Fifth Estate Collective
Technological Biteback Theme intro

While many of us dream of green forests and a restored natural world, there are others who embrace the machine to the extent of desiring to become one. Echoing the horrors of dystopian sci-fi novels, transhumanism and singularity advocates celebrate the merging of the human brain with computers. But, this grotesque movement comes at a time when there is growing apprehension of what technological Frankensteins have created.


Fifth Estate Collective
Technology and the State An introduction

Perhaps the most insidious aspect of modern, centralized technology, even more than its pervasiveness, is its complete acceptance in almost all quarters as an integral part of the human experience (and among so-called “revolutionaries” as a prerequisite for a change to a humane society).

Humanoids and humans have spent the vast portion of our time on the planet with little or no technology and only in the last 10,000 years or so (an infinitesimal portion of our existence) has the rise of mechanical and technological improvements begun to affect us and the other species with which we share the planet. The capacity for innovation and invention seemed almost innate in humans once the first rudimentary developments of prehistoric times became wide-spread. The first inventions were employed as a means to improve what was often a harsh and dangerous existence, but they immediately put us on the road on which we currently find ourselves.


Fifth Estate Collective
Telephone Credit Card Correction

Bad news! Two of the numeral codes given in the last issue of the FE [#289, January 24, 1978] for the 1978 Long Distance Credit Card Code were incorrectly reported to us by the Yippies and will not get your call through. The corrected numbers and corresponding letters are: 2-Z and 9-L. Send us a quarter for last month’s paper if you want the entire code. Below are several Revenue Accounting Office codes which allow you to construct your own codes. Remember: never believe anything you read.


Fifth Estate Collective
Upside Down Culture Collective

Tennescene: Radical Actions & Summer Tours Deep in the Bible Belt

This summer, the Rule of Thirds recently dubbed by the Nashville Scene as a “subversive art space”—played host to numerous politically proactive collectives. June saw the educational and entertaining Upside Down Culture Collective hailing from our other outpost: Detroit. They shared a mix of radical art history, puppetry, music, and readings, in promotion for their newly released book All the Days After, a collection of art and poetry ranging from creatively pissed off to outright heart wrenching, in response to the events on and after September 11th. These guys are warm, funny, and intelligent: turning a culture upside down in a city near you or at


Fifth Estate Collective
Ten Years of Montreal’s Mauvaise Herbe

The Montreal zine and distro, Mauvaise Herbe (MH; The Weed), celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2011. The journal, with its green and anarchist insurrectionist influences, prints articles in French and English, was first to publish this perspective in French in Quebec.

Since 2002, Mauvaise regularly presents workshops at the annual Montreal Anarchist Bookfair and at other events including the city’s Eco-radical festival. The topics include anarchism and the anti-civ critique, the question of organization, the concept of autonomy, and on the challenges to Quebec’s eco-radical movement.


Fifth Estate Collective
Terrorism in the Home Early Detection

LNS/Peoples News Service, London — As part of its ongoing hysteria campaign against both “terrorists” and their “sympathizers” (that is, literally, anybody who refuses to condemn the “terrorists”), West Germany’s notorious Bild Zeitung (a Springer newspaper) has now offered its readers a chance to predict whether their children will wind up on the most wanted list some day.


Fifth Estate Collective
Texas Anti-Nuke Activist Murdered

The ambush-style shooting death of an anti-nuclear activist in Houston, in April, has sent waves of alarm through the Texas anti-nuclear community. The victim of the assault was 28-year-old Michael Eakin, who was formerly the editor of the University of Texas newspaper and founder of the Austin Sun, a weekly alternative paper.


Fifth Estate Collective
Texas Anti-Prison Gathering Set for June

A second Convergence Against Toxic Prisons will take place June 2–5, 2017 in Fort Worth, Tex., the city where the Carswell Federal Medical Center is located. The gathering will feature speakers, panels, workshops, protests and cultural activities, including an art show and hip-hop performances, and demonstrations.


Fifth Estate Collective
Thank you! Fundraising & benefits bring in needed cash

Since the Fifth Estate refuses to publish the voice of capital, advertisements—the normal source of financing ‘newspapers—we depend on you through your subscriptions, newsstand purchases, and donations to insure our survival.

This issue was made possible through a combination of the above sources as well as a series of regional benefits held on our behalf. The most recent ones occurred in Chattanooga, Asheville, “Punk-n-holler,” and Detroit and combined raised over $1000, with $850 coming from the latter event alone. This provided us with almost half of what we needed to print, mail, and ship this issue. So, thanks to the many performers, organizers, and attendees who made them so successful.


Fifth Estate Collective
The 1988 Election Nobody Won!

The 1988 Presidential electoral farce was all over by midnight on Tuesday, Nov. 8. Vice-President George Bush victoriously declared, “The people have spoken.”

Bush was right in one regard: the people had spoken but in a manner reported virtually nowhere. Those eligible to vote avoided the polls in record numbers to the point where Nobody won an absolute majority among the potential electorate for the first time in 64 years.


Fifth Estate Collective
The 26th of March

National days of protest March 25–26 constituted the largest concerted world-wide action for peace in history. Demonstrations to protest the war in Vietnam took place in 30 countries, according to the National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam—initiator of the campaign.

In the United States, the protests surpassed those called by the NCV last October, indicating that the anti-war movement has grown significantly in response to the Johnson Administration’s escalation of U.S. intervention in Vietnam.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Absurdity of Politics (cover text)

The voter is a man who comes where he is summoned one day like a flunkey, to one who whistles for him as for a dog trained to obey, who comes on the said day only and not on any other day. He is a man who comes when authority says: “The moment is here to sanction one more time a system established by others and for others than yourself.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Aftermath of Toronto’s Anti-G20 Demos A legal circus and the criminalization of dissent

Militarized police attack unarmed demonstrators at a protest against the G20 meeting in Toronto, June 2010

In a packed Toronto courtroom, November 23, the prosecution dropped all conspiracy charges against the so-called “Main G20 Conspiracy Group,” 17 organizers from Southern Ontario and Quebec.

