Fifth Estate 397, Winter, 2017 Add to the Bookbuilder

Various Authors
Our readers respond
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I appreciate Chellis Glendinning’s criticisms of modern, Western civilization, including modern agriculture, which has been highly detrimental to ecological and social balance in the world. (See “Linear Perspective, Fences & Nature’s Glory,” FE #396, Summer 2016.)
Jan 31, 2017 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Contents of print edition
Cover photo: Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army in Edinburgh, Scotland.
4 Insurgent Rebel Clown Army
L.M. Bogad
7 Cultural Appropriation & Shaming
Rod Dubey
9 The Myth of Che Guevara
11 Ukrainian & Russian Repression
FE Staff
12 The Legacy of Omar Aziz
Leila Al Shami
14 Left Abets Genocide in Syria
Feb 2, 2017 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Fuck Authority
The Poster That Keeps on Going!

When someone on the Fifth Estate staff over 40 years ago came up with the slogan, Fuck Authority, it was printed as a 29” X 22” poster and tucked inside a 1975 issue of the publication, then a monthly tabloid.
On the reverse side was a catalog of titles offered through the paper’s bookstore which was housed in the same space as its public office.
Feb 2, 2017 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Issue intro
Time to Begin!
As we send this issue to the printer, the ghastly Shit Show known as the 2016 American presidential election has not yet concluded, although it will be over when you read this.
While one of the candidates expressed definitively more openly bigoted and authoritarian ideas, neither challenged the basic equation of life within the state and capitalism. The horrors of war, racism, environmental collapse, and oppression will continue regardless of the electoral outcome.
Feb 2, 2017 Read the whole text...
L.M. Bogad
Playing in the Key of Clown
Reflections on the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army

Related: Clown Army Recruiting Poster
At the July 2005 Carnival for Full Enjoyment in Edinburgh, Scotland, riot police mass on the streets with shields and truncheons, fireproof armor; all very imposing. They use their shields to shove protesters, who are dancing in the street without a permit.
But these are no run of the mill protesters. They are the trained cadres of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA), which, since its 2003 founding, has been spreading across the world.
Jan 14, 2017 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Clown Army Recruiting Poster
<strong>Related: Playing in the Key of Clown
when you can join the Rebel Clown Army instead?!</strong>
The U.S. army is no picnic and actually is far worse. Tons of money is poured into the recruiting campaign offering false promises. Our soldiers are being manipulated, fooled, and thrown into horrific situations. For the benefit of corporations and war-profiteers far away from the battlefield.
Jan 14, 2017 Read the whole text...
Rod Dubey
Cultural Appropriation and Shaming
Dreads & Mohawks: To Whom Do They Belong?
On college campuses, in urban squats, at hip city venues, and at anarchist events, one often sees young white people sporting dreadlocks or Mohawk haircuts. However, there has been an increasingly aggressive push-back by those who designate this as cultural appropriation and are confronting and shaming those they deem guilty of the practice.
Dec 14, 2016 Read the whole text...
The Myth of Che Guevara
Live Like him?
Since the 1960s, Ernesto (Che) Guevara has been celebrated in leftist circles, and even among some anarchists, as the model of a revolutionary. A wide variety of musical and theater productions, political posters, T-shirts, bumperstickers, as well as advertisements for vodka, jeans, laundry soap, and promotions for church attendance bear his iconic image and proclaim: “Che, live like him!”
Nov 28, 2016 Read the whole text...
Ukrainian and Russian Repression
Over the past year, ruling elites in Russia and Ukraine—often in collaboration with fascist gangs—intensified active repression of those who dare to express dissident points of view on a wide range of topics, from workers’ demands for back pay, to the rights of ethnic minorities, to antifascist activities.
Jan 21, 2017 Read the whole text...
Leila Al Shami
The Legacy of Omar Aziz
Building autonomous, self-governing communes in Syria
“A revolution is an exceptional event that will alter the history of societies, while changing humanity itself. It is a rupture in time and space, where humans live between two periods: the period of power and the period of revolution. A revolution’s victory, however, is ultimately achieving the independence of its time in order to move into a new era.”
Nov 5, 2016 Read the whole text...
Bill Weinberg
How the American Left Abets Genocide in Syria
Today, many American leftists are accepting and even promoting the propaganda of the dictatorial regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. They overwhelmingly stand on the side of fascism and genocide in that ravaged country.

