Fifth Estate Collective
Events Calendar


A CONTEST! Did you think gas stations were the only ones who held contests? The FIFTH ESTATE is having the Calendar Name Game. Try and create a new and exciting name for the calendar. Then send it along, with your name and address to the FIFTH ESTATE. A free one-year subscription will be given for the winning name. So, what have ya got to lose? Give it a try.


Fifth Estate Collective
Events Calendar


INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION’ International Freedom Festival sponsoring a “Let Freedon Ring” ceremony. Bring your American flags and apple pies. 12 noon, Greenfield Village.

ART EXHIBITS along Washington Blvd. to coincide with the International Freedom Festival.

PARADE—march along the streets or ride your bicycles to Patton Park. Starts at Beard & Dix at 12 noon, for more info call 843–1950.


Fifth Estate Collective
Events Calendar


RASHOMON, Akira Kurosawa’s masterpiece at the Studio 1 Theater, Livemois at Davison at 7:30 & 9:30 pm. Adm. $2.

YOGA CLASSES at the International Institute at 7:30 pm. Call 675–1038 for information.


REPUBLICAN GALA with such stars as ABBE LANE and the SERENDIPITY SINGERS at Cobo Hall at 8 pm.


Fifth Estate Collective
Events Calendar


Cass City Cinema—First Unitarian Church (Cass and Forest), $1.50 admission, 7:30 & 10:00 p.m. Nov. 19 & 20: “The Twelve Chairs,” (Mel Brooks). Nov. 26 & 27: “Emitai” (1971 from Senegal). Dec. 3 & 4: “This Man Must Die” (Chabrol, France).

Detroit Film Theatre—Detroit Art Institute Auditorium, $2.00 admission ($1.50 students), 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. Nov. 19: “Emitai” (Senegal). Nov. 20: “Breathless”, (1959 Goddard). Nov. 21: “Uncle Vanya” (USSR 1972). Nov. 26: “The Round Up” (1965, Miklos Jansco). Nov. 27: “L’Avventura “ (Antonioni). Nov. 28: “Jamilya” (USSR). Dec. 3: “Funnyman” (1967 John Korty). Dec. 4: “Millhouse—A White Comedy” (1971, Nixon). Dec. 5: “The Twelve Chairs” .


Fifth Estate Collective
Events Calendar


Cass City Cinema, 1st Unitarian Church, Cass and Forest: March 4–5—MEAN STREETS, Martin Scorsese (1974); March 11–12, ‘HOW TASTY WAS MY LITTLE FRENCHMAN, Brazil (1971); March 18–19, EXTERMINATING ANGEL, Luis Bunel (1962), Mexico; April 8–9 ROMA (1971) Fredrico Fellini; March 25–26 and April 1–2 NO films.


Fifth Estate Collective
Events Calendar

Well, there’s not much “organized” activity for June, since all the cinemas have run their course until the Fall. But with nice weather here at last it shouldn’t be too hard to enjoy ourselves.

Please do remember that this calendar is yours to contribute to, if you have any interesting events you would like to publicize. Mail us the information as early as possible in order to get it into the upcoming issue. We will print notices of most non-commercial, out-of-the-ordinary (?) and free events.


Fifth Estate Collective
Events Calendar


CASS CITY CINEMA-7:30 & 10:30 p.m. Unitarian Church, Cass & Forest, adm $1.50. Jan. 28 & 29—HOUR OF THE WOLF (’64) by Ingmar Bergman. Feb. 4 & 5 THE HORSE’S MOUTH, (’58) Ronald Neame with Alec Guiness. Feb. 11 (I) and Feb. 12 (II) THE NEW YORK EROTIC FILM FESTIVAL I & II by Ken Gaul. Feb. 18 & 19 BLACK ORPHEUS (Rio de Janiero’s Mardi Gras). Feb. 25 & 26 THE SHAMELESS OLD LADY (’66) Rene Allio.