The G20 Summit, a meeting of international finance ministers held in Toronto in June 2010, was met with huge protests, followed by unprecedented mass arrests: 1105 people detained, and over 300 charged. Countless others were targets of police brutality and violations of fundamental human rights. Of those charged, almost 200 had charges dropped.


Fifth Estate Collective
The American Dream A Synthetic Society

Plastic settled in river

“SARNIA, Ontario—A cloud of plastic powder that was released into the air and settled in the St. Clair River poses no health threat, says a Canadian spokesman for the Midland-based Dow Chemical Co.

“The estimated 4,000 pounds of the polyethylene powder used to make milk jugs accidentally was released by the company about 10 p.m. Thursday, Dow Chemical Canada Inc. spokesman John Musser said Friday.


Fifth Estate Collective
The annual EF! Round River Rendezvous will be June 27-July 6 in Wisconsin’s Nicolet National Forest

A 1990 Earth First! Redwood Summer blockade. Judi Bari’s key role led to the attempt on her life. The annual EF! Round River Rendezvous will be June 27-July 6 in Wisconsin’s Nicolet National Forest. Contact the RRR committee at 731 State St., Madison WI 53711; (608) 250–8378 or see the next EF! Journal for information.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Barn Infoshop, bookstore and clubhouse

In the hills of Tennessee, about an hour east of Nashville, on the outskirts of Dismal (population zero), there exists a barn. It’s an ordinary old barn from all outward appearances—except for a few anti war banners and the buzzing, whirring hum of electricity. Inside, the scene is anything but what Ma and Pa Kettle would have intended.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Barn Infoshop, Bookstore & Clubhouse


Bill Ayers

Fugitive Days (2001) $10

James Bell

The Last Wizards (2002) $5.00

Alexander Berkman

Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist $15.00

— What Is Anarchism? $14.00

Hakim Bey

Millennium (1996) $8.00

— Immediatism (1992) $10.00

— T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone (1991) $8.00

Bureau of Public Secrets


Fifth Estate Collective
The Barn Infoshop, Bookstore and Clubhouse

Send check, money order, or well concealed cash to:

Fifth Estate Books

PO Box 6

Liberty, TN 37095

Please add $2 shipping/handling for first item, $1 for the second and subsequent one, etc...

Thanks for your recent order!

Most book and CD purchases come with a surprise sampling of current zines and radical propaganda.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Barn Infoshop, Bookstore & Clubhouse

When you order books from the Barn, you support a collective and help keep the Fifth Estate physical space solvent. With your help, we’re trying to sustain an alternative to the commercialism of retail or web-based booksellers.


NEW Globalize Liberation: How to Uproot the System and Build a Better World. Edited by David Solnit. Almost 500 pages! City Lights. 2004. $18. See the review on page 50.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Barn Infoshop, Bookstore & Clubhouse

The barn is bursting with new titles & more to come. If you’d like us to review and/or distro your independent publication, bring it on


Midnight Notes, Auroras Of the Zapatistas (2001) $14.00

James Bell, The Last Wizard (2002) $12.00

Paul Garon, The Devil’s Son-in-Law: Petiie Wheatstraw (2003) $15.00 (w/CD)


Fifth Estate Collective
The Barn

Book distribution has been a mainstay of our collective for many years. We believe that reading can be a revolutionary activity, and in that spirit, we continue this service.

We feature books by Fifth Estate editors, contributors, collaborators, friends, and other books that have either been read or recommended by members of the collective. If you have a book you’d like to see offered here, send it along. Like the magazine, this project is volunteer-run and all proceeds go back into the collective.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Beatle in the Circus

LONDON (PWS) Beatle John Lennon is scheduled to head the list of guest stars set for the Rolling Stones’ first American television special, “The Rolling Stones’ Rock and Roll Circus.” Lennon, along with Eric Clapton, Keith Richard, and Mitch Mitchell of the Jimi Hendrix Experience, will form a supergroup especially for the show.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Big March Cover story

On Saturday, March 26, demonstrations protesting the war in Vietnam were held in Detroit as this city’s effort in the Second International Days of Protest. In preparation for this event, sponsored by the Detroit Committee to End the War in Vietnam, Women for Peace, Detroit Citizens for Peace and Trade Unionists for Peace, more than 20,000 leaflets were distributed and advertisements appeared In the Detroit News and various campus and community newspapers.


Fifth Estate Collective
The birds, the bees, and anarchy Issue Introduction

The theme of this issue is Sex. The very word can elicit emotions from delight to anxiety. However, those reactions aside, the central function of sex, from mega fauna to microbes, is the reproduction of the species. It is only human sexuality which is over laden with social scripts that translate into pleasure or pain, often on a large cultural scale.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Coatpuller

Lots of good music coming up for the summer, June 8th, the new Spike Drivers will present a huge three-ring circus type show at Community Arts Auditorium, WSU, featuring the MC-5, the Passing Clouds, the Magic Veil Light Company, classical guitar, poetry by this correspondent, a karate exhibition, psychedelic ping-pong by Billy Reid, mantra chanting with musical accompaniment, and a story line by Larry Cruse and Sid Brown to tie it all together. Tickets at $1.50. Sponsored by Trans-Love and the WSU Artists’ Society.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Conspiracy

This man is not from KQA-TV as his camera indicates, but rather he is from PIG-TV. It is one of six portable video-tape units that Police Commissioner Johannes “The Lover” Spreen has wasted $19,000 of the taxpayers’ money on.
This little toy is used at demonstrations to provide photographic proof of police actions and “individuals engaged in the commission of illegal acts.”
The American Civil Liberties Union thinks that their use is probably unconstitutional. Next time you see one of them at a demonstration put your picket sign in front of it or stand in their way, but be careful not to knock one to the ground because they are very expensive and break easily. Photo by A. Gotkin.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Contest of Contests! Let Your Imagination Run Wild!!