Nov 8, 2016 Read the whole text...
Panagiotis Tsolkas
June 11th
Eco-Resistance, Prisons and the Making of an International Anarchist Holiday
June 11 brought activists and revolutionaries from across the country together with former prisoners and family members of prisoners for a weekend gathering in Washington, D.C. for a “Convergence Against Toxic Prisons.”
Around two hundred people participated in two days of networking, strategizing, and listening to black liberation fighters Ramona Africa and Jihad Abdulmumit, and recently-released eco-prisoners Eric McDavid and Daniel McGowan. There was a Monday morning march against the prison system’s legacy of building their warehouses of repression on toxic sites across the country.
Nov 19, 2016 Read the whole text...
Marius Mason Support Group
Marius Mason update
Long-Awaited Hormone Therapy Begins

Marius Mason has begun hormone treatment for medical gender transition in a Fort Worth, Texas federal prison after a long awaited decision by officials to allow it.
Mason, assigned female at birth, is an anarchist, environmental activist, and former Fifth Estate writer.
He was sentenced in 2009 to 22 years imprisonment for the 1999 sabotage of a Monsanto laboratory on the Michigan State University campus in East Lansing, and is currently held in a highly restrictive unit at Carswell Federal Medical Center.
Jan 19, 2017 Read the whole text...
Barbara Ruth
Some Friends of Mine
I’d like you to meet some friends of mine
women I write to
women in prison.
Last year I decided corresponding with them was a good way to continue my political work
being too disabled to go to meetings or to demonstrations.
Valerie was the first
a Cherokee-Chicana femme doing long time in Nevada prison.
An artist without art supplies,
she sends me cross-hatch portraits of her sister inmates
rendered with ballpoint on lined paper so thin it tears.
She has cystic fibrosis
at 26 she’s getting old
for someone with CF.
She tries not to think about what that means.
After all, she says,
no one at the jail thinks she’s disabled.
Her job includes scrubbing the bathrooms with bleach
three times a week.
I try to figure a way
to smuggle in a charcoal mask.
Jan 23, 2017 Read the whole text...
Jason Rodgers
Crime as Struggle
Crime as Spectacle
Law is the framework that props up the state, the matrix that nourishes authority. Law is a web of prohibition and mandate. It is one of the mechanisms that ensure that each individual fills an assigned role. It is a particularly complex and abstract system of power.
While there are attempts to use law in constructive ways, such as discourses on rights and liberties, the law is not something that can be used for liberation. It must be rejected and overcome.
Jan 23, 2017 Read the whole text...
MK Punky
Bank Guard
How the Revolution Started (fiction)
He’s outfitted for combat.
Ankle boots; black dungarees; Sam Brown belt with cuffs and mace and other tools of the craft; bulletproof vest; sunglasses; implacable stare.
And a gun, holstered at the moment.
The nametag says whatever you want it to say.
He’s standing in the parking lot, guarding the bank, where inside there must be more money than he will earn in his lifetime.
Jan 5, 2017 Read the whole text...
Bill Weinberg
Bob McGlynn Dies at 60
Visionary of NYC and International Anarchist Scene

Bob McGlynn, a longtime fighter, organizer and visionary in New York City’s anarchist scene, who became known internationally for his solidarity work with activists in the East Bloc, died of a heart attack Aug. 23 at his home in Yonkers. He was 60 years old.
With his long hair, army boots, sleeveless denim jacket and prize-fighter’s build, McGlynn could be taken for a biker. But he was motivated by an intense idealism.
Dec 12, 2016 Read the whole text...
Bob McGlynn
The Psychiatric Industrial Complex
Another Anti-Authoritarian Put Away
FE Note: Bob was working on the article below for us about his psychiatric incarceration. It is unfinished, but is 100% Bob, in its rebellious spirit and its idiosyncratic style.
Another Anti-Authoritarian Put Away
My Christmas bombing of Hanoi began March 10, 2016. No it wasn’t years in a federal pen, but 76 days in “mental” hospitals, 5 stays, and being stuck in harassment and “programs” until at a minimum the end of ’16 is enough; it’s like decades—NOBODY fucks with me.
Dec 12, 2016 Read the whole text...
Rafael Uzcategui
Anarchism in Latin America
The challenge of abandoning our crutches
Rafael Uzcategui is a member of the editorial collective of the anarchist magazine El Libertario, published in Caracas, Venezuela. The below has been excerpted from an entry which originally appeared on his June 2016 blog in Spanish & has been translated by FE staff.
As anarchists struggling against current forms of domination in Latin America, it is important for us to understand the socio-political conditions that have developed in recent years. We also need to reflect on how anarchists have responded to them.
Jan 19, 2017 Read the whole text...
Barry Pateman
The Spanish Revolution 80 Years On
“History is one more battlefield among the many that exist in the class war. We must learn the lessons of the defeats of the proletariat, because they are the milestones of victory.”
—Agustin Guillamon, Ready for Revolution: The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933–1938
In July 1936 there was a military-fascist rebellion against the Spanish bourgeois Republic. It was immediately met by anarchist-inspired armed resistance of the urban proletariat who, after defeating the military rebels in half of Spain, began the revolutionary process of establishing grassroots self-management in expropriated industry.
Dec 7, 2016 Read the whole text...
Victoria G. Smith
Fisherman out of Water
His sunglasses blended with his cropped, black hair, his burnished, obsidian skin toasted from hours toiling under salt-sprayed sun when he’d proudly commandeered, he said, not the rusty white cab cutting through Manila’s Gordian traffic knot, but a sleek, hand-hewn wooden banca,
its bow a knife slicing through the silvery-teal waters off of Masbate Island, taking his place in his age-old clan vocation gathering Neptune’s gifts. But no, not anymore, he said—all these, rejoinders to my polite reply to his innocuous question, how are you, ma’am, as I slid into
Jan 23, 2017 Read the whole text...
Edward Hasbrouck
A New Right for Women
Eligible for the U.S. War Machine
Young women may soon face the same choice at age 18 that men have faced since 1980: whether to register with the Selective Service System for possible military conscription.