Fifth Estate Collective
Events Calendar


CASS CITY CINEMA—First Unitarian Church, Cass & Forest (red door on Forest), 7:30 p.m. & 10:00 p.m. Adm. $1.50. The cinema has not been doing as well as it should be, so please give them your support.

Jan. 7 & 8: THIEVES LIKE US, Robert Altman; Jan 14 & 15: HAPPY NEW YEAR, Claude le Louch; WOMAN IN THE DUNES, Hircishi Teshigahara on Jan. 21 & 22; Jan. 28 & 29: HOUR OF THE WOLF, Ingmar Bergman.


Fifth Estate Collective
Events Calendar


Cass City Cinema-1st Unitarian Church (Cass & Forest—red door), 7:30 & 10 pm Adm. $1.50. Sundays films at 7:30 only.

4–29 & 30 “Blow for Blow” 1970 Karmitz. (France)

5–6 & 7 “Womens Film Festival Weekend”.

5–13 & 14 “Hearts and Minds” 1974 (Peter Davis).

5–27 & 28 “The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse” 1960 (Fritz Lang).


Fifth Estate Collective
John Zerzan
Paula Zerzan
E.B. Maple (Peter Werbe)
Bob Brubaker

Examining Zerzan Excerpts from Fifth Estate history

Much of primitivist theorist John Zerzan’s early work appeared in the Fifth Estate. His Cassandra-like predictions of imminent collapse of modern society began in 1976 with his FE article, “The Decline and Fall of Everything” [FE # 268, January, 1976]—a compendium of statistics of social dislocation.


Fifth Estate Collective
Ex-SLAers Hear Mixed Legal News

In a victory for Russ Little, the California Supreme Court has let stand a lower court order reversing his conviction for the 1973 SLA assassination of an Oakland, California school official.

Little should be back in court for re-trial by this Fall setting the stage for his eventual release if found innocent at that proceeding. However, at the same time, the Court refused to hear the appeal in the same case of Joe Remiro whose conviction was left standing by the lower court.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fall Offensive

The Fall Anti-War Offensive has begun. Ending the war in Vietnam is the most important task facing the American people and the American people must be the force to end it.

We urge every Fifth Estate reader to actively take part in every rally, march, and demonstration that calls for immediate withdrawal of all troops NOW!


Fifth Estate Collective
Farewell Elka Schumann Co-Founder of Bread & Puppet Theater

Bread and Puppet Theater’s Elka Schumann died this past August, at the age of 85. She and her partner, Peter Schumann, co-founded the Bread and Puppet Theater, the innovative and radical theater group, in New York City in 1963.

The Bread and Puppet Theater’s use of giant puppets with social justice themes has inspired similar use around the world


Fifth Estate Collective
Fascist Youth Gangs Plague West Coast

In the last few years there has been a rapid increase of right-wing white gangs in Southern California’s white, middle-class suburbs. Known as “white-boy gangs,” they are not as territorial as the traditional cultural gangs in black or Mexican urban areas which Los Angeles authorities estimate at 50,000 members. Rather, the new gangs push their weight around at youth culture events anywhere in the area, mostly at punk and metal music gigs.


Fifth Estate Collective
FBI Disruptions of Detroit New Left Exposed

After sifting through even a small portion of the recently released FBI Cointelpro documents detailing the government’s activity in attempting to disrupt the Left in the Detroit area during the ‘60s and early ‘70s, one is alternately struck with tedium and fascination.

Tedium because of the 53,000 pages of records that describe the endless meetings, the lengthy lists of license plate numbers observed outside of those meetings, the inept descriptions of political differences, and the almost sub-literate stabs at personal profiles of those under surveillance.


Fifth Estate Collective
FBI Hunts Pun

“The beauty parlor’s filled with sailors, the circus is in town.”


Bill Rowe, alias Desolation Rowe, radical accountant and financial wizard for the Fifth Estate, Argus, numerous rock groups and conspiracies far too numerous to mention here, was raided in his plush Northwest Detroit apartment, March 6th.