(Left photo) From left to right: Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and Tricky Dicky

(Right photo) From left to right: Nelson Rockefeller, Jimmy Carter, Happy Rockefeller, Muriel Humphrey, Nancy Kissinger, Walter Mondale and Henry Kissinger

Never is such joy brought into the homes of so many people as when a high-ranking state official decides to pack his bags and catch a one-way train to the never-never land.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Cult of Stakhanov Working for the Man

“History’s political and economic power structures have always abhorred ‘idle people’ as potential troublemakers. Yet nature never abhors seemingly idle trees, grass, snails, coral reefs, and clouds in the sky.”

— R. Buckminster Fuller

This year marks the one hundredth birthday of the Industrial Workers of the World union, but it is also the seventy-fifth anniversary of an event that symbolizes everything that the Wobblies battled against: that is, the perverse concept that work is ennobling, righteous, empowering and essentially has no bearing on class relations.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Detroit Police Red Squad ...spied on more than 1,000,000 people. Are YOU one of them?


For more than 30 years, a secret arm of the Detroit Police Department was tracking citizens to “root out” and “expose” subversives. Their targets were political activists, Vietnam War opponents, black nationalists, labor unionists, civil liberties advocates and many others engaged in social, cultural and other “dissident” activities.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Dogs Hold an Election

“The Dogs Hold an Election” is a legend of the Brule Sioux.

We have a little story about elections. Once, a long time ago, the dogs were trying to elect a president. One of them got up in the big dog convention and said: “I nominate the bulldog for president. He’s strong. He can fight.”

“But he can’t run,” said another dog. “What good is a fighter who can’t run? He won’t catch anybody.”


Fifth Estate Collective
The Draft is Still an Issue

The following two letters were recently received from fugitive draft resister Paul Jacob and from his support committee, the Paul Jacob Action Group. Paul was indicted in September 1982 for failure to register for the draft and has been the subject of an unsuccessful nation-wide search by the FBI for refusing to submit to arrest. We are pleased to report that at this date Paul Jacob is still “at-large.”


Fifth Estate Collective
Thee Column

Many people are still unaware of what Open City is and what it does. Rather than the common misconception that it is a service organization for the alternate community, Open City is the alternate community!!!

The many services provided by Open City are available only because of the effort of members of our community and those people sympathetic to it.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Fifth Estate Celebrates Ursula K. LeGuin “True Voyage is Return”

To honor Ursula K. LeGuin’s 80th year on the planet, the FE’s next edition will explore the intersection of utopian, feminist, ecological, Taoist, and anti-authoritarian ideas in her prolific catalog of novels, poems, and essays.

The centerpiece of this issue will be a reprint of LeGuin’s 1989 essay “A Non-Euclidean View Of California As A Cold Place To Be” featuring a new introduction by John Clark. Clark writes: “LeGuin poses the question of whether our voyage to the elsewheres of the past or the nowheres of fiction can lead us to regain certain lost qualities of mind and abandoned sensibilities, so that we may be once again able to experience reality more intensely, and care about it more passionately, as it manifests itself precisely where we are.”


Fifth Estate Collective
The Fifth Estate Weird Dude Contest Who Are These Men?


Identify the three weird dudes pictured here and win two free tickets to see the San Francisco Mime Troupe. The winner will be drawn from correct entries received at the Fifth Estate office by October 10th. Send entries to 1107 W. Warren, Detroit 48201. Be sure to include your name and address.

Fifth Estate staff members and former staff members not eligible.

Fifth Estate Collective
The Leviathan

In response to the need on the Left for theoretical discussion of Movement problems, a group of activists have founded a new magazinejournal called Leviathan.

Based primarily in New York and Los Angeles, the magazine will feature in its first issue discussions on the Wallace campaign and the working class, the relationship between corporations and the black community, the political economy of the university and German SDS.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Sun Love Affair With Cops

The power groupies at the Sun have recently changed their focus. After running out of tin horn politicians to do interviews with, the Ann Arbor transplant has taken to promoting the police—something even the Detroit News and Free Press have had problems doing lately. The Sunites would have us believe that the brutal, dope pushing DPD has become “A New Breed of Cop” as their mid-May, littered front page blared.


Fifth Estate Collective
The FE at 50 Fifth Estate celebrates a half century of radical publishing

The Layabouts onstage at FE’s big birthday bash, September 19, 2015.

This edition of the Fifth Estate marks the 50th anniversary of its publishing, with much of the celebrations occurring in a manner we never anticipated. There are exhibitions at two prestigious Detroit museums, a jammed packed dance/ concert with hundreds in attendance featuring The Layabouts, an anarchist rock/ska band, talks to the Detroit Press Club, radio and TV coverage, art and political workshops and panels at the museums, and tours with university classes and other groups at the museums which are selling Fifth Estate t-shirts. Whew!


Fifth Estate Collective
The FE Bookstore

The FE Bookstore is located in the same place as the Fifth Estate Newspaper, both of which are located at 4403 Second Ave., Detroit MI 48201—telephone (313) 831–6800. The hours we are open vary considerably, so it’s always best to give us a call before coming down.


1) List the title of the book, quantity wanted, and the price of each;


Fifth Estate Collective
The Fifth Estate (masthead) A Newspaper of Detroit



Harvey Ovshinsky

Peter Werbe


Cathy West


Tommye Wiese


Alan Gotkin


Tony Reay

John Sinclair


Debbie Quigg


Mike Tyre




Gunnar Lewis


Resa Jannett



Fifth Estate Collective
The Fifth Estate Underground Bookstore

Underground newspapers, books & magazines & records & posters

buttons & bumperstickers

all kinds of things you need

ESP RECORDS!! The FUGS Broadside album — the FUGS second album — Timothy Leary Speaks on LSD Albert Ayler Spirits Rejoice! New York Ear & Eye Control

Patty Waters Sings!

