Frank H. Joyce
Frank H. Joyce
Fred Baker
Benjamin Hababee
A New Detroit?
The same people who built the old Detroit, which the people burned down because apparently they didn’t like it much, have been selected to build the new Detroit.
Mostly they have already built the new Detroit. It is called Southfield and Oak Park and Bloomfield Hills and Birmingham and Westland and Harper Woods and Grosse Pointe and Livonia and Madison Heights. That is the new Detroit. They built it in the ‘fifties while we weren’t looking.
Feb 14, 2017 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Another cosmic hoax Perpetrated upon us by Colonialism
We live under a social contract
a review of
The Racial Contract by Charles W. Mills. Cornell University Press 1993
No, we don’t. We live under a racial contract. Calling it something else, such as a social contract is part of the racial contract’s system of concealing itself.
The late Charles Mills clarified this matter quite definitively in The Racial Contract, a 133-page book published in 1993.
May 29, 2022 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
“Bonnie & Clyde” Defended
As a charter member of the “Bonnie and Clyde” cult, Thomas Haroldson’s hostile review of the movie in the last issue of the FIFTH ESTATE [“Bonnie & Clyde Shot Down,” FE #40, October 15–31, 1967] was slightly disconcerting. Enough so that I went to see the movie. For the third time.
My faith was restored. “Bonnie and Clyde” is one of a small number of great American movies. Haroldson’s review is wrong about nearly everything except the fact that some scenes would have been more effectively shot in black and white. Some wouldn’t.
Dec 18, 2022 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Campaign ’66
“The free election of masters eliminates neither the masters nor the slaves.”
—Herbert Marcuse
American politics, as has been noted here before, is the politics of non-alternatives and pseudo-choices. If we needed any evidence, the present election provides it. Search and fantasize as we might there simply are not any radical possibilities. Consider the following:
Feb 29, 2024 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Charges Dropped in ‘Policeman’s Field Day’
On September 16 charges of Inciting to Riot against Moses Wedlow and James Roberts were dismissed in Recorder’s Court by visiting Judge John Seiler. The charges grew out of the August 9–12 “Policeman’s Field Days” on Kercheval on Detroit’s East Side. Three additional charges of rioting, conspiracy to disturb the peace and possession of a bomb against the two men had previously been dropped for lack of evidence.
Mar 14, 2024 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Cops Riot at Belle Isle
Have Hate-In
“When you have $50 billion invested in defense what you need most isn’t allies but an enemy.”
— Nelson Algren said in Ramparts, May, 1967.
When you have policemen on horses and Tactical Mobile Units with little baseball bats and “riot-trained” commandos, what you need most is not a Love-In but a riot.
Apr 18, 2017 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Detroit Tries to Support Viet War 500 March in Parade

The gentlemen of Grand Circus Park were not impressed. But then there wasn’t much to be impressed by.
Less than 500 people marched down Woodward Avenue in the great Flag Day parade on June 14. The March was called by a resolution of the Michigan Senate to honor the flag and “Support Our Boys in Vietnam.”
Jan 29, 2017 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Free Press Confirms Fifth Estate Stories on Leroy Killing
On Sunday, September 3, the Detroit Free Press ran a five page feature entitled, “The 43 Who Died.” It was an in depth investigation into each riot connected death carried out by three competent Free Press staff reporters.
The three, Barbara Stanton, William Serrin and Gene Glotz, compiled evidence on the John Leroy case among the others. Their finding substantially corroborate the Fifth Estate version of his death (see Fifth Estate, August 15–31, 1967 and September 1–15, 1967). They added some new information as to the horror Leroy and his companions suffered at the hands of the National Guard.
Mar 5, 2017 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Expose ’67
The Fifth Estate has obtained a copy of a letter, one paragraph of which states: “As far as I am concerned, the local police in every community must be prepared to draw fast and not let the bleeding hearts again accuse them of being brutal. In my opinion, the future must be planned by real, practical and statesmanlike people.”
Nov 30, 2022 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
GM-South Africa
Profit Partners
Arthur P. Hughes is a short, timid appearing young man of 23. He wears thick glasses and a large turquoise ring.
On May 19, Mr. Hughes, a painter who resides in New York City, stood before hundreds of stockholders of the General Motors corporation assembled for their annual Freakout in Cobo Hall.
He announced that a few days before, upon learning of the nature and extent of GM’s investments in South Africa, he had divested himself of 955 shares of General Motors stock by turning it over to the African Aid and Legal Defense Fund. The stock was worth more than $80,000.
May 3, 2022 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Hippies Confront New Left Old Left Conference
On June 16, 1962 a group of students stimulated by the burgeoning protest movement of black young people in the south, met at Port Huron, Michigan.
After much debate they approved a long statement analyzing “the state of the society which they were inheriting.” Known as the Port Huron Statement, the document served as the organizational base for Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The Port Huron meeting is generally considered to be the beginning of the “New-Left.”
Jan 29, 2017 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
How White Supremacy Progresses
Fifty Years of Lessons from Detroit 1967

Frank Joyce, was the Fifth Estate News Editor 50 years ago, and rejoins us with reflections on the 1967 events.
“I calmed the tremor in my gut. I was in close quarters with some representative specimens of the most dangerous creatures in the history of the world, the white man in a suit.”
May 6, 2017 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Kangaroo Kourt Kontinues
Special to the Fifth Estate
CHICAGO, Oct. 25—This week the Conspiracy is still learning about agents and informers.
Tobin, Chicago Police-undercover; Carcarano, Chicago Police-undercover; Rodriguez, Chicago Police-undercover; Salzberg, underground press photographer known personally and more or less trusted by many of the defendants, got paid $10,000 as an FBI informer for the last two years, code name Winston; Sweeny, FBI Informer; Killian, reporter for the far right Chicago Tribune, Chicago Police-undercover. The list goes on.