Fifth Estate Collective
FBI Lab Scandal Adds Fuel to Charges of Agency Complicity in Earth First! Bomb Case

OAKLAND, CA—Amid revelations that the FBI crime lab routinely manipulated scientific evidence for political ends, the FBI and Oakland, Calif. Police have been charged with deliberately falsifying evidence in their investigation of the 1990 car bombing of Earth First! activists Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney in a brief filed March 18 by their lawyers.


Fifth Estate Collective
FBI Still Stalling on EF! Bombing Case

SAN FRANCISCO—A federal magistrate ordered the FBI to provide further evidence to lawyers for the late Judi Bari and fellow Earth First! activist Darryl Cherney in their 7-1/2 year lawsuit against the FBI and Oakland Police Department.

On May 24, 1990, a bomb exploded beneath Judi Bari’s car seat after she and Cherney, her passenger, had received death threats aimed at their political organizing in defense of the redwoods (see FE #334, Summer 1990). The FBI arrived on the scene in Oakland, California within minutes and declared that Bari and Cherney—two prominent nonviolent organizers of Earth First! “Redwood Summer”—were knowingly transporting the bomb that nearly killed them. The Oakland Police arrested the two within hours, but no charges were ever filed. Judi died of breast cancer in 1997.


Fifth Estate Collective
FE 400th Issue

Welcome to the 400th issue of the Fifth Estate. Our first issue was published in Detroit in November 1965. It was born in the age of the 1960s New Left, civil rights, anti-war, feminist, and gay rights movements.

The Fifth Estate was soon joined by hundreds of other papers and small magazines locally produced by activists, many barely out of their teens. Together these publications became known as the underground press.


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Announcements

Los Angeles’ (De)Center is an autonomous, non-profit, collectively organized space providing access to anarchist ideas and culture, open daily 3-7pm. It offers hard to find anarchist and radical books, periodicals, zines, CDs and tapes and t-shirts. There are regular political events, a film series, and a Tuesday night coffeehouse. (De)Center is at 6122-1/2 N. Figueroa, Los Angeles CA 90042; phone (213) 344–7017.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fear Grips Midwest—Easy Space Unstoppable


Tough times had befallen the Easy Space Theater, and to help them pull out of their financial woes, the Somebody Else Players called in the help of that perennial moneymaker, Jerry Loose, for a grand Begathon.

It opened with Loose dancing out on stage, cigarettes stuffed up his nose and dressed in a sleazy Las Vegas suit. This guy was disgusting.


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Beats Ma Bell Well, sorta

It was the re-match of the week: Michigan Bell’s high-paid legal staff working in tandem with the full weight of the Wayne County Prosecutor’s office, pitted against the Fifth Estate aided by attorney Ken Mogill. In other words--an even match.

Although a Recorder’s Court jury voted 10 to 2 last August for acquittal on the charge that the Fifth Estate published information on a telephone device that could be used to cheat Ma Bell, the phone company, assisted by their toadies in the prosecutor’s office, threatened to drag us into court a second time. Usually such a lopsided verdict in a misdemeanor case means that it would be dropped, but Bell realized that they could blackmail us through manipulation of the courts to get what was clear they couldn’t achieve in open court.


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Books

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each:


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Books

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Books

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313)831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookservice may be reached at the same address as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202 USA, telephone (313) 831–6800.

Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookservice may be reached at the same address as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202 USA, telephone (313) 831–6800.

Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookservice may be reached at the same address as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202 USA;

telephone (313) 831–6800.

Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookservice may be reached at the same address as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202 USA;

telephone (313) 831–6800.

Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookservice may be reached at the same address as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit, MI 48202 USA — telephone (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE BOOKSERVICE is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, both of which are at 5928 Second, Detroit, MI 48202. Telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookservice may be reached at the same address as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202 USA, telephone (313) 831–6800. Visitots are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookservice is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, both of which are at 5928 Second, Detroit MI 48202; telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.