Marion Brown Quartet!


Fifth Estate Collective
The Film Phantasmagoria High Camp at Lower DeRoy

WHILE BRAVE MEN DIE had its Detroit premier on Saturday September 10. Sharing the bill at lower DeRoy Auditorium was OPERATION ABOLITION, a right-wing expose of communists in the peace movement. As expected, the entire evening of film phantasmagoria was an exercise in high cinema camp and low grade stupidity.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Free U.

The Free University at Wayne State is beginning its second term and is looking for students and professors.

Anyone can attend and the only qualifications necessary for teaching-age that you have something to profess and can get people to sit through your class.

The Free University is a community project begun by Open City and has a catalog of classes available from the Open City Office, call 831–2770 for more information.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Freeze--Too Little, Too Late Pentagon War Plans on Automatic

Recently, an anti-nuclear protester in Washington state, after seeing the nuclear freeze banners which he and his friends had spread across the tracks shredded by the oncoming train carrying nuclear warheads, was asked by a radio reporter what his feelings were.

As the train barreled along nearby blowing its whistle, he answered, “Fear, I guess, first; we could be shot by sentries for getting too close to the train. Also it’s a humbling experience being so close to so much destruction.”


Fifth Estate Collective
The Grate Society Performs at WSU

Is a speeding automobile more beautiful than the Winged Victory? Is Dionne Warwick’s “Are You There?” greater than the Ninth Symphony? The Grate Society, a small group of Ann Arbor composers and performers think so. They will be in Detroit on Friday, May 19 presenting a program of musical works and “total theater events” for Wayne State’s Friday Night Coordinating Committee.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Great Bathroom Incident The trial of the Conspiracy 7 continues in Chicago

Editors’ Note: The trial of the Conspiracy 7 continues in Chicago and has turned into even more of a circus as the defense attempts to present its case. They are blocked at every avenue by senile Judge Julius (Magoo) Hoffman, who sustains every prosecution objection and denies every one that comes from the defense table.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Green Scare Goes On ...a punitive campaign to bring outrageous sentences

The Green Scare continues with the plea-bargain and imprisonment of Fifth Estate writer Marie Mason, three new arrests in Wisconsin, grand jury appearances by activists Kevin Tucker and already-imprisoned Daniel McGowan, and the sentencing of Briana Waters.

The “Green Scare” refers to a series of recent arrests of earth and animal liberation activists (and the ongoing investigation and intimidation of the same) who have engaged in acts of property damage in which no one was hurt. The arrests have been marked by outrageous charges (activists often face life in prison), as well as the public and legal labeling of these acts as “terrorism.”


Fifth Estate Collective
The Gulf War Lies, Lies, More Lies

The intricate web of lies fielded by the U.S. to hide the real reasons for its 1991 attack on Iraq has been further exposed (see Spring and Summer 1991 FEs for earlier disclosures). Realizing that the American people would not support a war to protect Persian Gulf oil profits, President Bush contrived a hobgoblin, depicting Saddam Hussein with a nuclear bomb. He presented this as an imminent threat and the reason why the war had to be prosecuted immediately rather than waiting for slower-acting sanctions. Now we find hidden away in the pages of the May 20, 1992 New York Times was the information that an international gathering of nuclear weapons designers had concluded, after looking at all the available evidence, that Iraq was 3 to 5 years away from developing a bomb and may even have faced insurmountable obstacles.


Fifth Estate Collective
The High Priest of Technology Anti-nuke protests worldwide

The High Priest of Technology: “Dominate, dominate, dominate” (drawing by Stephen Goodfellow)

The High Priest of Technology still holds the high cards of death, but throughout the world mass opposition to his plans are taking place. Easter week-end in Europe saw at least half a million people in Scotland, England, the Netherlands and W. Germany carry off demonstrations, die-ins and blockades. Hundreds of other small actions like trespassing in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan by churchpeople on an Air Force base go largely unreported, but are examples of a wave of resistance to the annihilation which waits in the wings.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Honkie American Detroit’s racist newspaper

The Detroit American is a racist newspaper.

It is written by racists and for racists. Its pseudo-populist rhetoric about defending the little man from “crime in the streets” and fighting against “THE BIG PRESS ESTABLISHMENT” is nothing but subterfuge for its racism.

The American defends itself against attack by saying that the bleeding-hearts can’t bear to have accused criminals referred to as “curs”, “punks”, “whelps”, etc. This, of course, is not the central issue.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Last FE as Capitalist Enterprise reprinted from FE #265, August, 1975

The newspaper you are now holding is the last issue of the Fifth Estate--the last issue of a failing capitalist enterprise, the last issue to appear in coin-boxes, and the last issue produced as a commodity dependent on advertising revenue for support, and the hiring of wage workers for its production.


Fifth Estate Collective
The League of Revolutionary Black Workers

The League of Revolutionary Black Workers Demand:

  1. Halt UAW racism. 50% representation for black workers on the international executive board and international staff. Open skilled trades and apprenticeships to black workers. Recognition of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers and its affiliates as the official spokesman for black workers.

  2. That the grievance procedure be completely revised so that grievances are settled immediately on the job by workers in the plant involved.

  3. Elimination of all safety and health hazards in the auto industry. This means cleaning the air in the foundry and redesigning dangerous machinery and production cut backs on hazardous jobs.

  4. The union must fight vigorously against speed ups and increases in production standards. The companies should double the size of their work force to meet the present workload.

  5. The union must fight for a five-hour work-day and a four-day work-week. The profit level of industry is high enough to allow for more leisure time for workers.

  6. The union must fight for an immediate doubling of the wages of all production workers. Since 1960 wages of black workers have risen less than 25%. Yet profits have risen more than 90%.