Aug 1, 2019 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Some ways to think about the meaning and significance of three white, Christian males, two of whom are members of the armed forces, going to the moon.
“This is it,” said Cal Rogers, an elderly Oklahoman, who stood beside a tent and sipped a container of coffee. “This is what we’ve been working and paying for so long? That’s why I’m here to see what its all about.” (N.Y. Times Wednesday July 16, 1969).
Apr 30, 2019 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
New Evidence in Leroy Killing
Editor’s note: Investigation of the murder of John Leroy reported in the last issue of the Fifth Estate is continuing. (See “Who Killed John Leroy?” FE #36, August 15–31, 1967.) News editor Frank H. Joyce has talked with two of the national guardsmen who were on the scene, the photographer who took pictures immediately after the shooting stopped and additional witnesses. His report of new information appears below.
Mar 1, 2017 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Old Perspectives on Race at WSU
On October 19 to 21, Wayne State University will sponsor a conference titled “New Perspectives on Race and the City.” Featured speakers include G. Mennen Williams, Jerome P. Cavanagh, Hubert Locke, Roger Wilkins of the U.S. Justice Department, Community Relations Service and John Spiegal, head of the Center for the Study of Violence at Brandeis University.
Nov 24, 2022 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
People’s Tribunal Condemns Cops
Defendants found guilty of Murder in the 1st degree
The worst thing one could say about the Algiers Motel Tribunal is that it was Recorder’s Court upside down.
If the tribunal was biased and weighted against the four white defendants, Detroit Patrolman Robert Paille and Ronald August, National Guardsman Theodore Thomas and private guard Melvin Dysmukes, then it was weighted in exactly the same way that Recorder’s Court proceedings are against Negro defendants.
Mar 4, 2017 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Political Repression in U.S.A.
“One man of 74 said he opposed the war but declined to write or send a telegram for fear that ‘if they find out, they’ll take my social security away.’ A housewife said, ‘My son’s in college now and I want him to finish. If I send your telegram (opposing the war) to the President, I know he’ll he drafted.’
Sep 7, 2019 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Support Grows for City District System
The Rev. Charles Williams is a conservative, Negro, Republican Baptist.
Robert Tindal is the executive director of the tradition-bound Civil Rights Organization to The Establishment—the NAACP. The Rev. Albert Cleage is a militant black power advocate and chairman of the Inner-City Organizing Committee.
Apr 27, 2022 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
The “Bad” Americans
The events of the week of anti-war resistance which began October 16, and which have continued to this writing—including the assault on the war profiteers at the Rackham Building on Wayne State’s campus on October 24 and 25—are of profound significance for the nation and the Movement.
Thousands of whites have in fact moved from protest and dissent to resistance. As many black people were forced to do some years ago, increasing numbers of whites have been forced to conclude that the government is illegitimate. The “legal” structures for change which are presumed to exist in this country are in fact meaningless. White people, in short, do not have any power either—or at least they do not have the power to change anything, only the power to acquiesce. Congress has been petitioned. The Executive has been implored. And still babies die. “Napalm is Johnson’s Baby Powder,” said one sign.
Dec 17, 2022 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
The Crime and Punishment of John Sinclair
“Your day has come. You may laugh, Mr. Sinclair, but you will have a long time to laugh. I sentence you to not less than and not more than ten years in the state penitentiary.”
—Judge Robert J. Colombo, July 28, 1969
John Sinclair is in the State Penitentiary at Jackson, Michigan, where he is supposed to spend the next decade.
May 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
The Wheel of the Law Turns without Pause
“All over the world, people are laughing at America because they’re so stupid. They don’t know what time it is. This is a late hour for America. America is on her way out.” (Robert Williams at a Detroit press conference following his release on bond from two courts after returning to the United States from eight years of exile.)
Jul 19, 2019 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Uptight Honkies Meet
There are only two paths open to a country whose internal and external empires are in the state of decay prevailing in the United States. That of the left or fascism.
The trend toward fascism in the United States is accelerating at an incredible rate. It is beginning to acquire the kind of mass base which served Hitler in Germany. The catalyst for tendencies always present in American society, is the equally accelerating struggle for black liberation.
Mar 4, 2017 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Vietnam Summer
There is, even though you may not have noticed it lately, still a war going on in Vietnam.
More than forty people, representing virtually every white peace group in the city, met on Monday, June 5 to try to do something about it.
Despite the wide divergence of political viewpoints represented the group tenuously agreed to combine their efforts over the summer. Committees were established to probe programs in four areas including community organization; anti-draft action; marches, demonstrations, and mobilizations and political action. A fifth committee will make proposals for structure, coordination, the name of the group, the setting up of a central office and the like.
Oct 22, 2022 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
“We Will Wield Power”
WCO Leadership Takes Militant Turn
Struggle, Chairman Mao teaches us, moves in stages.
The West Central Organization (WCO) after a long series of internal problems previously reported in the Fifth Estate has moved to a new stage.
It represents an advance for the group.
A new staff headed by, former WCO organizer, 33 year old Lorenzo Freeman, has been created to bring new talent, energy and direction to the organization.
May 19, 2017 Read the whole text...
Frank H. Joyce
Who Killed John Leroy?
Ronald Powell crouched inside the car. So did the other four men.
Already wounded in firing that had lasted for five minutes, later Mr. Powell said, “I was just waiting for the bullet that would be fatal. It was horrible.”
Charles Dunson, the driver, reached up and shut off the engine, hoping the police and national guard would think they were all dead. Mr. Dunson was also wounded.
Feb 14, 2017 Read the whole text...