How to Order by Mail:

1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Book Service is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, both of which are located at 4403 Second Avenue, Detroit MI 48201 — telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.



Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE BOOKSERVICE is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, both of which are located at 4403 Second Avenue, Detroit MI 48201—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE BOOKSERVICE is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, both of which are located at 4403 Second Avenue, Detroit MI 48201—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE BOOKSERVICE is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, both of which are located at 4403 Second Avenue, Detroit MI 48201—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate and can be found at 4403 Second Ave. Detroit—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours that we’re open vary quite a bit, so it’s always best that you give us a ring before coming down.

How to Order by Mail:

1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, both of which are located at 4403 Second Ave., Detroit MI 48201—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate and can be found at 4403 Second Ave. Detroit—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours that we’re open vary quite a bit, so it’s always best that you give us a ring before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate and can be found at 4403 Second Ave., Detroit—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours that we’re open vary quite a bit, so it’s always best that you give us a ring before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate and can be found at 4403 Second Ave., Detroit-telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours that we’re open vary quite a bit, so it’s always best that you give us a ring before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate and can be found at 4403 Second Ave., Detroit—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours that we’re open vary quite a bit, so it’s always best that you give us a ring before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate and can be found at 4403 Second Ave., Detroit—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours that we’re open vary quite a bit, so it’s always best that you give us a ring before coming down.


1) List the title(s) of the book, amount wanted and price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

As you may have noted, the name of our book project has dropped the title “Ammunition” in favor of “Fifth Estate” or simply, “FE.” We have been talking about making the change actually for several years, but were always looking for a snappy substitute. Our feeling is that books are ammunition only in the hands of rulers or would-be rulers as ideology and that the name implies a militancy suggestive of armed struggle that is inappropriate in this context.


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate Newspaper (?) [sic] and can be found at 4403 Second Avenue—telephone (313) 831–6800. Our hours vary quite a bit, so it’s always best to give us a ring before coming down.


1) List the title of the book(s), amount wanted and price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.

How to Order by Mail

1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each; 2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $.90 U.S. or $1.34 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage); 3) total; 4)write check or money order to: The Fifth Estate; 5) mail to: The Fifth Estate, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit, MI 48202


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE BOOKSERVICE is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate newspaper, both of which are at 5928 Second, Detroit MI 48202—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

LIVING MY LIFE by Emma Goldman

The turbulent autobiography of a woman at the—center of the century’s major events. Although her life intersected with the famous figures of the era, it is the day-to-day struggles for anarchy which make this account come alive. This is the original two-volume edition first published in 1931.


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313)831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313)831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookservice may be reached at the same address as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202 USA, telephone (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookservice may be reached at the same address as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, P.O. Box 02548, Detroit MI 48202 USA, telephone (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE BOOKSERVICE is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, both of which are at 5928 Second, Detroit MI 48202. telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE BOOK SERVICE is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate newspaper, both of which are located at 4403 Second Avenue, Detroit MI 48201—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, both of which are located at 4403 Second Ave., Detroit, MI 48201—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831–6800. Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate and can be found at 4403 Second Ave., Detroit—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours that we’re open vary quite a bit, so it’s always best that—you give us a ring before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Criticized & Our Response

To the Fifth Estate:

The letter from “Kirk Johnson” (FE #290, March 2, 1978), which equated Fifth Estate’s practice of running a profit-making book service (to support itself) with Search & Destroy’s record company ads (for the same end), makes public a discussion that has been private too long.

That the opening of this critique—which really began with FE’s important remarks on Black Rose Books’ capitalist procedures—finally arrives via a spokesman for Search & Destroy is a sad irony. S & D is a completely uncritical promo rag which hopes to be accepted by what it sees as the latest cultural fad, punk rock. Done anonymously, it (characteristically) helped organize a recent two-day benefit for the UMW strike, this piece of liberal/ leftist reformism easily coexisting next to censored interviews and ads for rip-off night clubs.