Dec 22, 2016 Read the whole text...
Jesús Sepúlveda
Deterritorializing the Nation
Excerpt from The Garden of Peculiarities
In order to deterritorialize the state it is imperative to oppose militarism and its ideological base, the idea of the nation state. If it were possible to suppress the imaginary of the imagined community, those which exist in the diverse nation-building projects, community would become a real group of people with faces and identifiable names.
Dec 30, 2016 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
Bruce Dancis
Draft Card Burning to Stop Vietnam War

Bruce Dancis’ book Resister: A Story of Protest and Prison (Cornell Press, 2014) chronicles his efforts during the Vietnam War to defy the draft and cripple the U.S. war effort.
Fifth Estate: You tore up your draft card and then led a mass burning of them in 1967.
Bruce Dancis: Very few people wanted to fight in the Vietnam War, even those who supported it. There were 27 million draft age men and 25 million didn’t go into the army.
Jan 11, 2017 Read the whole text...
Eric Laursen
Rebel Friendships
What makes a social movement?
Social movements, not establishment reformers, have nurtured and propelled the most important liberatory struggles of the last half-century, from the Civil Rights and Gay Rights struggles to the Feminist Movement to Native American nations recent uprisings against fracking and pipelines.
Social movements create collective engagement, pockets of resistance that “reframe a politics of everyday life,” as activist and academic Ben Shepard writes in his recent book, Rebel Friendships: “Outsider” Networks and Social Movements (2015, Palgrave Macmillan), even as they gather support and ignite overwhelming demands for change.
Jan 19, 2017 Read the whole text...
John Clark
Sam Dolgoff
A Life at the center of American anarchism for seventy years
a review of
Left of the Left: My Memories of Sam Dolgoff by Anatole Dolgoff; Introduction by Andrew Cornell. AK Press, 2016, 391 pp., $22.
Anatole Dolgoff is a great story-teller. He does the kind of writing that is rare on the left. It never seems to occur to most political writers that entertaining people is not a bad thing. It occurs all the time to Anatole.
Jan 21, 2017 Read the whole text...
Penelope Rosemont
Why Surrealism?
“Deliriously & Simply Total Liberation!”
As we explore routes out of today’s stifling, mechanized, crisis-bound world the FE staff opens the magazine’s pages to many forms of subversive research and many flavors of anarchic revolt.
The Chicago Surrealist group Penelope Rosemont discusses below was inspired by the Surrealist movement that began in Europe in the 1920s. Surrealism is a conscious project for utilizing the discoveries of Freudian psychology to subvert the ruling order by images and words, elaborating forms through which people can express and gratify their repressed desires and challenge societal oppression.
Jan 23, 2017 Read the whole text...
Steve Izma
Foreign Anarchists as Boogyman
Monsters Under the Bed
a review of
Transnational Radicals: Italian Anarchists in Canada and the U.S., 1915–1940 by Travis Tomchuk. University of Manitoba Press, 2015, 260 pp.
An illustration early in Travis Tomchuk’s Transnational Radicals demonstrates the popular press’s view of anarchists immediately following the 1886 Haymarket Square Police Riot in Chicago: Johann Most, a radical anarchist, is presented by Harper’s Weekly as a maniacal figure waving a sword and a flag, threatening the reader with “Socialistic War,” while several other well-armed anarchists dive under beds in fear.
Jan 23, 2017 Read the whole text...
Howard Besser
Brazil Impeachment & Left Media
As Bill Weinberg points out (see page 14, this issue), much of the left media shamefully supports odious forces simply because they oppose the U.S. A contemporary example of a significant skewing the facts can be seen in its overwhelmingly biased coverage of the 2016 impeachment of Brazil’s president, Dilma Rouseff.
Nov 17, 2016 Read the whole text...
S. Laplage
Literature not Flyers
a review of
Small Beauty by Jia Qing Wilson-Yangas. Metonymy Press, 2016, $16.95 CAD
During a discussion hosted by Montreal’s L’Insoumise anarchist bookstore and DIRA anarchist library, the novelist Lola Lafon was asked how she includes her politics in her novels.
(A review of her 2014 We Are the Birds of the Coming Storm appears in the Summer 2015Fifth Estate.)
Feb 2, 2017 Read the whole text...
Fifth Estate Collective
International Days of Chalking
Activists in Brattleboro, Vt. are calling for an International Day of Chalking Against State Violence, on Saturday, June 3. Autonomous actions with no central coordination; just get your chalks, go out by yourself or with others, and chalk about war, racism, police killings, prisons, sexual assaults or other issues.
Jan 27, 2017 Read the whole text...