  7. A cut in union dues. The union already collects $10 million a month from its members and can’t defend the rights of the workers.

  8. The end of the checkoff of union dues. While the checkoff was progressive in the ‘30s, today it prevents workers from disciplining poor union leadership.

  9. That all UAW investment funds be used to finance economic development in the black community under programs of self-determination.

  10. That the union end its collusion with the United Foundation. Black workers should contribute only to black controlled charities working for the benefit of the black community.

  11. That all monies expended for political campaigns by the UAW be turned over to the League of Revolutionary Black Workers and the Black United Front for black controlled and directed political work.

  12. That the UAW end its collusion with the CIA, the FBI and all other white racist spy institutions.

  13. That the UAW end all interference in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the black community.

  14. An end to the harassment of black revolutionaries and their leaders by the auto companies with UAW cooperation.

  15. That the UAW use its political and strike powers to call a General Strike to demand:


Fifth Estate Collective
The Left and Sexual Repression reprinted from FE #270, March, 1976

The role of religion within authority’s Holy Trinity--the compulsive family, religion, and the State--with its blatant anti-sexual ideology and its historic record of service to totalitarianism, is easily understood as an institution of repression, and most revolutionaries quickly reject overt religious mysticism of all varieties.


Fifth Estate Collective
Fredy Perlman

The Machine against the Garden 2 Essays by Fredy Perlman

Critiques of economic development, material progress, technology and industry are not a discovery of the Fifth Estate. Human beings resisted the incursions from the earliest days, and many of North America’s best-known 19th century writers, among them Melville, Hawthorn and Thoreau, were profound critics of the technological society. Since these writers became “classics of American literature,” and therefore available to all interested readers, defenders of official views have had to carry on a “cold war” against them. The most powerful weapon has been the classroom assignment; most students attacked by this weapon never again cracked a book by a “classic.” Other ways of “conquering and pacifying” the classics have been more subtle: the authors were maligned, the works were misinterpreted, the critiques were diverted and at times inverted.


Fifth Estate Collective
The man in the “Fuck the Draft” poster


In 1968, Kiyoshi Kuromiya designed this poster and sent orders by mail. He was arrested by the FBI and charged with sending indecent material through the Post Office. Later that year, after beating the charges, Kuromiya defied the authorities by handing out 2000 of the posters at the Chicago Democratic Convention.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Mouthpiece

Editors’ Note: At long last, here is the legal column we have been promising for several issues. “The Mouthpiece” will be a regular feature of the Fifth Estate and is in keeping with our motto of Serve The People.

However, no one should have any illusions about the law and its majesty; its function is solely to maintain the property and social relationships of capitalist society. Its so-called system of justice is not blind, but rather sees its way clearly to discriminate against the poor, the minorities and the politically active.


Fifth Estate Collective
The New Education: FUD

Editor’s Note: The following is an interview conducted by the Fifth Estate with representatives of the Free University of Detroit, a new independent educational institute which will open it’s doors at the end of the month. A full schedule of courses offered at the Free University is printed elsewhere in the paper.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Photography of Leni Sinclair

Leni Sinclair, 1960s

Using the descriptor, ironic, to define almost anything has become an overused cliché. However, Leni Sinclair’s 1966 photo of John Coltrane taken at Detroit’s Drome Lounge deserves that adjective. The image has been displayed in museums and reproduced hundreds of times.

Leni Sinclair’s photos first appeared in the Fifth Estate that same year in the then-tabloid’s second edition. Although the paper’s content was filled with articles about opposition to the Vietnam War and support for civil rights, the cover story was entitled, “The New Sound of Sound,” written under her full name, Magdalene Sinclair, and was accompanied by her photographs of Detroit musicians who were turning the world of jazz upside down [FE #2, December 2–16, 1965].


Fifth Estate Collective
The Refusal to Be Ruled Theme intro

Revolutions, Revolts, Riots, and Rebellions have been a constant in human affairs since the emergence of the state 8,000 years ago. They are popular responses to life being administered by a political apparatus which governs on behalf of a class of rulers. They are sometimes planned; other times, spontaneous.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Revolted! Show

A Political Art Show—January 22-February 12, 2017

Produced by 333 Midland at their Annex Gallery,

Highland Park, Michigan

Cary Loren, found urinal, gold paint, stickers

Curator: Rick Cronn

33 Artists; 66 works

333 Midland is located in a complex of abandoned postindustrial factories brought back to life by a renaissance of Detroit artists.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Rising of the Women Fifth Estate History

This issue of the Fifth Estate, appearing on the 61st anniversary of International Women’s Day, is dedicated to all our sisters around the world. It is the product of the Fifth Estate staff, women from the Women’s Media Co-op and women involved in other activities around the city.

When we started work on this paper, many of us didn’t know each other. Most of us had few newspaper skills and some of us had never written before. But we decided to pool our skills, energy and time-we were determined to put out a good newspaper.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Rising of the Women reprint from Fifth Estate Women’s Issue, March 4–17, 1971


This issue of the Fifth Estate, [#126, March 4–17, 1971] appearing on the 61ist anniversary of International Women’s Day, is dedicated to all our sisters around the world. It is the product of the Fifth Estate staff, women from the Women’s Media Co-op, and women involved in other activities around the city.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Rising of the Women

This issue of the Fifth Estate, appearing on the 61st anniversary of International Women’s Day, is dedicated to all our sisters around the world. It is the product of the Fifth Estate staff, women front the Women’s Media Co-op and women involved in other activities around the city.