Fifth Estate Collective
Feds Bug Chi Vets

DETROIT—Veterans of the Chicago battle have been approached by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in an attempt to get detailed information on Movement activities during the Democratic National Convention.

At least four local residents who were busted in Chicago have since been approached by FBI agents who said “Mr. Hoover wants to get all the facts about this business. he’s very concerned about it.”


Fifth Estate Collective
Feds Bust Local Resisters

Richard Sharvy, an assistant professor of philosophy at Wayne State University, has been indicted by a Federal Grand Jury for refusing induction into the U.S. Armed Forces.

Mr. Sharvy refused induction September 5 of last year after both his student deferment (he was working on a Ph.D. at the time.) and his application for conscientious objector status were denied.


Fifth Estate Collective
Feds Get Fred

Fred Chase was wearing an “I am Tom Sincavitch” button pinned to his Levi jacket. Fred was waiting for the FBI to take him from his sanctuary at Sacred Heart Church in much the same way that Tom had waited for the same thing almost a year before in St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church.

Fred was supposed to begin trial on May 4 for destroying the draft records of some 34 draft boards in Chicago last May, but was refusing to cooperate with the court system. “I didn’t show up for the trial because I don’t think they have a legitimate right to try me,” he told the Fifth Estate the day he and his supporters and family moved into the church.


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Kid’s Fun and Comix Page Dirty Dog the Clown’s Tips on Nuclear War

Dear folks,

Here is a list of safety tips and advice for your paper. I have tried these techniques in testing areas and found them successful. With proper application there is no reason for anybody to get hurt in a nuclear war. If these techniques fail, however, I refuse to be held responsible as people do not always follow explicit instructions while they are severely injured.


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Museum Exhibit

Related: Fifth Estate celebrates 50th year with exhibits & festivities


Detroit Historical Museum

Runs to August 2016

Start The Presses: 50 Years of the Fifth Estate

Jefferson Airplane’s Paul Kantner once famously said, “If you can remember anything about the 60s, you weren’t really there.”

He was wrong. Start the Presses reminds us why one of the country’s oldest and Detroit’s first 60’s era underground paper was so special and why, 50 years after its creation, we still remember.


Fifth Estate Collective
Various Authors

FE Readers Debate Technology

The letters on this page are responses to John Zerzan’s “The Refusal of Technology” which appeared in the October 20, 1980 edition [#303] of the Fifth Estate; below are our comments on the question. In the article, Zerzan accuses those whose vision of revolution contains a dependence upon “‘advanced’ technology” as not significantly breaking with the world as it is. We have edited each of the contributions for purposes of space and we can only hope that we have left intact the authors’ intent.


Fifth Estate Collective
FE sales outlets

Listed below, by area, are all the stores which carry the Fifth Estate. For any further information regarding distribution of the FE, call Big Rapids Distribution at: 842–8888.


Smoke Shop

Grand Circus News

Majestic News

Triangle News

World Headquarters Records

Little Professor Books

Wayne State Area


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Staffer Puts a Pie in God’s Face The Ultimate in Disrespect for Authority


For fifty years, the Fifth Estate has reflected on the world’s most contentious social issues including critiques of religion and its appeal to those in need of justifications for their oppressive goals.

Those who question or show disrespect for the basis of their quest for domination suffer threats, ones which are often acted upon.


Fifth Estate Collective
FE Staff Member to Speak to East Coast Greens at July ’94 Conference

The New Jersey Green Journal, published by the Raritan-Brunswick Greens, is a green publication we have particularly enjoyed since they take a strong interest in many of the questions that animate us—technology as a system of domination, the question of civilization and empire, and neo-primitivism.


Fifth Estate Collective
Festivals All Over

Mike Quatro, the producer of the “Detroit Pop Festival” last April is bringing us another festival, complete with at least seventeen local and national rock attractions with a carnival-festival atmosphere.

