Orin Langelle
Orin Langelle
Arizona EF! Trial
Conspiracy or Entrapment?
The government of the United States believes in the concept of freedom so much it infiltrates movements that practice the concept and tries to set them up to commit illegal acts.
Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!, and four others are being prosecuted for conspiracy, and although the government contends the “Arizona Five” conspired to sabotage the nuclear industry, it is apparent the reason behind the arrests and prosecution is to discredit the radical environmental movement and to jail Foreman because he wrote a book.
Jan 21, 2020 Read the whole text...
Orin Langelle
Gary Hughes
Anne Petermann
Chile Uprising for Land & Freedom
“This is a fight we should be fighting all around the world”
The sun of the austral summer rose warm on Santiago, the capital of Chile, as hundreds of thousands of women began to take to the streets on International Women’s Day. This traditional day of feminist mobilization celebrated annually on March 8 carried with it a special anti-patriarchal power in 2020 due to the fervent momentum that had been maintained on the streets of Chile since the social explosion in October of last year.
Oct 29, 2020 Read the whole text...
Orin Langelle
Shawnee Timber Sale Stopped

Beginning on June 20th, a determined group of Earth First!ers (EF!), Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), and anarchists, maintained a blockade at the site of the Fairview timber sale area in southern Illinois’ Shawnee National Forest.
Aug 24, 2019 Read the whole text...