening all over the world for the two years preceding the Twin Towers attacks.
Dec 18, 2013 Read the whole text...
Franklin Lopez
Trafficking Anti-civ Thought Across Borders
Film Review
In October 2010, I finally called it quits on my film END:CIV. By calling it quits, I mean that I decided that the film was done, and that I would not add or remove a single frame of video, tweak the audio or add any more titles. Like Coppola once said and I paraphrase, “One does not finish a film, one abandons it.” But far from abandoning it, the following November of that year, I embarked on an eighteen-month grassroots tour, where I would present my work to audiences in seventeen countries in over 150 screenings.
Oct 2, 2013 Read the whole text...