Fifth Estate 82, June 26-July 9, 1969 Add to the Bookbuilder

Harvey Ovshinsky
Open City Keeps Serving Community
A gala fund raising party for Open City’s summer campaign will be held on Friday, July 11 at Alvin’s Finer Deli on Cass at Palmer.
Admission will be $1 and the celebration will begin at 8 pm. Proceeds will go to the Open City Free Clinic and the new Open City General Store soon to open in the Warren Forest area.
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Dave Marsh
Ann Arbor
The Struggle Continues

Summer came to Ann Arbor last week and brought with it teargas, a tank, about 400 cops and four nights of street confrontation.
Monday night the people gathered in the streets to drink and dance. People fucked in the streets. No cops showed up. Tuesday, the shit came down hard. The people barricaded off South University between E. Forest and E. University. Cops from Washtenaw, Monroe and Oakland Counties showed up along with State Police from the Ypsilanti post. The people were gassed and beaten and finally driven off the streets in the small hours of the morning.
Apr 8, 2019 Read the whole text...
Dena Clamage
Anatomy of a Strike
A green pickup truck with living space for ten or twelve if you squeeze together. Rain-soaked, faded picket signs barely readable: RECOGNIZE OUR UNION, WSU USES STUDENTS FOR CHEAP LABOR, WSU IS ANTI-LABOR.
A leaky makeshift tent made out of clear plastic and freight skids. Finally replaced with a luxurious water-proof boy scout tent.
Apr 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Editors’ Notes
As we go to press word has reached us that Recorder’s Court Judge Robert Colombo has dismissed charges of sales of marijuana against John Sinclair. His trial on the charge of possession began on June 24 and may be in progress at this writing. Call our office or White Panther headquarters for more information.
Apr 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Fifth Estate
Peter Werbe
Cathy West
Tommye Wiese
Bruce Montrose
Fred Frank
Bill Rowe
Chris Singer
John Sinclair
Dena Clamage
Claudia Montrose
Franie Nelson
Dave Watson
Marilyn Werbe
The FIFTH ESTATE is published every other Thursday of each month by the Fifth Estate Newspaper, Inc., 1107 W. Warren, Detroit, Michigan 48201. Application to mail at second-class postage rates is pending at Detroit Michigan. Subscription rate is $3 for one year; $5 for two years. Canadian is $3.50; all other foreign are $5 per year. Phone: 831–6800.
Apr 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
Bob Kundus
Hot Town—Pigs in the Street
It’s over. Nobody really came out ahead. Washtenaw Sheriff Douglas Harvey became Pig of the Year and liberal Ann Arbor Mayor Robert Harris and U-M President Robben Fleming both lost many points with their respective constituencies. Sixty-nine people were busted in three days of street fighting and more than 100 were hurt.
Apr 10, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Nudes Convicted
MONTEZUMA, Iowa (LNS)—Eight Grinnell College students have been convicted on charges of “open and indecent exposure.”
The eight, five women and three men, took off their clothes during a talk given by a representative of Playbody magazine at Grinnell College, on Feb. 5. (See Fifth Estate, Feb. 20, 1969).
Apr 11, 2019 Read the whole text...
John Wilcock
Other Scenes
LEARY RUNS FOR GOV. Tim Leary says that he’ll conduct a “grass roots campaign for governor of California, beginning with a train tour of the state in September. He already has the support of more than 100 rock bands and “the four leading newspapers” and explains that though he won’t be participating in machine politics “there may be some smoke-filled rooms.”
Apr 11, 2019 Read the whole text...
C. McCall
People’s Park in Detroit
The spirit of liberation has swept across this freedom stoned land from Berkeley to our sister city, Ann Arbor, and now into Detroit.
Inner city people in the Warren-Forest area are demanding their right to the people’s land to use for the benefit of the people. The nation’s second People’s Park will be made this summer; a call is out for support from the community to everyone who believes in freedom.
Apr 11, 2019 Read the whole text...
Chris Singer
Justice—The people must take it
“In areas where our people are the constant victims of brutality, and the government seems unable or unwilling to protect them, we should form rifle clubs that can be used to defend our lives and our property in times of emergency...When our people are bitten by dogs, they are within their rights to kill those dogs.”
—Malcolm X
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Police Love-in
More M-1s

Detroit Police Commissioner Johannes (The Lover) Spreen has called for another “love in” to improve police relations with the community.
His last love in was pretty much of a flop with the New Bethel shooting coming right in the middle of it, so Jo is trying again.
Spreen is a wonderful public relations man and seems sincere in wanting to ease community tensions. The only problem is that he is not in effective control of his force (the reactionary Detroit Police Officers Association is the real boss) and most Detroit cops are going about their 24 hour a day, seven day a week hate in.
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Festivals All Over
Mike Quatro, the producer of the “Detroit Pop Festival” last April is bringing us another festival, complete with at least seventeen local and national rock attractions with a carnival-festival atmosphere.
The event is being held in a meadow at Pottawatamie Beach, a mile north of Saugatuck, Michigan during the July 4th weekend. See ad in this issue for details.
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Liberation News Service
Life with the Guard
BERKELEY, Calif. (LNS)—The National Guard pulled out of Berkeley the morning of June 3 at 6 o’clock.
People’s Park, which they had occupied for over two weeks has been left to a handful of Burns Agency rent-a-cops, who wander forlornly about the perimeter of the fenced-in lot.
What was it like to have the National Guard come to town?
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Various Authors
I have dug the newspaper for almost 8 months and I’m really for the People having the power, because the Establishment has fucked this country completely up. I feel that your paper really gets down to the natural nitty thang in every printed page!
I especially dug your hip reply to the brainwashed men of the 3rd Plt., B Co., 1/6 Inf., 5th Div.
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Eugene Schoenfeld M.D.