In this issue of the paper we wanted the chance to express our ideas, art, anger and feelings about our own lives. We wanted to publicize and support the struggles of women in other countries. We also hoped that by making available a list of women’s organizations and services, we would make it easier for women to meet together and find activities they would like to participate in.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Rumble, Issue 1

Anti-Racist Action Challenging The Right (Fifth Estate Collective)

Detroit Anti-Racist Action (ARA) formed over a year ago. Since its formation, it has been involved in campaigns against the gentrification of downtown Detroit with all the money going to rich folks (Illich, Ford, etc.) who don’t live in the city or really care about the welfare of people who live here. We have been involved in supporting groups like UPSET, which is fighting for a decent education for Detroit’s children. We have done support work for the Dineh people in the Southwest who are facing forced relocation to benefit big business so they can strip mine the land for coal. We have been involved in fighting the upsurge of right wing groups in the U.S. and the Midwest by working to shut down Nazi and Klan rallies. A recent campaign succeeded in getting Nazis out of an Eastside clubhouse in Detroit.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Sacrifice of Detroit

“What really has me scared is I remember, I was ten years old during the last depression. There had never been much to worry about before. One time I asked my mother what there was for dinner. She told me, “Nothing.”

“I didn’t believe her—there was always something. Not this time though. There was really nothing at all...


Fifth Estate Collective
The San Francisco Mime Troupe

And now ladies and gentlemen...

The San Francisco Mime Troupe is preparing for its third annual cultural assault on Detroit. Presented by this newspaper, the guerrilla theatre group whose home ground is the public parks of San Francisco and Berkeley, will present a new commedia dell’arte play, “The Farce of Patelin,” at Upper DeRoy Auditorium on the WSU campus, October 25, 26, 27 at 8:00 p.m.


Fifth Estate Collective
These men didn’t resist And look what happened...

The draft resistance action at the Cadillac Tower Selective Service headquarters on October 16 and the busloads of people from Detroit who joined the assault on the Pentagon in Washington, DC brought the first winds of the new turn taken by the antiwar movement. People in this country are now moving to BLOCK rather than protest the mobilization of this country’s forces for the inhuman war in Vietnam.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Socialist “Alternative” for Women


To the hysterical marxist-leninist cult, the Spartacist League, the above photos from their publication illustrate their view of what is possible for Asian women: “A woman computer technician in Soviet Central Asia [or] an enslaved Afghan woman under the veil.” That’s what History’s implacable railroad of Progress offers, according to socialist politicians: wage slavery to socialist technology shut inside with machines every day or slavery to a religious patriarchy—some choice. Hopefully, there are women and men with a more liberatory vision than that of these two sad choices.

Fifth Estate Collective
The South End insert

Adamany Resigns (John Hollings)
“Most hated man on campus”

As striking university workers joined forces with Detroit’s labor community at the annual Labor Day Parade, WSU president David Adamany took the Board of Governors by surprise when he called an emergency meeting to give notice of his immediate resignation.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Spectre of Terrorism Haunts the World poster text


CAUTION! There are terrorists among us.


THEY infest this planet from Washington to New York, from Baghdad to London, from Moscow to Jerusalem.

THEY detain millions of hostages every day and give them the ultimatum—become a slave to the state or an enemy.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Terror Is Not Dead Incident at Boston

“Tell me you support the government’s policy if you like, but don’t try to tell me you didn’t know what was going on.”

—Tom Paxton

The first issue of the Fifth Estate [FE #1, November 19-December 2, 1965] featured a review of DANTON’S DEATH, a powerful drama about the French Revolution. During that performance, our reviewer noted that in many of the programs, several pages were omitted. He later realized that these pages consisted of notes written by the director Herbert Blau. Titled “THE TERROR IS DEAD! LONG LIVE THE TERROR!”, Blau’s insert compared Mao Tse-Tung with Lyndon Baines Johnson in that both are equal distributors of terror.


Fifth Estate Collective
Underground Press Syndicate

The Underground Press

From the “Action Line” column, Detroit Free Press, Wednesday, November 23, 1966:

I saw a bumper sticker on a car that read: “Stamp Out Reality.” Any idea where I could get one?

—M.R., Ferndale.

Fifth Estate Book Store on Plum Street is sending you one. They’ve got the most off-beat selection, about 100 messages to choose from. Caution: Some folks might find a few of ‘em offensive. Proceeds go to a left-wing publication. Most popular stickers are anti-Johnson and anti-Vietnam: “God is Alive—He’s in the White House,” “Draft Beer, Not Students.” Other big sellers: “Support Your Local Batman,” “If You Drive, Don’t Drink (You Might Hit a Bump and Spill Some).” For the uncommitted, there’s one that says, “Bumper Sticker ”


Fifth Estate Collective
The War is Not Over Back cover poster


“Your calendar June, 1968—The body has been there a long time...he has been dead a long time...those of you who want to understand, will understand. —Tom Sincavitch

Fifth Estate Collective
The Wobblies Are Back!

Last year, Starbucks’ “baristas” in New York continued to organize for the first union shop in an outpost of the notorious coffee chain. In January, criminal charges were dismissed against an IWW Starbucks organizer stemming from a march at the 2004 Republican National Convention against the Bush administration’s collaboration with union-busting at the coffee shop giant. IWW Starbucks Workers Union co-founder Daniel Gross was arrested for resisting arrest and disorderly conduct during the protest. He previously rejected a plea bargain to serve a week in jail.


Fifth Estate Collective
The Xerox 6500 A revolutionary copier for a revolutionary world


“Making money” has never been so easy.

Thanks to the Xerox 6500, anything from stock-swindling to bank-liberating is now just a button-touch away! It’s fun, it’s quick, it’s easy, and chances are better than ever there’s a 6500 in the office where you work.

With the 6500, our new, high-quality color copier, anyone can now duplicate all the important-looking documents which were formerly off-limits to the average citizen.


Fifth Estate Collective
They’re at War! No Bombs! No Borders! Abolish All Armies!

They’re at war! They appear nightly on television with their lying speeches trying to defend the growing slaughter. The body bags come home by the hundreds filled with the shattered remains of young men who swallowed the patriotic justifications for war, leaving grieving families, consoled only by the hollow speeches of politicians and generals.


