Fifth Estate 94, December 11-24, 1969 Add to the Bookbuilder

Fifth Estate Collective
In case of...
American Civil Liberties Union: 961–4462
Ad Hoc Citizens Committee, Police Brutality Complaints: 872–2828
Creem Magazine: 831–0816
Draft Resistance, info on counseling 874–4334
Detroit Anti-war Coalition: 873–4322
Fifth Estate Office: 831–6800
Fire Department: 962–0400
Grape Boycott Office: 825–4811
Sep 9, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate
“To Serve the People”
Alan Gotkin
Peter Werbe
Cathy West
Bill Rowe
Keep On Truckin’ Co-op
Steve Dunn
Jane Capellaro
Dena Clamage
Bob Fleck
David Gaynes
Rick London
Bruce Montrose
Claudia Montrose
Marilyn Werbe
Sep 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
Tommie the Commie
The time is right
“Gimme a p—P”
“Gimme a i—I”
“Gimme a g—G”
“What’s that spell—PIG!”
“What do they do—SUCK!”
Every Saturday afternoon the freeks and greasers from Northwest Detroit and the suburbs go to Northland shopping center to see their friends, get high and hang out.
Pigs at Northland, like all pigs, hate freeks and greasers and over the last year they have been busting the brothers and sisters on jive charges like “loitering” or for being “disorderly persons.” For months people have just kinda accepted that fucked-up harassment without complaining or anything. But Saturday, Dec. 6, the pigs busted one brother too many and all hell broke loose.
Sep 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
Kae Halonen
We’re gonna live here
The development of people willing to fight for their land is all that will stop the University and the City.
Back in the “uncivilized” days of American history, when a company or government wanted land they killed or drove off the people who lived there and claimed the land as their own.
The Indians were the first to feel the Man’s wrath. The Indian land was needed for “progress”—factories and railroads—and so foot by foot the Indians were driven West with guns, firewater and treachery.
Sep 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Cop Killer Goes Free
Justice—Detroit style. Danny Royster was convicted last week of manslaughter in the slaying of the only pig killed during the July 1967 uprising. One problem—Danny didn’t off the pig and everyone including the State admits to that fact.
What happened was that Danny and a buddy were liberating some goods from a store on the near Eastside when they were discovered by the 13th Precinct Big 4. One particularly vicious pig, Roy (Butterfingers) St. Onge who works the Warren-Forest area entered the smashed out storefront and whopped Royster upside the head with his shotgun.
Sep 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
The Winter Offensive against the war in Vietnam is beginning. The Fall Offensive culminated in 800,000 persons in Washington and people came back to Detroit with even a greater sense of the need to bring all the troops home now.
The December Moratorium will focus on organizing and support of anti-war GIs.
Sep 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
Liberation News Service
The Massacre
TROUNGAN, South Vietnam (LNS)—The inhabitants of this tiny village tell a story that one British Newspaper described as “The Massacre That Chilled The World”. They are the survivors of Songmy.
On March 16, 1968 a company of U.S. soldiers entered Songmy, meeting no opposition. They ordered all inhabitants out of their homes and gathered them together in three groups, about 200 yards apart. When the houses had been cleared the troops dynamited those made of brick and set fire to the wooden ones.
Sep 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
GIs Resist the War
News Items
FT. DIX, N.J.—The trials of the Ft. Dix 38 accused of a variety of charges stemming from a stockade rebellion last June are continuing.
On Nov. 20 Pvt. Thomas Catlow was convicted at his court-martial of aggravated arson and riot despite the Fire Chief’s testimony that fire damage was of such a minor nature he did not even bother to examine it closely.
Sep 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
Revolutionary Wall Painting
Reprinted from Fire
I. Necessity
The average Amerikan cannot help but read several hundred thousand words per day of pig shit in the form of advertising, slogans on police cars, etc. Revolutionary wall painting effectively combats this totalitarian bombardment of the mass subconscious.
“A dull-witted army cannot defeat the enemy.”—Mao
Sep 11, 2019 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
Crash the Gate!
When the Rolling Stones came to Detroit, 14,000 kids gave Mike Quatro over $100,000. The Stones were great and the whole crowd was really into it.
Around 100 SDS Weathermen were digging the Stones too. Only they didn’t pay anything; neither did about 200 other kids.
They didn’t pay because they were fed up with the entire bullshit line about paying money to establishment pigs just so you can dig your own culture. So all the Weathermen got together and crashed the gates at Olympia.
Sep 11, 2019 Read the whole text...
David Gaynes
The Rolling Stones
a review of
The Rolling Stones, “Let It Bleed,” XZAL 9363, London Records
You must somehow listen to this album—whether you steal it, buy it, or play it with your nose is irrelevant, or rather, up to you.
As is everything.
If you do listen to “Let It Bleed,” and hear it, there’s not much I can say to you. If you don’t—nothing.
Sep 11, 2019 Read the whole text...
Ecology Manifesto
The four changes
Position: Man is but a part of the fabric of life—dependent on the whole fabric for his very existence. As the most highly developed tool-using animal, he must recognize that the unknown evolutionary destinies of other life forms are to be respected, and act as gentle steward of the earth’s community of being.
Sep 11, 2019 Read the whole text...
Law and Order? Murder!
Stop political repression
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8—25 Black Panthers were arrested, three wounded, during police raids on two apartments and a four-and-a-half hour gun battle at the main Panther office in Watts.
The office was surrounded at 5:30 a.m. by a force of between 300 and 400 police. They were refused entrance to the office. They began to break down the front door, but were driven away by shotgun fire; two cops were wounded.
Sep 11, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Media Repression
Insert: American Revolutionary Media / Detroit
Movies, radio and television, newspapers and magazines consistently distort news, information and images of the Black and white liberation movements, here and around the world.
With Black Nationalist groups like the Panther Party, the effort is to present them as aggressively, violently militant organizations of anti-white Black racists. In the case of the Panthers, this slander has been accomplished entirely by slant and innuendo. The Panther Party has never been reported in an incident of violence that was not a case of self-defense. Spokesmen have continually emphasized that the Panther Party is not anti-white, but anti-racist, not concerned with the destruction of white people, but concerned properly and necessarily with serving, defending and liberating its own Black people.
Sep 11, 2019 Read the whole text...
Ken Cockrell
Get Down
American Revolutionary Media / Detroit
Part of American Revolutionary Media / Detroit insert
Ken Cockrell is a Black revolutionary, “so-called attorney,” and a member of the central staff of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers in Detroit. His rap was taped, transcribed and edited by Newsreel for this ARM issue on the day of the Los Angeles police attack on the Panther office, before that news was made public.
Sep 13, 2019 Read the whole text...
Movement Counterattack
Part of American Revolutionary Media / Detroit insert
Last summer, after beating a 13-month strike by its employees, the Booth family’s Detroit News returned to its standard racist and reactionary distorted news practices. The response of the white and Black movements was the total boycott declared below. But as, we all know, it is not just the News which distorts information to the people at the source, nor just the Booth newspapers, TV and radio stations which hold the people down by denying them full and accurate information about their place in the world, and what people are doing to change the world—it is the entire spectrum of the power structure media. Until the movement stops cooperating with the power structure media in the naive confidence that it is WE who will be using THEM, and until the people act on their knowledge that “you can’t believe what you read in the newspapers,” or hear on radio or see on television, our image of the world and ourselves will depend on the power-structure’s definitions, and we will never be free.
Sep 13, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
All Power to the People!
Newsreel, Fifth Estate, PAR, Revolutionary Printing Co-op
Part of American Revolutionary Media / Detroit insert
When 300,000 people marched in Washington for civil rights in 1963, a lot of people felt as good as they did in November when 750,000 people marched in Washington for peace. But the civil rights movement has not liberated Black people. And the peace movement has yet to end the war in Vietnam, let alone “bring the boys home” from the 53 countries’ in which they are stationed around the world.
Sep 13, 2019 Read the whole text...
Bill Rowe
News Shorts
Blacks at Harvard University seized the Administration Building December 5 demanding more black workers in administrative and service areas. Six hours later, the blacks gave up the building after an Administration promise to discuss the demands on the following Monday.
Sep 13, 2019 Read the whole text...
J.R. Kennedy
Robert Williams
I will never return
The Detroit black community is moving again. They are mobilizing in support of Robert F. Williams and against the racist judicial machinery that is attempting to extradite him to North Carolina.
Williams, the revolutionary spokesman and former president of the Republic of New Africa (RNA), is accused by the State of North Carolina of kidnapping a “white couple” back in 1961. He returned to Detroit recently to denounce these charges and to renew his political and legal struggles.
Sep 13, 2019 Read the whole text...
Arthur Parumba
Richard Brautigan’s 3 & 1 & 3-in-1 Books