QUESTION: My husband drives me nuts every night. His right leg sort of jumps every 30 seconds on the dot (trying to put myself to sleep I timed it). He used to chew and grind his teeth but since he got a pin between his two front teeth and it hurt him, he stopped, but replaced that with scratching his head and rubbing his arms.
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Pigs Scalp Sinclair
John Sinclair has had his hair cut twice in the last three years. Both times by pigs.
The first time when he left the Detroit House of Correction in July of 1966 after serving a six month sentence for possession of grass.
This time the White Panther Minister of Information had his shoulder-length black hair cut by a guard in the Oakland County jail.
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Judie Davis
Eat It
It’s been so long now since I’ve written a column that I hardly know where to begin. I was turned off writing about recipes and am hoping this column can take a different direction, but it’s all still going around in my head, so I’ll just ramble on about some food things and non-food things too.
Latest “thumbs down” is the China Doll, Second at Seward which has shitty Chinese food. Portions are small, prices are high and service is nil.
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
“Big Mama” Thornton and the Holding Company
NEW YORK (LNS)—Tuesday night at Ungano’s Discotheque, located just west of Amsterdam Avenue at 70th St., the atmosphere: dark, the clientele: negligible.
Willie Mae “Big Mama” Thornton, who headed the bill, relaxed in the back room between sets, as the hard throb of records splayed out across the empty dance floor. One of the truly all-time great blues artists, with a powerful emotive and oh-so-sensitive voice that transcends those of both the classical female giants, such as Bessie Smith, and many of the traditionally-styled male bluesmen, Big Mama even now has received scant attention for her dynamic performances here and in Europe.
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
MC5 Begin Recording
As reported in our last issue, the MC5 started work on their first Atlantic album June 9 at the GM Recording Studios in Detroit. Producing the album will be Jon Landau, who has moved to the MC5’s home for the duration of the recording sessions.
Material tentatively scheduled for the album includes Little Richard’s classic “Tutti Frutti,” and James Brown’s “It’s a Man’s World.” Also included is “Shakin’ All Over,” “Back in the USA,” plus four original songs by the Five and a Pharoah Sanders song, “Upper Egypt,” with lyrics by White Panther Minister of Information John Sinclair.
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Bill Rowe
You Gotta Change
A recent addition has been made to the folk scene in the name of John Stewart. He is currently touring key cities to promote his new Capitol album, “California Bloodlines.” The Fifth Estate spoke to him at Baker’s Lounge.
His producer is Nick Venet who has given us such sounds in the past as The Association and The Lovin’ Spoonful.
Apr 14, 2019 Read the whole text...
Hank Malone
Works go Blimp and Gothic, Ltd.
Gothic Blimp Works is unbelievably good poetry and such (SLAM!)...I mean things is comin’ to life again.
Gothic Blimp Works is the world’s STOMP! STOMP! FLATTEN AND SMASH! And LOVE...ugh...ugh...UGH...UGH. AAAAHHHHHH!
Apr 18, 2019 Read the whole text...
Michael Smith
Free Speech for GIs
Analysis of a victory
Editors’ Note: The author is an attorney with the Detroit Law firm of Lafferty, Reosti, and Jabara, who spent two months in Columbia, S.C. working on the legal defense of members of GIs United Against the War in Vietnam.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — The story of the Ft. Jackson Eight is the story of how an attempt by the brass to break a rank and file GI movement failed.
Apr 18, 2019 Read the whole text...
Dennis Raymond
Raymond Reviews Two
When you see “The First Time” you begin to think that this “Graduate” bit is becoming a pretty poor excuse for a movie.
This time the striking Jacqueline Bisset has the Mrs. Robinson role, and Wes Stern, Rick Kelman, and Wink Roberts all comprise the Benjamin Braddock figure, working under the assumption that three Dustin Hoffmanns are more fun than one.
Apr 18, 2019 Read the whole text...
Resa Jannett
Events Calendar
Compiled in cooperation with Detroit Adventure
THE GOLDEN AGE OF COMEDY a selection from over 2,000 reels of magic moments with Laurel and Hardy, Will Rogers, Harry Langdon and others. And HAPPY-ANNIVERSARY (1961) and RUPTURE (1967) two delightful French shorts by Pierre Etaix. Rackham Aud. 60 Farnsworth. Adm. $1 students 75 cents.
Apr 18, 2019 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Unclassifieds cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.
All unclassifieds must be paid for in advance.
Apr 18, 2019 Read the whole text...