Fifth Estate Collective
Third Reich Rides Again

A recently formed organization set up to oppose West German militarism has complained of that country’s territorial demands on its European neighbors.

The group, the Ad Hoc Citizens Council Against West German Militarism, stated in a letter to this newspaper that the Bonn regime officially claims not only all of East Germany, but large parts of Poland, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, territories that were taken from Germany by the Potsdam Agreement at the close of World War II.


Fifth Estate Collective
This is not the Fifth Estate... ...that is the new movie drama about Wikileaks and Julian Assange.

The U.S. government indicted 13 suspected members of the hacking group Anonymous Oct. 3 accusing them of attacking government, credit card, and lobbying websites. They are charged with “conspiracy to intentionally cause damage to protected computers” as part of Anonymous’ Operation Payback. Defense for these comrades will be forthcoming.


Fifth Estate Collective
This Time This Place Centerfold photo feature


more joy

than fear

more flesh

than mask & it glowed

very clear that this thing

we are doing

evo / revolution

dance / seeding

is way too

important to leave to the joyless

the solemnserious

the hooded men

the power junkies

young or old


See Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.

Fifth Estate Collective
Those who Refused


On July 7, three American GI’s were arrested in New York City as they prepared to speak at an antiwar rally. Pvt. Dennis Mora, PFC James Johnson, and Pvt. David Samas, had, on June 30 held a news conference to announce that they had begun action in court to prohibit the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army from ordering them to Vietnam. With the belief that the war is “unjust, immoral and illegal” they stated that they would report to the Oakland Army Terminal in California on July 13 as ordered but they would refuse to board a ship for transfer to Vietnam.


Fifth Estate Collective
Today’s Television


2 Felix the Cat (Cartoon)

Thinking that they will save the world, Felix & the professor make and sell enough acid to finance a communal farm, but Rock Bottom turns it into a gambling casino.

4 George Pierrot (Travelogue)

George’s guest today is distinguished Korean traveler, Tungsen Park, who shows films of mating customs in a small town in the District of Columbia.


Fifth Estate Collective
Toledo V.C. Village Destroyed “If we don’t stop ‘em there...”

On April 30, the professional headbusters of the Detroit Police Department turned a love-in into a violent hate-in.

On Sunday, May 22, at a Toledo, Ohio mock war show, several hippies and new leftists tried a reverse procedure. They tried to stage a love-in at the cite where the Toledo Chamber of Commerce and the local military had built a Vietcong village which they planned to destroy as an exercise for Armed Forces Day.


Fifth Estate Collective
Tom and Kate

Bridegroom Tom Nixon and Bride Kate Tomaino stand with Ali of Monkey Boutique after their wedding ceremony at St. Joseph’s Church. Photo — Rick Burner.

To the sounds of Dylan’s “Love Means Zero—No Limit”, Tom and Kate were married Sunday, July 7. Tom Nixon, ex-chairman of the Draft Resistance Committee, and Kate Tomaino, of the Cambridge Book Stall on the Wayne Campus, chose St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church as the scene for their Episcopalian-Hindu rites wedding.


Fifth Estate Collective
To Our Readers

Without you reading what we struggle to write and creatively present, there obviously would be no point in our effort. And, without the generous financial support many of you give, we wouldn’t be able to publish at all!

We’re at a critical period for print publications. All daily papers are reporting declines in their readership (of course, in their case, it’s probably desirable), and many radical and anarchist papers are either cutting back on their publication schedule because of financial difficulties, or note no increase in their circulation at a time when the empire is functioning at a particularly vicious level.


Fifth Estate Collective
Toronto Cops Find Themselves Guilty!

When the cops themselves say they acted illegally, you know it’s got to have been bad. It is also rare when the police (smiley-faced when helping kids across the street; brutal, out-of-control mercenaries when unleashed) make their misdeeds public.

So, it was a shock of some proportion to read parts of a 287-page report issued in May by Toronto’s Office of the Independent Police Review on the excessive force, illegal arrests, and attacks on peaceful demonstrators during the June 2010 G-8 meeting in that city.


Fifth Estate Collective
Toronto: Pops

You jump into Toronto all of a sudden after driving four hours through the Ontario countryside.

Our first thought as we drove the station wagon downtown on Yonge St. was, “The youth revolt is international!” It was partly the pop festival that weekend, but all of downtown Toronto looked like Beverly St. when the Grande is playing.


Fifth Estate Collective
Traffic is Normal

Editors’ Note: The following is a press release issued by Detroit Police Commissioner Johannes Spreen at 3:25 am on March 30 following the shoot-out between two police officers and 12 armed black men following a meeting of the New Republic of Africa. Events of the evening are still unclear as we go to press, but next issue we will feature in-depth coverage of the occurrence. All errors were in the original.


Fifth Estate Collective
Trans-Love Closes “See”

The SEE, the new concerthouse opened last month by Trans-Love Energies Unlimited of Detroit, closed its doors after only two weekends in operation.

The hippy-run coffeehouse, which featured music by the MC-5, the Spikedrivers, the Passing Clouds, Billy C. and the Sunshine, and the Charles Moore Ensemble during its brief history, along with lights by the Magic Veil Light Company, ran into business snags that made operation of the cooperative concerthouse impossible, according to former manager and Fifth Estate staff member John Sinclair.


Fifth Estate Collective
Trans-Love Evolves

The Trans-Love Energies operation in the Warren-Forest community has undergone a number of changes lately, according to spokesmen for the hippie cooperative, of which the Fifth Estate is a member group.

The Artists’ WorkZshop, located on John Lodge, has been joined by the group for economic reasons. “We just couldn’t make the rent anymore,” said Trans-Love head John Sinclair, “and the building had pretty much outlived its usefulness to us. We’re hoping that some community group will take over the building and put it to better use.” The Artists’ Workshop Press, at 4863 John Lodge, will remain operative as headquarters for the Trans-Love publishing and printing operation, and will also continue to serve as office quarters for Trans-Love Energies, The Sun, and Detroit LEMAR.