O.K. now, I got to tell you about what I am writing about. It is 3 books and another one, and I guess, another one. They are called Trout Fishing in America, The Pill versus The Springhill Mine Disaster, In Watermelon Sugar and all three of them together (they cost about 2 dollars each in paperback or you can buy (ed. note: steal) all three of them together in hardcover for about 8 dollars. All from Delacorte Press, I guess, and The Confederate General from Big Sur (a buck ninety five from Grove Press) and they were all written by Richard Brautigan who is a crazy man.
Dec 9, 2022 Read the whole text...
Eugene Schoenfeld M.D.
Dear Dr. Hip Pocrates,
I seldom read your column, it usually actually makes me sick to my stomach to know there are such vulgar, uncivilized, people.

Today my husband showed me your column about the man who liked to wake up his wife by making love to her in the morning. He’s an early riser and I’m not (he relaxes in the evenings while I take care of dinner, children, and chores). He remarked that he might try that sometime. I told him and I’ll tell you, if he ever does, in that manner, I’ll probably kill him and blame you for contributing to the cause.
Sep 13, 2019 Read the whole text...
John Wilcock
Other Scenes
SEX: Fifteen couples fucking simultaneously under the guidance of a clinical psychologist who told them how to get more out of it was one of the features at a recent encounter weekend at Ed Lange’s Elysium Institute ranch in California’s Topanga Canyon. Elysium (5436 Fernwood, L.A. Calif. 90027 for info) recently won its court fight to operate the first nudist camp within the LA city limits, overturning a law that had made nudity illegal even with your own family in your own backyard...
Sep 13, 2019 Read the whole text...
Various Authors
Ever since I’ve been reading Hank Malone’s articles, I acquired the irresistible urge to blast his ideas out of our midst into oblivion, where they belong. Malone’s reflections on art are a classical example of revolutionary cretinism.
Malone’s views have been attacked (rather irrationally) by another reader before me, and his response is curiously analogous to vice-president Agnew’s: “I’m not for censorship” said Agnew, after subtly advocating censorship in a previous speech.
Sep 13, 2019 Read the whole text...
Resa Jannett
Events Calendar
(in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure)
HEAR COME THE REVOLUTION (too bad its about the American one) a gallery talk with Glenn Still, Curator of Fort Wayne Military Museum. At the Det. Hist. Museum. 3:30 p.m. Free.
DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA in concert with Alexander Gibson guest conductor. Soloist: Wanda Wilkomirski, violinist. Ford Aud. 8:30 p.m.
Sep 13, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line, per issue. (i.e. 2 lines in 5 issues cost $3.50)
Sep 13, 2019 Read the whole text...