The event is being held in a meadow at Pottawatamie Beach, a mile north of Saugatuck, Michigan during the July 4th weekend. See ad in this issue for details.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Announcements

Given our infrequent publishing schedule, it is often difficult to keep abreast of timely announcements for events across the world’s anti-authoritarian community, but we will try. Please understand, though, if your event does not appear, it may have come too close to our printing date. Send announcements to 4632 Second Ave., Detroit MI 48201.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Archives: Preserving History We need reader help

From the Fifth Estate photo archives. A reader holding a Fifth Estate extra prepared for the 1980 Republican National Convention. The article archive is available at

Readers of the Fifth Estate know how much we value the history of opposition to oppression. Accounts of resistance have always filled numerous pages in the 413 issues we’ve published since 1965.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Books

Fifth Estate Books is located at 4632 Second Avenue, just south of W. Forest, in Detroit, in the same space as the Fifth Estate Newspaper. Hours vary, so please call before coming by.


1) List the title of the book, quantity, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $1.24 U.S. or $1.60 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage);


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Books

Fifth Estate Books is located at 4632 Second Avenue, just south of W. Forest, in Detroit, in the same space as the Fifth Estate newspaper. Hours vary, so please call before visiting.


1) List the title of the book, quantity, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $1.13 U.S. or $2.00 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage);


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Books

Fifth Estate Books is located at 4632 Second Avenue, just south of W. Forest, in Detroit, in the same space as the Fifth Estate Newspaper. Hours vary, so please call before coming by.


1) List the title of the book, quantity, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $1.13 U.S. or $1.60 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage);


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Books

Fifth Estate Books is located at 4632 Second Avenue, just south of W. Forest, in Detroit, in the same space as the Fifth Estate Newspaper. Hours vary, so please call before coming by.


1) List the title of the book, quantity, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $1.24 U.S. or $1.60 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage);


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Books

Fifth Estate Books is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit, in the same space as the Fifth Estate Newspaper. Hours vary, so please call before coming by.


1) List the title of the book, quantity, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $1.05 U.S. or $1.60 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage);


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Books

Fifth Estate Books is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit, in the same space as the Fifth Estate Newspaper. Hours vary, so please call before coming by.


1) List the title of the book, quantity, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $1.05 U.S. or $1.60 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage);


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Books

Fifth Estate Books is located at 4632 Second Avenue, just south of W. Forest, in Detroit, in the same space as the Fifth Estate newspaper. Hours vary, so please call before visiting.


1) List the title of the book, quantity, and the price of each;

2) add 10% for mailing costs—not less than $1.25 U.S. or $2.00 foreign (minimum for 4th class book rate postage);


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Books

BI ANY OTHER NAME: BISEXUAL PEOPLE SPEAK OUT edited by Loraine Hutchins and Lani Kaahumanu

Rejected by both Gay and Straight worlds, bisexuals have been a community in exile. With this rich and varied collection, however, bisexual women and men step forward into their own historical spotlight. The writing here can only deepen our discussion about passion and politics.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Books

Back In Stock!

Bolo Bolo, Anarchy Comix & other FE Favorites


Can there be a society that is not divided into oppressors and oppressed, or that refuses coercive state apparatuses? In this beautifully written book Pierre Clastres offers examples of South American Indian groups that, without hierarchical leadership, were both affluent and complex. In so doing, he refuses the usual negative definition of tribal society and poses its order as a critique of Western society.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Books

Forget those L.L. Bean and Harry & David catalogs! When you’re picking out presents for the holidays, send revolutionary literature as gifts and help support independent publishers and booksellers. If you want a wider selection of anti-authoritarian titles, contact Left Bank Books, 92 Pike St., Seattle WA 98101; tel and fax: 206-622-0195; or AK Press, P.O. Box 40682, San Francisco CA 94140; tel: 415-864-0892.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Books

ANARCHY OR CHAOS by George Woodcock

Written as World War II raged around him, Woodcock’s brief history of anarchism is filled with youthful enthusiasm.