Fifth Estate Collective
Trans-Love Moves

The Trans-Love Energies commune of Detroit, including the MC5 and the Trans-Love Light Company, have left the city of Detroit for good, to settle in Ann Arbor, that green and airy town some 45 miles west of Detroit.

The new address for Trans-Love and affiliates (including the Artists’ Workshop Press, LEMAR, Trans-Love Poster Company, and the Sun) is:


Fifth Estate Collective
Trans-love Move Slowed

The Trans-Love commune, as reported in the FIFTH ESTATE two issues back, is planning a move from their quarters on John Lodge and Warren to the corner of Forest and Second Avenues in the Warren-Forest. Originally scheduled for the first of October, the move will be held up until the middle of November due to machinations on the part of property owner Monte Korn, of Korn Realty.


Fifth Estate Collective
Trans-Love Offers Services

The Trans-Love Energies commune is now offering three new services in which you may be interested:

Dave Sinclair, manager of the UP and now resident at 1520 Hill Street in Ann Arbor, next door to the MC5-Trans-Love house, is now taking orders for custom-built speaker cabinets for guitar and p.a. amplifiers and for hi-fi and stereo sets. He will build what you need at a wholly reasonable rate. For example, a new SUNN speaker cabinet for a 200S bass amp would cost you $330 list (without speakers); Dave can do it for under $100. His cabinets are endorsed by the MC5 and the UP—these bands play and praise them.


Fifth Estate Collective
Trans-Love Relocates In Warren-Forest

After two years on the corner of John Lodge and Warren Avenue the Artist’s Workshop (now known equally as Trans-Love Energies) has moved to the campus side of the expressway and will set up shop in a long-vacant former doctor’s office on the corner of Second and Forest.

The workshop, which had its original home in a house at 1252 West Forest, was founded three years ago this month by John Sinclair, Robin Eichele, George Tysh, Charles Moore, Jim Semark, Larry Weiner, Ellen Phelan, Magdalene Sinclair (then Arndt Martine Aligire, and a group of other neighborhood people). At the Forest Avenue headquarters the Workshop established itself through an eight month series of free Sunday afternoon concerts and poetry readings before the house was abandoned after being struck by fire on Memorial Day 1965.


Fifth Estate Collective
Trans-lovers busted The Woodstock Music Festival is over, but it has taken its toll on members of Trans-Love Energies.

A group from Trans-Love had gone to Woodstock, to raise funds for brother John Sinclair’s defense and trial costs.

On the return trip through New Jersey the suspicious looking bunch, traveling in a rented van, were apprehended by the Law. While snooping around the pigs noticed one of the group had a knife. This was all the excuse they needed for searching the entire vehicle. Their efforts produced a substance they claimed to be the taboo weed, marijuana.


Fifth Estate Collective
Trial Begins for Vancouver 5

The Vancouver Five are activists from British Columbia who are currently facing 17 counts of sabotage and conspiracy. Besides being charged with destroying an environmentally damaging hydroelectric generator and firebombing a porn shop, they also are accused of a massive bomb attack on a Toronto cruise missile plant. Our report is from a Toronto supporter of the Five.


Fifth Estate Collective
Trots & Nukes

Apparently there is honor among thieves and the anti-nuclear power struggle has exposed the totally reactionary tendencies of several marxist groups as they line up behind the governments of totalitarian regimes and mouth the same pro-nuclear statements as its most strident capitalist proponents.

One of the more authoritarian of the small Trotskyist sects plaguing the terrain, the Sparticist League has unleashed a torrent of pro-nuclear, anti-demonstrator rhetoric (“eco-freaks” their paper calls them) that rivals New Hampshire Governor Meldrim Thompson.


Fifth Estate Collective
Trots and Nukes

Reprinted from FE #284, July 1977.

Apparently there is honor among thieves and the anti-nuclear power struggle has exposed the totally reactionary tendencies of several marxist groups as they line up behind the governments of totalitarian regimes and mouth the same pro-nuclear statements as its most strident capitalist proponents.


Fifth Estate Collective
Truth Takes a Beating

TEHRAN — In the flurry of yellow ribbons, parades, and righteous indignation at a nation Ronald Reagan characterized as barbaric, the identity of the real barbarians has been obscured. The fact that the Shah was a corrupt despot propped up by the force of U.S. arms was becoming apparent to increasing numbers of Americans prior to the hostage seizure. But after the embassy take-over, the U.S. ideological apparatus was able to shift the public’s awareness from the tyranny of the Shah to the plight of the hostages at the hands of “terrorist fanatics”.


Fifth Estate Collective
TV-2 Interview—POW!

John Watson, the Editor-in-Chief of Wayne State’s revolutionary student newspaper, the South End, has been charged with assault and battery on a TV newsman.

Watson, pleading innocent, was arraigned Feb. 14 in Judge Robert Colombo’s court. A jury trial was set for March 6th. Ken Cockrel is his attorney.


Fifth Estate Collective
Two notes on last issue

Two notes on last issue: It was dated February 1977, skipping the issue which would have been dated January to allow us to bring the publication in line with when the paper actually appeared; you did not miss an issue.

The unattributed quote on the cover of the last issue was by Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) and comes from a section of The Gay Science entitled “The Eulogists of Work” and bears a striking resemblance to contemporary critiques of wage work. A section is reprinted here:


Fifth Estate Collective
Ukraine Another war, another victory for the state

As we write at the end of March, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is at full fury with deaths and destruction increasing daily. By the time you read this, the conflict will hopefully have ended. If not, any number of terrible scenarios may have taken place or are still continuing.

The best outcome will be the thwarting of Vladimir Putin’s plans by Ukrainian resistance, but also by the overthrow of the Russian president by popular forces within Russia. The consequences of a victory for the invaders would be a disaster and only come at a horrendous price.
