Jerry Lembcke
Jerry Lembcke
Nobody Spat on American GIs!
The Mythical Imagery of the American “Great Betrayal” Narrative
Stories of spat-on veterans began proliferating in the U.S. media in 1990 as the country ramped up for the first Persian Gulf War. Anti-war activists had spat on troops returning from Vietnam, or so the stories went, and to make sure that did not happen again, Americans were urged to rally around the men and women dispatched to the Gulf. Within weeks, the nation was awash with yellow ribbons, symbols of support for troops, and by inference, the mission on which they had been sent.
Jun 22, 2015 Read the whole text...
Jerry Lembcke
The Hanoi Jane Legacy
The Many Faces of Jane Fonda

“Jane Fonda, Traitor Bitch”
—Bumper Sticker at Old Miami, a Detroit Bar
In 1968, Jane Fonda was best known for the role she played as the scantily-clad Barbarella in the film by the same title. Shortly thereafter, she emerged as an influential voice in the movement against the war in Vietnam, leaving as her most lasting contribution the support she gave the resistance efforts of GIs and veterans.
Feb 16, 2016 Read the whole text...