Lysander Spooner, 124 pp. $9.50


First published in France in 1967, this book complements Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle which appeared the same year. The main programmatic statements of the Situationist International, these works played a large part in the gestation of the French 1968 May events.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Grows Circulation Hits 12,000 Amidst Vandalism

“It’s getting better all the time. I admit it’s getting better.”

—The Beatles

Things are getting better at the Fifth Estate, although you’d never know it by looking at our office windows. Last week we lost them to a fire bomb at 3:00 in the morning. The front part of the reception area was gutted and bundles of old issues were destroyed.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Grows Needs Larger Staff

The FIFTH ESTATE is growing like wild marijuana.

Our current press run is 8,000 newspapers and our newsstands have been empty a week because we didn’t have the papers to fill them. If this keeps up, our circulation before the summer will be 10,000 paid. Figuring at least three readers per copy that makes thirty thousand readers every issue.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Moves to Warren Forest

The coming of summer has meant a great increase in activity in the Warren Forest area near Wayne State University.

Trans-Love Energies Unlimited, the Detroit hippie cooperative with offices located in the center of The Forest, at John Lodge and Warren, has reorganized its facilities in order to better serve the community and the Fifth Estate has moved its offices to 1107 W. Warren in Warren Forest. A cooperative store and trading post recently opened in the Artists’ Workshop under the direction of Dennis and Janet Smith and Pun the sandal-maker, and, in the biggest move, Trans-Love agents will open a huge concert-house, THE SEE, on the outskirts of The Forest, at 3929 Woodward just south of Alexandrine.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Opens Red Squad Files

Seventeen years after a lawsuit begun by social activists, including this newspaper, against the Detroit Police Red Squad, the sordid episode of cop spying has almost come to its climax. During its 50-year history of dogging radicals, peeping over transoms, paying informers and keeping the most excruciatingly detailed list of license plate numbers taken from cars at radical gatherings, the gumshoes managed to amass over one million names in their files.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Staff

Editor & publisher

Harvey Ovshinsky

Managing Editor

Peter Werbe

News and Political Editors

R. Fleck & F. Joyce

Art & Layout

Gary Grimshaw

Editorial assistant:

Cathy West


Wilson Lindsey


E. Bacilla, Willson Lindsey, Magdaline Sinclair

Travel editor

Sheil Salasnek


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Staff


Harvey Ovshinsky

Peter Werbe


Cathy West


Frank Joyce


Gary Grimshaw


John Sinclair


Rhona Whipple


Joe Fineman

Shirley Hamburg


Leon Brenner


Wilson Lindsey


Sheil Salasnek


Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate Tool of the Year The Sledge-Hammer


It had to happen eventually, and it did. That repository of pre-masticated mediocrity, that script for dullards, Time magazine, declared its “Man-of-the-Year” a machine-of-the-year, the computer. The magazine gave a lavish spread to this loathsome invasion, joining in the corporate chorus with its declaration, “A new world beckons.”


Fifth Estate Collective
Fight the empire, not its wars A Call to Action

As we go to press, the Empire is preparing for war against Iraq, and as you read this, the war may have already commenced. Or perhaps the saber rattling will continue until the mighty technological imperial blade falls as an October surprise to enhance the electoral fortunes of the ruling party. Or, maybe the bloody, high altitude rampage against that already-destroyed land will come the day after the election, as some have suggested, or, by January of next year, or, at some other date convenient to the needs of oil and politics.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fire Ant New Anarchist Prison Support Zine Calls for Solidarity with Locked Down Comrades

This first issue of Fire Ant, an anarchist prison solidarity zine, is published by Robcat and the incredibly energetic comrades in rural Maine.

It is a long term project for and with anarchist prisoners specifically, not a general prisoner support publication.

The goals are to raise material aid for imprisoned anarchists, spread information about imprisoned anarchists and anarchy, and foster communication between imprisoned and free roaming anarchists.
